html, body, .innercontainerback, .innercontainer { min-height: 100%; } /*html, body, .innercontainerback, .innercontainer { min-height: 100vh; }*/ .autoheight { height: auto; } /* both do the same thing well */ .innercontainer { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .innercontainerback, .innercontainer { width: @ini_site_width; } .innercontainerback, .leftbackbar { left: 50%; margin-left: calc(-@ini_site_width / 2); } .rightbackbar { right: 50%; margin-right: calc(-@ini_site_width / 2); } /* make this half the width of the above, in minus numbers */ /* choose the width of the inner container */ /*.leftbackbar, .rightbackbar { margin-top: 6px; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; }*/ .leftbackbar{ width: 84px; min-height: 100%; background-image: url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/leftback.png'); background-position: left; background-repeat: repeat-y; /*background-color: magenta;*/ opacity: 0.36; z-index: 1; position: absolute; } .rightbackbar{ width: 84px; min-height: 100%; background-image: url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/rightback.png'); background-position: left; background-repeat: repeat-y; /*background-color: magenta;*/ opacity: 0.36; z-index: 1; position: absolute; } .topmenu, .makehigh { z-index: 2; } body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Tahoma, 'Apple SD Gothic Neo', serif; background-image: url('images/backgrounds/asfalt-@{ini_backgroundtone}.png'); /*background-image: url('images/floralback-dark.jpg');*/ background-color: __background__; color: __textcolour__; } .outercontainer { width: 100%; position: relative; } /* what does this css selector mean? find out here */ .innercontainer:first-child, :not(.innercontainer) + .innercontainer { border-top: 3px ridge __background__; /*border-top: 9px solid #cc9999; */ } .innercontainer:last-child { border-bottom: 3px ridge __background__; /*border-bottom: 9px solid #cc9999; */ } .innercontainer { border-left: 3px ridge __background__; border-right: 3px ridge __background__; box-sizing: border-box; background-color: __containerback__; /* #e7e7e7 */ } .graphicalend { width: 100%; background-image: url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/headerback-crop1.png'); /*z-index: 0; position: absolute; opacity: 1;*/ height: 37px; background-size: cover; } /* .graphicalend { border-bottom: 3px ridge __background__; }*/ .pushdown { height: 1em; width: 1px; } /*.magenta { background-color: magenta; } .orange { background-color: orange; } .lightgreyback { background-color: #fafafa; } */ .sidebarback { background-image: url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/sidebar-2-left.png'), url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/sidebar-1-right.png'); /* sidebar 1 and sidebar 2 png/psd have different background colours */ /* sidebar 1 ---> background is white /* sidebar 2 ---> background is #f7f7f7; */ /**/ background-position: left, right, top; background-repeat: repeat-y, repeat-y, repeat-x; /*background-color: __background__;*/ background-color: __sidebarback__; } .footer{ background-image: url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/sidebar-2-left.png'), url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/sidebar-2-right.png'), url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/footergradient2.png'); background-position: left, right, top; background-repeat: repeat-y, repeat-y, repeat-x; background-color: __background__; /* #ececec */ } .featureblock { background-color: __background_alt__; padding: 8px; } ul.toc { list-style-type: none; padding-left: 1em; } ul.toc:first-child { padding-left: 0px; margin-bottom: 0.15em; } .featureblock h1, .featureblock .h2, .featureblock h3 { margin: 0.05em 0px; } .headerpane h1, .websitetitle { font-size: 1.15em; display: inline; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { display: inline-block; color: __headercolour__; } .websitetitle, h1{ background-color: __background__; padding: 0.35em; color: __textcolour__; /*border: 0px solid #f7f7f7;*//* __containerback__;*/ letter-spacing: 0.05em; } .websitetitle:hover, h1:hover{ background-image: url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/topmenu-itemon.png'); background-size: cover; background-color: __sidebarback__; color: __hovercolour__; cursor: pointer; } /*.nofloat { display: inline-table !important; float: none !important; }*/ .flex { display: flex !important; } .sparewidth { flex-grow: 100; } /* make column fill spare remaining width of container */ .makehigh{ display: table; } .makehigh .column { display: table-cell; float: none; } /* all columns same height */ /* */ .column{ float: left; padding: 0px; vertical-align: top; overflow: hidden; text-align: left; border: 0px solid black; min-width: 100px; /*clear: both;*/ } .row{ /* ie inline-block: fix */ /*float: left;*/ /* padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 8px;*/ padding-top: 0px; border: solid #000000 0px; vertical-align: middle; clear: both; display: block; width: 100%; } .headerpane { width: 100%; background-image: url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/headerback.png'); /*z-index: 0; position: absolute; opacity: 1;*/ height: 77px; background-size: cover; } .innercontainerback { /*margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;*/ background-image: url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/leftback.png'), url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/rightback.png'); background-position: left, right; background-repeat: