* @author Sergio Motta
* @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
$lang['bootstrapTheme'] = 'Tema Bootstrap';
$lang['bootstrapTheme_o_bootswatch'] = 'Tema Bootswatch.com';
$lang['bootstrapTheme_o_custom'] = 'Tema Bootstrap Personalizado';
$lang['bootstrapTheme_o_default'] = 'Tema Bootstrap Convencional';
$lang['bootstrapTheme_o_optional'] = 'Tema Bootstrap Opcional';
$lang['bootswatchTheme'] = 'Selecione um tema de Bootswatch.com';
$lang['browserTitle'] = 'DokuWiki browser title (default is @TITLE@ [@WIKI@]
, where @TITLE@
placeholder replace the current page title and @WIKI@
replace the DokuWiki name) - see title config';
$lang['browserTitleCharSepNS'] = 'Caracter separador para cada espaço de nome no título do navegador';
$lang['browserTitleOrderNS'] = 'Definir a ordem dos espaços de nomes';
$lang['browserTitleShowNS'] = 'Display the previous page name of current page on the browser title';
$lang['collapsibleSections'] = 'Collapse 2nd section level (useful in mobile/tablet devices)';
$lang['cookieLawBannerPage'] = 'Cookie Law banner page name';
$lang['cookieLawPolicyPage'] = 'Cookie Law policy page name';
$lang['customTheme'] = 'Insert URL of custom theme';
$lang['discussionPage'] = 'Discussion page name (default is discussion:@ID@
, where @ID@
placeholder replace the current page name), empty field disable the link';
$lang['domParserMaxPageSize'] = 'Set the max size of the page content for DOM Parser. The optimal and default value is 600000
$lang['fixedTopNavbar'] = 'Fix navbar to top';
$lang['fluidContainer'] = 'Enable the fluid container (full-width of page)';
$lang['fluidContainerBtn'] = 'Display a button in navbar to expand container';
$lang['googleAnalyticsAnonymizeIP'] = 'Anonymize the IP address of visitors';
$lang['googleAnalyticsNoTrackAdmin'] = 'Disable tracking for the Admin users';
$lang['googleAnalyticsNoTrackPages'] = 'Disable tracking for specified pages (insert a regex)';
$lang['googleAnalyticsNoTrackUsers'] = 'Disable tracking for all logged users';
$lang['googleAnalyticsTrackActions'] = 'Track DokuWiki actions (edit, search, etc)';
$lang['googleAnalyticsTrackID'] = 'Tracking ID';
$lang['gravatarURL'] = 'Set Gravatar URL
- http://www.gravatar.com/avatar
- https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar
- https://www.gravatar.com/avatar
(alternative https)';
$lang['hideInThemeSwitcher'] = 'Hide themes in theme switcher';
$lang['hideLoginLink'] = 'Hide the login button in navbar. This option is useful in "read-only" DokuWiki installations (eg. blog, personal website)';
$lang['homePageURL'] = 'Use custom URL for home-page links';
$lang['individualTools'] = 'Split the Tools in individual menu in navbar';
$lang['inverseNavbar'] = 'Inverse navbar';
$lang['landingPages'] = 'Landing page name (insert a regex)';
$lang['leftSidebarGrid'] = 'Left sidebar grid classes col-{xs,sm,md,lg}-x
(see Bootstrap Grids documentation)';
$lang['libravatarURL'] = 'Set Libravatar (or compatible API) URL
- https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar
- http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar
$lang['navbarLabels'] = 'Show/Hide individual label';
$lang['notifyExtensionsUpdate'] = 'Notify extensions update (for Admin users)';
$lang['office365URL'] = 'Set Microsoft Office 365 (or EWS) URL
NOTE: This service requires login, so this use case is most useful in a corporate installation, where all users have access to Office 365.';
$lang['pageIcons'] = 'Select the icons to display';
$lang['pageInfo'] = 'Display/Hide page info elements';
$lang['pageInfoDateFormat'] = 'Date format';
$lang['pageInfoDateFormat_o_dformat'] = 'DokuWiki format';
$lang['pageInfoDateFormat_o_human'] = 'Human readable';
$lang['pageOnPanel'] = 'Enable the panel around the page';
$lang['rightSidebar'] = 'The Right Sidebar page name, empty field disables the right sidebar.
