* @author Andreas Gohr */ use dokuwiki\Extension\Event; use dokuwiki\File\PageResolver; /** * Print the specific HTML meta headers * * Overrides the original version by modifying the headers and the way it is printed * * @author Sascha Leib * @author Andreas Gohr * * @triggers TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT * @param bool $alt Should feeds and alternative format links be added? * @return bool */ function my_metaheaders($alt = true) { global $ID; global $REV; global $INFO; global $JSINFO; global $ACT; global $QUERY; global $lang; global $conf; global $updateVersion; /** @var Input $INPUT */ global $INPUT; // prepare the head array $head = array(); // prepare seed for js and css $tseed = $updateVersion; $depends = getConfigFiles('main'); $depends[] = DOKU_CONF."tpl/".$conf['template']."/style.ini"; foreach($depends as $f) $tseed .= @filemtime($f); $tseed = md5($tseed); // Open Graph information $meta = p_get_metadata($ID); if (is_array($meta) && array_key_exists('title', $meta) && $meta['title'] !== null) { $head['meta'][] = array('property' => 'og:title', 'content' => tpl_pagetitle($ID, true)); $head['meta'][] = array('property' => 'og:site_name ', 'content' => $conf['title']); $head['meta'][] = array('property' => 'og:type', 'content' => 'website'); $head['meta'][] = array('property' => 'og:url', 'content' => wl($ID, '', true, '&')); if (array_key_exists('description', $meta) && is_array($meta['description'])) { if (array_key_exists('abstract', $meta['description'])) { $parts = explode("\n", $meta['description']['abstract']); if (is_array($parts) && array_key_exists(2, $parts)) { $head['meta'][] = array('property' => 'og:description', 'content' => $parts[2]); // Bing insists in a non-og description: $head['meta'][] = array('name' => 'description', 'content' => $parts[2]); } } } } // the usual stuff $head['meta'][] = array('name'=> 'generator', 'content'=> 'DokuWiki'); if(actionOK('search')) { $head['link'][] = array( 'rel' => 'search', 'type'=> 'application/opensearchdescription+xml', 'href'=> DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/opensearch.php', 'title'=> $conf['title'] ); } $head['link'][] = array('rel'=> 'start', 'href'=> DOKU_BASE); if(actionOK('index')) { $head['link'][] = array( 'rel' => 'contents', 'href'=> wl($ID, 'do=index', false, '&'), 'title'=> $lang['btn_index'] ); } if (actionOK('manifest')) { $head['link'][] = array('rel'=> 'manifest', 'href'=> DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/manifest.php'); } $styleUtil = new \dokuwiki\StyleUtils(); $styleIni = $styleUtil->cssStyleini(); $replacements = $styleIni['replacements']; if (!empty($replacements['__theme_color__'])) { $head['meta'][] = array( 'name' => 'theme-color', 'content' => $replacements['__theme_color__'] ); } if($alt) { if(actionOK('rss')) { $head['link'][] = array( 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type'=> 'application/rss+xml', 'title'=> $lang['btn_recent'], 'href'=> DOKU_BASE.'feed.php' ); $head['link'][] = array( 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type'=> 'application/rss+xml', 'title'=> $lang['currentns'], 'href' => DOKU_BASE.'feed.php?mode=list&ns='.(isset($INFO) ? $INFO['namespace'] : '') ); } if(($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search') && $INFO['writable']) { $head['link'][] = array( 'rel' => 'edit', 'title'=> $lang['btn_edit'], 'href' => wl($ID, 'do=edit', false, '&') ); } if(actionOK('rss') && $ACT == 'search') { $head['link'][] = array( 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type'=> 'application/rss+xml', 'title'=> $lang['searchresult'], 'href' => DOKU_BASE.'feed.php?mode=search&q='.$QUERY ); } if(actionOK('export_xhtml')) { $head['link'][] = array( 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type'=> 'text/html', 'title'=> $lang['plainhtml'], 'href'=> exportlink($ID, 'xhtml', '', false, '&') ); } if(actionOK('export_raw')) { $head['link'][] = array( 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type'=> 'text/plain', 'title'=> $lang['wikimarkup'], 'href'=> exportlink($ID, 'raw', '', false, '&') ); } } // setup robot tags apropriate for different modes if(($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'export_xhtml') && !$REV) { if($INFO['exists']) { //delay indexing: if((time() - $INFO['lastmod']) >= $conf['indexdelay'] && !isHiddenPage($ID) ) { $head['meta'][] = array('name'=> 'robots', 'content'=> 'index,follow'); } else { $head['meta'][] = array('name'=> 'robots', 'content'=> 'noindex,nofollow'); } $canonicalUrl = wl($ID, '', true, '&'); if ($ID == $conf['start']) { $canonicalUrl = DOKU_URL; } $head['link'][] = array('rel'=> 'canonical', 'href'=> $canonicalUrl); } else { $head['meta'][] = array('name'=> 'robots', 'content'=> 'noindex,follow'); } } elseif(defined('DOKU_MEDIADETAIL')) { $head['meta'][] = array('name'=> 'robots', 'content'=> 'index,follow'); } else { $head['meta'][] = array('name'=> 'robots', 'content'=> 'noindex,nofollow'); } // set metadata if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'export_xhtml') { // keywords (explicit or implicit) if(!empty($INFO['meta']['subject'])) { $head['meta'][] = array('name'=> 'keywords', 'content'=> join(',', $INFO['meta']['subject'])); } else { $head['meta'][] = array('name'=> 'keywords', 'content'=> str_replace(':', ',', $ID)); } } // load stylesheets $head['link'][] = array( 'rel' => 'stylesheet', 'href'=> DOKU_BASE . 