* @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) */ class EventHandlers { protected $template; public function __construct(Template $template) { $this->template = $template; /** @var \Doku_Event_Handler */ global $EVENT_HANDLER; # Event => [ ADVISDE, METHOD ] $events_dispatcher = [ 'FORM_QUICKSEARCH_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['search']], 'FORM_SEARCH_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['search']], 'HTML_DRAFTFORM_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['htmlDraftForm']], # Deprecated (2018-07-29) 'HTML_EDITFORM_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['htmlEditForm']], # use FORM_EDIT_OUTPUT in DokuWiki next 'HTML_LOGINFORM_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['htmlAccountFormOutput']], 'HTML_RESENDPWDFORM_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['htmlAccountFormOutput']], 'HTML_PROFILEDELETEFORM_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['htmlAccountFormOutput']], 'HTML_RECENTFORM_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['htmlRevisionsFormOutput']], 'HTML_REGISTERFORM_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['htmlAccountFormOutput']], 'HTML_REVISIONSFORM_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['htmlRevisionsFormOutput']], 'HTML_SECEDIT_BUTTON' => ['AFTER', ['htmlSecEditButton']], 'HTML_SUBSCRIBEFORM_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['htmlAccountFormOutput']], 'HTML_UPDATEPROFILEFORM_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['htmlAccountFormOutput']], 'PLUGIN_TAG_LINK' => ['AFTER', ['pluginTagLink']], 'PLUGIN_TPLINC_LOCATIONS_SET' => ['BEFORE', ['tplIncPlugin']], 'SEARCH_QUERY_FULLPAGE' => ['BEFORE', ['search']], 'SEARCH_QUERY_PAGELOOKUP' => ['BEFORE', ['search']], 'SEARCH_RESULT_FULLPAGE' => ['BEFORE', ['search']], 'SEARCH_RESULT_PAGELOOKUP' => ['BEFORE', ['search']], 'TPL_CONTENT_DISPLAY' => ['BEFORE', ['tplContent']], 'TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['tplMetaHeaderOutput']], 'FORM_CONFLICT_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['commonStyles']], 'FORM_DRAFT_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['commonStyles']], 'FORM_EDIT_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['commonStyles', 'formEditOutput']], 'FORM_LOGIN_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['commonStyles', 'formLoginOutput']], 'FORM_PROFILEDELETE_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['commonStyles', 'formProfileDeleteOutput']], 'FORM_RECENT_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['commonStyles', 'formRevisionsOutput']], 'FORM_REGISTER_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['commonStyles', 'formRegisterOutput']], 'FORM_RESENDPWD_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['commonStyles', 'formResendPwdOutput']], 'FORM_REVISIONS_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['commonStyles', 'formRevisionsOutput']], 'FORM_SEARCHMEDIA_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['commonStyles']], 'FORM_SUBSCRIBE_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['commonStyles']], 'FORM_UPDATEPROFILE_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['commonStyles', 'formUpdateProfileOutput']], 'FORM_UPLOAD_OUTPUT' => ['BEFORE', ['commonStyles']], ]; foreach ($events_dispatcher as $event => $data) { list($advise, $methods) = $data; foreach ($methods as $method) { $EVENT_HANDLER->register_hook($event, $advise, $this, $method); } } } public function test(\Doku_Event $event) { msg('
