# About In this template I attempt a number of things: * Make the layout of dokuwiki as simple as possible, striping it from any excess features I do not need, such as .discussions.. Simplyfying the layout further. * Fully support Bootstrap 3, with http://bootswatch.com/default/ theme as default, though I prefer ``yeti`` better. * My goal is to build a template in which I can easily publish my frequently used text's, commands, action plans etc for my friends a colleagues to use and add to. # Features * Back to basics, sharing knowledge and information between peers without collatoral. * Easily switch template visuals using pre-populated styles from http://bootswatch.com * Bootstrap 3 ready. * Automatic sidebar that scrolls along with you, collapsing / opening the main header of where you are in the page * Dokuwiki Menu functions out of sight, but just 2 clicks away. # Screenshots 1. [Big width](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/badeendjuh/dokubootstrap-yeti/master/screenshot_big_width.png) 2. [Medium width](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/badeendjuh/dokubootstrap-yeti/master/screenshot_small_width.png) # Installation from Github Do something like the following: 1. Install DokuWiki as you normally would. See [DokuWiki.org](https://www.dokuwiki.org). 2. ```cd dokuwiki/lib/tpl``` 3. ```mkdir dokubootstrapsimplified``` 4. ```cd dokubootstrapsimplified``` 5. ```git init``` 6. ```git pull https://github.com/badeendjuh/dokubootstrap-simplified.git``` 7. Using DokuWiki's admin interface, change the wiki's template to dokubootstrap-simplified. # Customization From the Configuration Manager screen you can change to any of the available bootstrap themes on http://bootswatch.com/ If however you want to substitute the library with your own bootsrap theme you need to be aware of the following files * css/ * bootstrap-.min.css * modifications.css: place minor global modifications to the bootstrap theme here. See included modifications.css, which enables the use of TOC sidebar. * js/ * bootstrap.min.js: compile all your desired plugins into a single minimized javascript file. The included bootstrap.min.js is version 3.0.2 andincludes all plugins. * modifications.js: Contains all javascript additions, including some client-side fixing of markup, adding the scroll behavior to the TOC etc. # Warning This theme is hard-coded to use minified Bootstrap CSS and Bootstrap javascript. Tested with Dokuwiki "Binky" and "Ponder Stibbon". This theme is intended primarily for small sites that are modified by only a handfull of people. Effort has been made to make public facing things look nice, but non-public interfaces (e.g., edit interfaces, admin, configuration settings) may not have been updated and may appear ugly. These should still be functional. When making changes, please have a carefull look at js/modifications.js; it contains some client side fixing of markup, which could be done in the Dokuwiki core code, but that's to deep a change to be included in this template. The comments in the .js file should provide suffiecient clarification on the purpose of each statement. ## Bugs The only major ``bug`` that I am aware of is that, when attempting to upload a new file to the median manager, a file upload button might not appear. Click on the words "select files..." and the file upload select box will appear. # DokuWiki Specifics This template supports the use of a ```nav.html``` file (a sample is included). Add any Wiki-wide links that you would like to, with each link being inside an li element. I tried adding support for a Wiki-based navigation page, instead of raw HTML, but due to how DokuWiki outputs lists, the output clashed with existing CSS and was unusable. This template does support a ```footer.html``` file, which will be output after the page information and site license. This template does support a ```meta.html``` file, which will be output right before the head element is closed. # Acknowledgements This theme started as a fork from https://github.com/ryanwmoore/dokutwitterbootstrap So big thanks to Ryan. Also, this template would not exists without http://getbootstrap.com and http://bootswatch.com # License This DokuWiki theme is based off of the [dokutwitterbootstrap Template](https://github.com/ryanwmoore/dokutwitterbootstrap), released under GPL v2.0. Therefore, this template is also released under that license. I've modified the template to make even more use of Twitter Bootstrap code/functionality. Twitter Bootstrap is licensed under Apache License v2.0. According to http://www.apache.org/licenses/GPL-compatibility.html , the Free Software Foundation does not consider GPL2 to be compatible with Apache 2.0. I don't really know how much it matters to the average user. Consult a lawyer if you're worried about this potential incompatibility.