'lib/exe/css.php?t='.rawurlencode($conf['template']).'&tseed='.$tseed ); $script = "var NS='".(isset($INFO)?$INFO['namespace']:'')."';\n\t\t"; if($conf['useacl'] && $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER')) { $script .= "var SIG=".toolbar_signature().";\n\t\t"; } if($conf['basedir']) { $script .= 'var BASEDIR="'.$conf['basedir']."\";\n\t\t"; } jsinfo(); $script .= 'var JSINFO = ' . json_encode($JSINFO).';'; $head['script'][] = array('_data'=> $script); // load jquery $jquery = getCdnUrls(); foreach($jquery as $src) { $head['script'][] = array( /* 'charset' => 'utf-8', -- obsolete */ '_data' => '', 'src' => $src, ) + ($conf['defer_js'] ? [ 'defer' => 'defer'] : []); } // load our javascript dispatcher $head['script'][] = array( /* 'charset'=> 'utf-8', -- obsolete */ '_data'=> '', 'src' => DOKU_BASE . 'lib/exe/js.php'.'?t='.rawurlencode($conf['template']).'&tseed='.$tseed, ) + ($conf['defer_js'] ? [ 'defer' => 'defer'] : []); // trigger event here Event::createAndTrigger('TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT', $head, '_my_metaheaders_action', true); return true; } /** * prints the array build by my_metaheaders * * Overrides the original version by adding a tab before each line for neater HTML code * * @author Sascha Leib * @author Andreas Gohr * * @param array $data */ function _my_metaheaders_action($data) { foreach($data as $tag => $inst) { foreach($inst as $attr) { if ( empty($attr) ) { continue; } echo "\t<", $tag, ' ', buildAttributes($attr); if(isset($attr['_data']) || $tag == 'script') { if($tag == 'script' && $attr['_data']) $attr['_data'] = "/**/"; echo '>', $attr['_data'], ''; } else { echo '/>'; } echo "\n"; } } } /** * get a link to the homepage. * * wraps the original wl() function to allow overriding in the options * * @author Sascha Leib * * @returns string (link) */ function my_homelink() { global $conf; $hl = trim(tpl_getConf('homelink')); if ( $hl !== '' ) { return $hl; } else { return wl(); // default homelink } } /** * Print the breadcrumbs trace * * Cleanup of the original code to create neater and more accessible HTML * * @author Sascha Leib * @author Andreas Gohr * * @param string $prefix inserted before each line * * @return void */ function my_breadcrumbs($prefix = '') { global $lang; global $conf; //check if enabled if(!$conf['breadcrumbs']) return false; $crumbs = breadcrumbs(); //setup crumb trace /* begin listing */ echo $prefix . "\n"; } /** * Hierarchical breadcrumbs * * Cleanup of the original code to create neater and more accessible HTML * * @author Sascha Leib * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Nigel McNie * @author Sean Coates * @author * * @param string $prefix to be added before each line * */ function my_youarehere($prefix = '') { global $conf; global $ID; global $lang; // check if enabled if(!$conf['youarehere']) return false; $parts = explode(':', $ID); $count = count($parts); $isdir = ( $parts[$count-1] == $conf['start']); $hl = trim(tpl_getConf('homelink')); echo $prefix . "\n"; } /** * My implementation of the basic userinfo (in the global banner) * * * @author Sascha Leib * * @param string $prefix to be added before each line * * @return void */ function my_userinfo($prefix = '') { global $lang; global $INPUT; // add login/logout button: $items = (new \dokuwiki\Menu\UserMenu())->getItems(); foreach($items as $it) { $typ = $it->getType(); if ($typ === 'profile') { // special case for user profile: echo $prefix . '
  • ' . $lang['loggedinas'] . ' ' . userlink() . "
  • \n"; } else { echo $prefix . "
  • getLink()) . '" title="' . $it->getTitle() . '">' . ($typ === 'profile'? userlink() : $it->getLabel() ) . "
  • \n"; } } } /** *Inserts a cleaner version of the TOC * * This is an update of the original function that renders the TOC directly. * * @author Sascha Leib * @author Andreas Gohr * * @param string $prefix to be added before each line * * @return void */ function my_toc($prefix = '') { global $TOC; global $ACT; global $ID; global $REV; global $INFO; global $conf; global $lang; $toc = array(); if(is_array($TOC)) { // if a TOC was prepared in global scope, always use it $toc = $TOC; } elseif(($ACT == 'show' || substr($ACT, 0, 6) == 'export') && !$REV && $INFO['exists']) { // get TOC from metadata, render if neccessary $meta = p_get_metadata($ID, '', METADATA_RENDER_USING_CACHE); if(isset($meta['internal']['toc'])) { $tocok = $meta['internal']['toc']; } else { $tocok = true; } $toc = isset($meta['description']['tableofcontents']) ? $meta['description']['tableofcontents'] : null; if(!$tocok || !is_array($toc) || !$conf['tocminheads'] || count($toc) < $conf['tocminheads']) { $toc = array(); } } elseif($ACT == 'admin') { // try to load admin plugin TOC /** @var $plugin AdminPlugin */ if ($plugin = plugin_getRequestAdminPlugin()) { $toc = $plugin->getTOC(); $TOC = $toc; // avoid later rebuild } } /* Build the hierarchical list of headline links: */ if (count($toc) >= intval($conf['tocminheads'])) { echo $prefix . "\n"; } } /** * Print last change date * * @author Sascha Leib * * @param string $prefix to be added before each line * * @return void */ function my_lastchange($prefix = '') { global $lang; global $INFO; global $conf; $lastmod = $INFO['lastmod']; if (intval($lastmod) > 0) { // is valid date? $longDate = htmlentities(dformat($lastmod)); echo $prefix . "