' . hsc(print_r($event, 1)) . ''); } public function formLoginOutput(\Doku_Event $event) { /** @var dokuwiki\Form\Form $form */ $form = $event->data; $form->getElementAt($form->findPositionByType('fieldsetopen')) ->attrs(['data-dw-icon' => 'mdi:account', 'data-dw-icon-target' => 'legend']); $form->getElementAt($form->findPositionByAttribute('type', 'submit')) ->addClass('btn-success')->attr('data-dw-icon', 'mdi:lock'); } public function formResendPwdOutput(\Doku_Event $event) { /** @var dokuwiki\Form\Form $form */ $form = $event->data; $form->getElementAt($form->findPositionByType('fieldsetopen')) ->attrs(['data-dw-icon' => 'mdi:lock-reset', 'data-dw-icon-target' => 'legend']); $form->getElementAt($form->findPositionByAttribute('type', 'submit')) ->addClass('btn-success')->attr('data-dw-icon', 'mdi:arrow-right'); } public function formRegisterOutput(\Doku_Event $event) { /** @var dokuwiki\Form\Form $form */ $form = $event->data; $form->getElementAt($form->findPositionByType('fieldsetopen')) ->attrs(['data-dw-icon' => 'mdi:account-plus', 'data-dw-icon-target' => 'legend']); $form->getElementAt($form->findPositionByAttribute('type', 'submit')) ->addClass('btn-success')->attr('data-dw-icon', 'mdi:arrow-right'); } public function formRevisionsOutput(\Doku_Event $event) { /** @var dokuwiki\Form\Form $form */ $form = $event->data; for ($pos = 0; $pos < $form->elementCount(); $pos++) { $element = $form->getElementAt($pos); $type = $element->getType(); if ($type == 'html') { $value = $element->val(); $value = str_replace(['positive', 'negative'], ['positive label label-success', 'negative label label-danger'], $value); $element->val($value); } } } public function commonStyles(\Doku_Event $event) { /** @var dokuwiki\Form\Form $form */ $form = $event->data; for ($pos = 0; $pos < $form->elementCount(); $pos++) { $element = $form->getElementAt($pos); $type = $element->getType(); if ($type == 'button') { $element->addClass('btn btn-default mr-2'); } } } public function formUpdateProfileOutput(\Doku_Event $event) { /** @var dokuwiki\Form\Form $form */ $form = $event->data; $form->getElementAt($form->findPositionByAttribute('type', 'submit')) ->addClass('btn-success')->attr('data-dw-icon', 'mdi:arrow-right'); $form->getElementAt($form->findPositionByType('fieldsetopen')) ->attrs(['data-dw-icon' => 'mdi:account-card-details-outline', 'data-dw-icon-target' => 'legend']); } public function formProfileDeleteOutput(\Doku_Event $event) { /** @var dokuwiki\Form\Form $form */ $form = $event->data; $form->getElementAt($form->findPositionByAttribute('type', 'submit')) ->addClass('btn-danger')->attr('data-dw-icon', 'mdi:arrow-right'); $form->getElementAt($form->findPositionByType('fieldsetopen')) ->attrs(['data-dw-icon' => 'mdi:account-remove', 'data-dw-icon-target' => 'legend']); } public function formEditOutput(\Doku_Event $event) { global $lang; /** @var dokuwiki\Form\Form $form */ $form = $event->data; $form->getElementAt($form->findPositionByAttribute('name', 'do[save]')) ->addClass('btn btn-success mr-2')->attr('data-dw-icon', 'mdi:content-save'); $form->getElementAt($form->findPositionByAttribute('name', 'do[preview]')) ->addClass('btn btn-default mr-2')->attr('data-dw-icon', 'mdi:file-document-outline'); $form->getElementAt($form->findPositionByAttribute('name', 'do[cancel]')) ->addClass('btn btn-default mr-2')->attr('data-dw-icon', 'mdi:arrow-left'); } public function htmlSecEditButton(\Doku_Event $event) { $html = new \simple_html_dom; $html->load($event->result, true, false); # Section Edit Button foreach ($html->find('[type=submit]') as $elm) { $elm->class .= ' btn btn-xs btn-default'; } # Section Edit icons foreach ($html->find('.editbutton_section button') as $elm) { $elm->innertext = iconify('mdi:pencil') . ' ' . $elm->innertext; } foreach ($html->find('.editbutton_table button') as $elm) { $elm->innertext = iconify('mdi:table') . ' ' . $elm->innertext; } $event->result = $html->save(); $html->clear(); unset($html); } public function htmlAccountFormOutput(\Doku_Event $event) { foreach ($event->data->_content as $key => $item) { if (is_array($item) && isset($item['_elem'])) { $title_icon = 'account'; $button_class = 'btn btn-success'; $button_icon = 'arrow-right'; switch ($event->name) { case 'HTML_LOGINFORM_OUTPUT': $title_icon = 'account'; $button_icon = 'lock'; break; case 'HTML_UPDATEPROFILEFORM_OUTPUT': $title_icon = 'account-card-details-outline'; break; case 'HTML_PROFILEDELETEFORM_OUTPUT': $title_icon = 'account-remove'; $button_class = 'btn btn-danger'; break; case 'HTML_REGISTERFORM_OUTPUT': $title_icon = 'account-plus'; break; case 'HTML_SUBSCRIBEFORM_OUTPUT': $title_icon = null; break; case 'HTML_RESENDPWDFORM_OUTPUT': $title_icon = 'lock-reset'; break; } // Legend if ($item['_elem'] == 'openfieldset') { $event->data->_content[$key]['_legend'] = (($title_icon) ? iconify("mdi:$title_icon") : '') . ' ' . $event->data->_content[$key]['_legend']; } // Save button if (isset($item['type']) && $item['type'] == 'submit') { $event->data->_content[$key]['class'] = " $button_class"; $event->data->_content[$key]['value'] = (($button_icon) ? iconify("mdi:$button_icon") : '') . ' ' . $event->data->_content[$key]['value']; } } } } /** * Handle HTML_DRAFTFORM_OUTPUT event * * @param \Doku_Event $event Event handler * * @return void **/ public function htmlDraftForm(\Doku_Event $event) { foreach ($event->data->_content as $key => $item) { if (is_array($item) && isset($item['_elem'])) { if ($item['_action'] == 'draftdel') { $event->data->_content[$key]['class'] = ' btn btn-danger'; $event->data->_content[$key]['value'] = iconify('mdi:close') . ' ' . $event->data->_content[$key]['value']; } if ($item['_action'] == 'recover') { $event->data->_content[$key]['value'] = iconify('mdi:refresh') . ' ' . $event->data->_content[$key]['value']; } if ($item['_action'] == 'show') { $event->data->_content[$key]['value'] = iconify('mdi:arrow-left') . ' ' . $event->data->_content[$key]['value']; } } } } /** * Handle HTML_EDITFORM_OUTPUT and HTML_DRAFTFORM_OUTPUT event * * @param \Doku_Event $event Event handler * * @return void **/ public function htmlEditForm(\Doku_Event $event) { foreach ($event->data->_content as $key => $item) { if (is_array($item) && isset($item['_elem'])) { // Save button if ($item['_action'] == 'save') { $event->data->_content[$key]['class'] = ' btn btn-success'; $event->data->_content[$key]['value'] = iconify('mdi:content-save') . ' ' . $event->data->_content[$key]['value']; } // Preview and Show buttons if ($item['_action'] == 'preview' || $item['_action'] == 'show') { $event->data->_content[$key]['value'] = iconify('mdi:file-document-outline') . ' ' . $event->data->_content[$key]['value']; } // Cancel button if ($item['_action'] == 'cancel') { $event->data->_content[$key]['value'] = iconify('mdi:arrow-left') . ' ' . $event->data->_content[$key]['value']; } } } } /** * Handle HTML_REVISIONSFORM_OUTPUT and HTML_RECENTFORM_OUTPUT events * * @param \Doku_Event $event Event handler * * @return void **/ public function htmlRevisionsFormOutput(\Doku_Event $event) { foreach ($event->data->_content as $key => $item) { // Revision form if (is_array($item) && isset($item['_elem'])) { if ($item['_elem'] == 'opentag' && $item['_tag'] == 'span' && strstr($item['class'], 'sizechange')) { if (strstr($item['class'], 'positive')) { $event->data->_content[$key]['class'] .= ' label label-success'; } if (strstr($item['class'], 'negative')) { $event->data->_content[$key]['class'] .= ' label label-danger'; } } // Recent form if ($item['_elem'] == 'opentag' && $item['_tag'] == 'li' && strstr($item['class'], 'minor')) { $event->data->_content[$key]['class'] .= ' text-muted'; } } } } public function tplContent(\Doku_Event $event) { $event->data = $this->template->normalizeContent($event->data); } public function search(\Doku_Event $event) { if ($event->name == 'SEARCH_RESULT_PAGELOOKUP') { array_unshift($event->data['listItemContent'], iconify('mdi:file-document-outline', ['title' => hsc($event->data['page'])]) . ' '); } if ($event->name == 'SEARCH_RESULT_FULLPAGE') { $event->data['resultBody']['meta'] = str_replace( ['', ''], ['' . iconify('mdi:calendar') . ' ', '' . $event->data['resultBody']['meta'] . '' ); } } /** * Load the template assets (Bootstrap, AnchorJS, etc) * * @author Giuseppe Di Terlizzi