# Argon Dokuwiki Template Alternative This is modified from Anchit's [Argon Template]( https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:argon). Major changes: * Page Tools removed from sidebar * Site Tools moved to bottom of sidebar * Auto-styling for personal sidebar headings/lists * Top button sticks to bottom of page * Less intrusive site heading * Updated dokuwiki icons * User dropdown menu * Less dominant breadcrumb pane * Page Tools at the top of the page, following Confluence design ___ Argon - a clean, responsive, modern template for Dokuwiki. https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:argon ![Screenshot](screenshots/1.png) ## Sidebar If you have a sidebar, then put your links (in the sidebar) in bullet points to ensure consistent styling with the rest of the template. ## Styling I've imported the base stylesheet from the argon design system and then added custom styles on top in the ___assets/css/doku.scss___ file. The file is then compiled to CSS using SASS. To do changes and have it compile live, do ``` sass --watch assets/css/doku.scss assets/css/doku.css ``` ## Credits * Dokuwiki template from [Anchit](https://github.com/IceWreck/Argon-Dokuwiki-Template). * Creative Tim for the [Argon Design System](https://github.com/creativetimofficial/argon-design-system) stylesheet. * [Anika Henke](https://github.com/selfthinker) for her starter dokuwiki template. ## More Screenshots ![Screenshot](screenshots/1.png) ![Screenshot](screenshots/3.png) ![Screenshot](screenshots/2.png)