repeat-y, repeat-y; opacity: 0.18; z-index: 1; position: absolute; top: 0px; } .innercontainerback-left { background-image: url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/leftback.png'); background-position: left, right; background-repeat: repeat-y, repeat-y; opacity: 0.18; z-index: 1; position: absolute; top: 0px; } .innercontainer { /* height: 100%; */ opacity: 1 !important; position: relative; z-index: 0; clear: both; } .padding1 { padding-left: 90px; padding-right: 90px; box-sizing: border-box; /*padding-top: 32px;*/ /*margin-top: 32px; */ } .padding2 { padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 92px; } .padding3 { padding: 0.35em 1em; } .padding4 { padding: 0em 100px; } .padding5 { padding: 0.35em 2em; } .padding6 { padding-top: 1em; } // .w200 { width: 200px; } .w200 { width: @ini_sidebar_width; } /* ----- forms ----- */ select { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin-right: 6px; background-color: __formfieldback__; border: 1px solid __formfieldborder__; color: __formfieldtextcolour__; } input, input[type='text'], input[type='password'], textarea { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin-right: 6px; background-color: __formfieldback__; border: 1px solid __formfieldborder__; color: __formfieldtextcolour__; } button, button[type='submit']{ font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin-right: 6px; background-color: __formfieldback__; border: 3px ridge __formfieldborder__; color: __formfieldtextcolour__; } #navcontainer { min-width: 100px; } #navcontainer ul { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; list-style-type: none; margin: 0px; } #navcontainer li { width: 100%; } #navcontainer #navlist li:first-child a { border-top: 1px solid __border__; } #navcontainer a { display: block; padding: 16px; /*background-color: __sidebarmenuoptionback__;*/ border-bottom: 1px solid __border__; } #navcontainer a:link, #navlist a:visited { color: __textcolour__; text-decoration: none; } #navcontainer a:hover { /*background-color: __topmenuback__;*/ /*background-image: url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/topmenu-itemon.png');*/ background-size: cover; /*font-weight: bold;*/ /*padding-left: 16px;*/ color: __hovercolour__; width: 100%; } /* end ____________ */ /* menus */ .topmenu { background-image: url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/topmenuback-left.png'), url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/topmenuback-right.png'), url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/topmenuback-loop.png'); background-position: left, right, middle; background-repeat: repeat-y, repeat-y, repeat; background-size: contain; background-color: __menuback__; width: 100%; height: 34px; } ul.topmenu { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; /*display: table;*/ } .menuoption, .topmenu li { display: inline; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; /*display: inline-block;*/ line-height: 1.85em; float:left; clear: none; /*remove spacing inbetween divs*/ border:0px solid #000000; font-size: 1em; padding: 0px 0.85em; height: 100%; /*margin: 0px 0.15em;*/ color: __textcolour__; } li:hover, .topmenu .active{ display: inline-block; /*display: table-cell;*/ font-size: 1em; /*line-height: 1.85em;*/ color: __hovercolour__; background-image: url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/topmenu-itemon.png'); background-size: cover; /*background-color: green;*/ cursor: pointer; } .topmenu a:link, .topmenu a:visited { color: __textcolour__; text-decoration: none; } .topmenu .active a:link, .topmenu .active a:visited { color: __hovercolour__; text-decoration: none; } a:link, a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: __link__; } a:hover { color: __hovercolour__; } /* _______________ */ /* make the border at the top of the .innercontainer .headerpane look better */ .zindex1 { z-index: 1 !important; } .movedown7 { position: relative; top: 7px; } .is100percentmovedown7 { min-height: calc(100% - 4px); top: 4px; } .fixheaderborder { background-image: url('images/@{ini_imagesubfolder}/headerback.png'); background-color: __headerborder__; position: relative; width: 100%; height: 4px; } .padding6 { padding-top: 0.65em !important; } /* must be smaller than original .padding6 */ /* ____ end ____ */ /* responsive design */ @media screen and (max-width: 1000px) { .innercontainer { width: 100% !important; } .innercontainer, .leftbackbar { margin-left: 0px; left: unset; } .innercontainer, .rightbackbar { margin-right: 0px; } .rightbackbar { right: 0px; } .outercontainer { padding-bottom: 32px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 850px) { div.topmenu { background-image: none; background-color: __topmenuback__; } .padding1 { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; } .leftbackbar, .rightbackbar { display: none; } .padding2 { padding-top: 32px; } .topmenu { height: auto; min-height: 34px; } ul.topmenu { display: table; } /*.padding4 { padding: 0px 13px; }*/ .padding4 { padding: 0px 0px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 700px) { /*div.topmenu { background-image: none; background-color: __topmenuback__; }*/ .padding2 { padding-left: 13px; } ul.topmenu { display: table; padding-bottom: 0.85em;} ul.topmenu li { margin-bottom: 0.85em; } /*.topmenu { height: unset; }*/ .column { display: block !important; } .w200 { width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; } #navcontainer li { display: block; } #navcontainer a:hover { background-size: contain; } .footer, .sidebarback { margin-top: 24px; } }