getConf('tagsOnTop') && $tag = $TPL->getPlugin('tag')) { echo implode('', array_map('trim', explode(',', $tag->td($ID)))); } if ($TPL->getConf('showPageId')) { echo ''. hsc($ID) .''; } ?>

getMessageArea() ?>
includeSidebar('left'); // Left Sidebar ?>
includePage('pageheader'); tpl_flush(); /* flush the output buffer */ // render the content into buffer for later use ob_start(); tpl_content(false); $content = ob_get_clean(); $toc = $TPL->getTOC(true); $content_classes = []; if ($TPL->getConf('tocCollapsed')) $content_classes[] = 'dw-toc-closed'; echo '
'; if ($toc) echo $toc; echo ''; echo '
'; echo $content; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; tpl_flush(); if (! $TPL->getConf('tagsOnTop') && $tag = $TPL->getPlugin('tag')) { echo implode('', array_map('trim', explode(',', $tag->td($ID)))); } // Page-Footer hook tpl_includeFile('pagefooter.html'); // Page-Footer DokuWiki page if ($ACT == 'show') $TPL->includePage('pagefooter'); ?>
getConf('showPageInfo')): ?> getPageInfo() /* 'Last modified' etc */ ?> getConf('showLoginOnFooter')): ?> getToolMenuItem('user', 'login')) { echo 'getLinkAttributes()) .'>'. inlineSVG($login_item->getSvg()) . ' ' . hsc($login_item->getLabel()) .''; } ?>
includeSidebar('right'); // Right Sidebar ?>