The Right Sidebar is displayed only when the default DokuWiki sidebar is enabled and is on the left
position (see the sidebarPosition configuration). If do you want only the DokuWiki sidebar on right position, set the sidebarPosition configuration with right
$lang['rightSidebarGrid'] = 'Right sidebar grid classes col-{xs,sm,md,lg}-x
(see Bootstrap Grids documentation)';
$lang['schemaOrgType'] = 'Schema.org type (Article
, NewsArticle
, TechArticle
, BlogPosting
, Recipe
$lang['semantic'] = 'Enable semantic data';
$lang['showAddNewPage'] = 'Enable the Add New Page plugin in navbar (require Add New Page Plugin)';
$lang['showAddNewPage_o_always'] = 'Always';
$lang['showAddNewPage_o_logged'] = 'When logged in';
$lang['showAddNewPage_o_never'] = 'Never';
$lang['showAdminMenu'] = 'Display Administration menu';
$lang['showBadges'] = 'Show badge buttons (DokuWiki, Donate, etc)';
$lang['showCookieLawBanner'] = 'Display the Cookie Law banner on footer';
$lang['showDiscussion'] = 'Display discussion link in tools menu';
$lang['showEditBtn'] = 'Display edit button in navbar';
$lang['showEditBtn_o_always'] = 'Always';
$lang['showEditBtn_o_logged'] = 'When logged in';
$lang['showEditBtn_o_never'] = 'Never';
$lang['showHomePageLink'] = 'Display Home-Page link in navbar';
$lang['showIndividualTool'] = 'Enable/Disable individual tool in navbar';
$lang['showLandingPage'] = 'Enable the landing page (without a sidebar and the panel around the page)';
$lang['showLoginOnFooter'] = 'Display a "little" login link on footer. This option is useful when hideLoginLink
is on';
$lang['showNavbar'] = 'Display navbar hook';
$lang['showNavbar_o_always'] = 'Always';
$lang['showNavbar_o_logged'] = 'When logged in';
$lang['showPageIcons'] = 'Display useful icons (print, share link, send mail, etc.) on page';
$lang['showPageId'] = 'Display the DokuWiki page name (pageId) on top';
$lang['showPageInfo'] = 'Show page info (e.g., date, author)';
$lang['showPageTools'] = 'Enable the DokuWiki-style Page Tools';
$lang['showPageTools_o_always'] = 'Always';
$lang['showPageTools_o_logged'] = 'When logged in';
$lang['showPageTools_o_never'] = 'Never';
$lang['showSearchForm'] = 'Display Search form in navbar';
$lang['showSearchForm_o_always'] = 'Always';
$lang['showSearchForm_o_logged'] = 'When logged in';
$lang['showSearchForm_o_never'] = 'Never';
$lang['showSemanticPopup'] = 'Display a popup with an extract of the page when the user hover on wikilink (require Semantic Plugin)';
$lang['showThemeSwitcher'] = 'Show Bootswatch.com theme switcher in navbar';
$lang['showTools'] = 'Display Tools in navbar';
$lang['showTools_o_always'] = 'Always';
$lang['showTools_o_logged'] = 'When logged in';
$lang['showTools_o_never'] = 'Never';
$lang['showTranslation'] = 'Display translation toolbar (require Translation Plugin)';
$lang['showUserHomeLink'] = 'Display User Home-Page link in navbar';
$lang['showWikiInfo'] = 'Display DokuWiki name, logo and tagline on footer';
$lang['sidebarOnNavbar'] = 'Display the sidebar contents inside the navbar (useful on mobile/tablet devices)';
$lang['sidebarPosition'] = 'DokuWiki Sidebar position (left
or right
$lang['sidebarShowPageTitle'] = 'Display Sidebar page title';
$lang['socialShareProviders'] = 'Select the social share links to display';
$lang['tableFullWidth'] = 'Enable 100% full table width (Bootstrap default)';
$lang['tableStyle'] = 'Table style';
$lang['tagsOnTop'] = 'Move all Tags on top of the page, beside the page-id (require Tag Plugin)';
$lang['themeByNamespace'] = 'Use a namespaced theme';
$lang['tocAffix'] = 'Affix the TOC during page scrolling';
$lang['tocCollapseOnScroll'] = 'Collapse TOC during page scrolling';
$lang['tocCollapseSubSections'] = 'Collapse all sub-sections in TOC to save space';
$lang['tocCollapsed'] = 'Collapse TOC on every pages';
$lang['tocPosition'] = 'TOC position';
$lang['tocLayout'] = 'TOC layout';
$lang['useACL'] = 'Use ACL for sidebars (left and right) and for all DokuWiki hooks (eg. :footer
, :navbar
, etc.)
NOTE: Available since "Elenor of Tsort" DokuWiki release';
$lang['useAlternativeToolbarIcons'] = 'Use alternative Material Design Icons for DokuWiki toolbar';
$lang['useAnchorJS'] = 'Use AnchorJS';
$lang['useAvatar'] = 'Load the avatar image from Gravatar, Libravatar, Microsoft Office365 or local DokuWiki :user
$lang['useAvatar_o_gravatar'] = 'Gravatar';
$lang['useAvatar_o_libravatar'] = 'Libravatar';
$lang['useAvatar_o_local'] = 'DokuWiki :user namespace';
$lang['useAvatar_o_off'] = 'Off';
$lang['useAvatar_o_office365'] = 'Office365 (or EWS)';
$lang['useAvatar_o_activedirectory'] = 'Active Directory';
$lang['useGoogleAnalytics'] = 'Enable Google Analytics';
$lang['useLegacyNavbar'] = 'Use legacy and deprecated navbar.html
hook (consider in the future to use the :navbar