* @author Modified Paul Minifie
//highlight current page
//highlight visitied pages - does a record exist? how does trace work?
* Display page index
* @author Andreas Gohr
* @author Paul Minifie
* from html.php
function html_index_mod ($ns){
global $conf;
global $ID;
//added for debug
global $ACT;
global $debug;
$dir = $conf['datadir'];
$ns = cleanID($ns);
#fixme use appropriate function
$ns = dirname(str_replace(':','/',$ID));
if($ns == '.') $ns ='';
$ns = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':','/',$ns));
//search_index_title returns an array of arrays, a tree for each of the nodes in the IDX
//so split the IDX into components, each of which have level 0, and add each tree to them, before building the list
$data =array();
search($data,$conf['datadir'],'search_index_title',array('ns' => $ns));
//TODO obsolete - modify to hide pages with a given suffix
//test to see if pagename is a descriptor of an NS and if so, truncate to NS
//only happens if 'nspages' is set in local.php and mod is done and flagged in doku.php
//if ($conf['amanuensis']['dokunsmod'] and $conf['amanuensis']['nspages']){
// $IDdisplay=$ID;
// if (test_nsdescriptor(noNS($ID))==true){
// $IDdisplay = getNS($ID);
// }
//remove pages named the same as the NS
//if 'nspages' is set in local.php and mod is done and flagged in doku.php
if ($conf['amanuensis']['dokunsmod'] and $conf['amanuensis']['nspages']=='true'){
$data =stripNSdescriptors($data);
//$debug['data'] = $data;
$data = build_subindex($data,$IDdisplay);
$pageid = diceID($IDdisplay);
//sets the spacer that appears in the title of the dropdowns
$spacer= array ('id' => ".", 'type' => d, 'level' => 0, 'open' => 1);
$pageid = index_dicedID ($pageid);
$data1 = array_shift ($data);
array_unshift($data1, array_shift($pageid));
$arrlent = count($pageid);
while ($nn < $arrlent){
if (($arrlent - $nn) >0){array_push($data1, $spacer);}
array_push ($data1, $pageid[$nn] );
$data1 = array_merge ($data1, $data[$nn]);
if ($ACT =='edit'){
print html_buildlist_mod($data1,'idx','html_list_index_edit','html_li_index_mod');
print html_buildlist_mod($data1,'idx','html_list_index_mod','html_li_index_mod');
* test to see if name is a namespace descriptor ie, is suffixed with '$conf['amanuensis']['nssuffix']'
* FIXME make suffix a variable (set in doku.php??)
* @author Paul Minifie
function test_nsdescriptor ($name){
global $conf;
if (strpos(strrev($name),strrev($conf['amanuensis']['nssuffix']))===0) {
}else {$return=false;
return $return;
* removes files with the same name as the directory they are in from the dropdown menu
* @author Paul Minifie
function stripNSdescriptors($data){
//global $debug;
$level = 0;
//assumes all directories always come before files at a given level, so only does list once
//so names of directories added to array. if filenames match, they are discarded
//starts by giving each directory an index
while ($data){
if( $l > $level ){
if ($item['type']=='d'){
$nslist[$l][$count[$l]][] = noNS($item['id']);
//$debug['nslist'] = $nslist;
if (is_array ($nslist[$l][$count[$l]])){
if (!in_array(noNS($item['id']),$nslist[$l][$count[$l]])){
//remember current level
$level = $l;
return $ret;
* takes an index file, array()as returned by
* and the IDX, and creates submenus, corresponding to the namespaces
* in form array(array(rootnamespace), array(nextlevelnamespace),....array(deepestnamespace)
* and marks the namespaces of the current name
* @author Paul Minifie
function build_subindex($index, $id){
$temp = diceID($id);
while ($temp){
$search = array_shift($iddice).':';
while ($iddice){
foreach ($return[$level-1] as $item){
//set second bit as component of name
if ($search == $item['id']){
$item['open']=$item['open'] & 2;
//reduce level for submenu items
if (0 === strpos( $item['id'],$search)){
$item['level']= $item['level']-1;
//add item to submenu
$search .= array_shift($iddice).':';
return $return;
* dices $ID into array of form that can be output by html_buildlist_mod
* Function passed to the search function
* @author Paul Minifie
function diceID ($id){
$dice = array();
while ($id){
return array_reverse($dice);
* dices $ID into array of form that can be output by html_buildlist_mod
* Function passed to the search function
* @author Paul Minifie
function diceID_old ($id){
$dice = array();