    \n"; echo $prefix . "\t" . $lang['lastmod'] . "\n"; echo $prefix . "\t\n"; echo $prefix . "

    \n"; } /* user name for last change (is this really interesting to the visitor?) */ /* echo $prefix .'' . $lang['by'] . ' ' . editorinfo($INFO['editor']) . "\n"; */ } /** * Returns a description list of the metatags of the current image * * @return string html of description list */ function my_img_meta($prefix = '') { global $lang; $format = '%Y-%m-%dT%T%z'; /* e.g. 2021-21-05T16:45:12+02:00 */ $tags = tpl_get_img_meta(); foreach($tags as $tag) { $label = $lang[$tag['langkey']]; if(!$label) $label = $tag['langkey'] . ':'; echo $prefix . ''.$label.''; if ($tag['type'] == 'date') { echo ''; } else { echo hsc($tag['value']); } echo "\n"; } } /** * Creates the Site logo image link * */ function my_sitelogo() { global $conf; // get logo either out of the template images folder or data/media folder $logoSize = array(); $logo = tpl_getMediaFile(array(':logo.svg', ':wiki:logo.svg', ':logo.png', ':wiki:logo.png', 'images/sitelogo.svg'), false, $logoSize); tpl_link( my_homelink(), '' . htmlentities($conf['title']) . '', 'accesskey="h" title="[H]" class="logo"'); } /** * Creates the various favicon and similar links: * * @param string $color overwrite the theme color. * * @return null */ function my_favicons($color = null) { $logoSize = array(); /* Theme color: if ($color == null) { // get the style config: $styleUtil = new \dokuwiki\StyleUtils(); $styleIni = $styleUtil->cssStyleini(); $replacements = $styleIni['replacements']; $color = $replacements['__theme_color__']; if ($color== null) { $color = '#2b73b7'; } } echo "\t\n"; */ // get the favicon: $link = tpl_getMediaFile(array(':favicon.ico', ':favicon.png', ':favicon.svg', ':wiki:favicon.ico', ':wiki:favicon.png', ':wiki:favicon.svg'), false, $logoSize); echo "\t\n"; // Apple Touch Icon $logoSize = array(); $link = tpl_getMediaFile(array(':apple-touch-icon.png', ':wiki:apple-touch-icon.png', 'images/apple-touch-icon.png'), false, $logoSize); echo "\t\n"; } /** * inserts the Cookies banner, if appropriate. * This is based on Michal Koutny’s "cookielaw" plugin * * @param string $prefix to be added before each line */ function my_cookiebanner($prefix = '') { // get the configuration settings: $msg = tpl_getConf('cookiemsg', '(no message configured)'); $position = tpl_getConf('cookiepos', 'bottom'); $link = tpl_getConf('cookielink', 'about:cookies'); // if the cookie is already set or position is set to hide, do nothing. if ( isset($_COOKIE['cookielaw']) or $position == 'hide') { return; } // output the HTML code: echo $prefix . "
    \n"; echo $prefix . "\t

    \n"; echo $prefix . "\t\t". $msg . "\r"; echo $prefix . "\t

    \n"; echo $prefix . "\t

    \n"; echo $prefix . "\t\t\n"; echo $prefix . "\t\t"; if ( substr($link, 0, 7) == 'http://' || substr($link, 0, 8) == 'https://') { echo '' . hsc(tpl_getLang('cookie_linktext')) . ''; } else { tpl_pagelink($link, tpl_getLang('cookie_linktext')); } echo $prefix . "\n\t

    \n" . $prefix . "
    \n"; }