$colon = true;
while ($colon) {
$colon=strpos($id, ':' );
if ($colon){
$dice[]= substr($id, 0, strpos($id,':'));
$id=substr($id, $colon+1);
$dice[]= $id;
return $dice;
* formats a diced $ID into a form that can be built into an index
* @author Paul Minifie
function index_dicedID ($dicedID){
//FIX_ME this identifies a file as a directory when top level (so the menus work)
array_unshift ($return, array('id'=>array_pop($dicedID), 'type'=>'d','level'=>0,'open'=>1));
while ($dicedID){
array_unshift($return, array('id'=>array_pop($dicedID), 'type'=>'d','level'=>0,'open'=>1));
return $return;
* Build the browsable index of pages
* $opts['ns'] is the current namespace
* @author Andreas Gohr
* @author Paul Minifie
function search_index_title(&$data,$base,$file,$type,$lvl,$opts){
global $conf;
$return = true;
$item = array();
if($type == 'd' && !preg_match('#^'.$file.'(/|$)#','/'.$opts['ns'])){
//add but don't recurse
$return = true;
}elseif($type == 'f' && !preg_match('#\.txt$#',$file)){
//don't add
//modified from andreas' function so return value changed to true in this case, to return the entire index
// #FIXME may be possible to do this with the original function if the namespace is not passed
return false;
//check ACL
$id = pathID($file);
if($type=='f' && auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ){
return false;
// dont add namespace descriptors to the list
//but only if 'nspages' is set in local.php and mod is done and flagged in doku.php ;
if (!($conf['amanuensis']['dokunsmod'] and $conf['amanuensis']['nspages'] and test_nsdescriptor($id))){
$data[]=array( 'id' => $id,
'type' => $type,
'level' => $lvl,
'open' => $return );
return $return;
* Build an unordered list
* Build an unordered list from the given $data array
* Each item in the array has to have a 'level' property
* the item itself gets printed by the given $func user
* function. The second and optional function is used to
* print the tag. Both user function need to accept
* a single item.
* @author Andreas Gohr
. @author Paul Minifie
function html_buildlist_mod($data,$class,$func,$lifunc='html_li_default',$menuid='menu-h',$menuclass='horizontal'){
//$level set at -1, changed from 0 -pm
$level = -1;
$level_init= -1;
$opens = 0;
$ret = '';
$firstul = 1;
foreach ($data as $item){
if( $item['level'] > $level ){
//open new list
for($i=0; $i<($item['level'] - $level); $i++){
if ($i) $ret .= "\n";
//$changed to set class name to level -pm
if ($firstul){
$ret .= "\n";
for ($i=0; $i<($level - $item['level']); $i++){
//close higher lists
$ret .= "\n\n";
//close last item
$ret .= "\n";
//remember current level
$level = $item['level'];
//print item
$ret .= $lifunc($item); //user function
//$ret .= '';// class="li">';
$ret .= $func($item); //user function
//$ret .= '';
//close remaining items and lists
for ($i=0; $i < $level; $i++){
$ret .= "\n\n";
return $ret;
function html_list_index_mod($item){
$ret = '';
$base = ':'.$item['id'];
$base = substr($base,strrpos($base,':')+1);
$ret .= '';
$ret .= $base;
$ret .= '';
$ret .= html_wikilink(':'.$item['id']);
return $ret;
* In edit mode, builds the links with
* User function for html_buildlist()
* @author Andreas Gohr
* @author Paul Minifie
function html_list_index_edit($item){
$ret = '';
$base = ':'.$item['id'];
$base = substr($base,strrpos($base,':')+1);
$ret .= ''.noNS($item['id']).'';
//$ret .= '';
//$ret .= $base;
//$ret .= '';
$ret .= ''.noNS($item['id']).'';
return $ret;
* Index item formatter
* User function for html_buildlist()
* @author Andreas Gohr
function html_list_index_mod_old($item){
$ret = '';
$base = ':'.$item['id'];
$base = substr($base,strrpos($base,':')+1);
$ret .= ''; //.'" class="idx_dir">';
$ret .= $base;
$ret .= '';
$ret .= html_wikilink(':'.$item['id']);
return $ret;
* Index List item
* This user function is used in html_build_list to build the
* tags for namespaces when displaying the page index
* it gives different classes to opened or closed "folders"
* @author Andreas Gohr
function html_li_index_mod($item){
if($item['type'] == "f"){
return ''; // class="level'.$item['level'].'">';
return '';// class="open">';
return '';// class="closed">';
* Default List item, modified to insert a link in edit mode
* @author Andreas Gohr
* @author Paul Minifie
function html_li_edit($item){
return '';