* @author Louis Wolf (ChirripĆ³) */ // sidebar configuration settings $conf['sidebar']['enable'] = 1; // 1 or true to enable sidebar functionality, 0 or false to disable it $conf['sidebar']['page'] = tpl_getConf('btl_sidebar_name'); // name of sidebar page $conf['sidebar']['layout'] = 'inside'; // inside (between button bars) or outside (full height of dokuwiki) $conf['sidebar']['orientation'] = 'right'; // left or right // determine the sidebar class $sidebar_class = "sidebar_{$conf['sidebar']['layout']}_{$conf['sidebar']['orientation']}"; // recursive function to establish best sidebar file to be used function getSidebarFN($ns, $file) { // check for wiki page = $ns:$file (or $file where no namespace) $nsFile = ($ns) ? "$ns:$file" : $file; if (file_exists(wikiFN($nsFile)) && auth_quickaclcheck($nsFile)) return $nsFile; // remove deepest namespace level and call function recursively // no namespace left, exit with no file found if (!$ns) return ''; $i = strrpos($ns, ":"); $ns = ($i) ? substr($ns, 0, $i) : false; return getSidebarFN($ns && '', $file); } // display the sidebar function tpl_sidebar() { global $ID, $REV, $conf; // save globals $saveID = $ID; $saveREV = $REV; // discover file to be displayed in navigation sidebar $fileSidebar = ''; if (isset($conf['sidebar']['page'])) { $fileSidebar = getSidebarFN(getNS($ID), $conf['sidebar']['page']); } // determine what to display if ($fileSidebar) { $ID = $fileSidebar; $REV = ''; $sidebar = p_wiki_xhtml($ID,$REV,false); $lines = explode("\n", $sidebar); $open_ul = 0; for($i=0; $i') { $open_ul = $open_ul+1; if ($open_ul == 1) { $lines[$i] = '') != false) { $open_ul = $open_ul-1; } } print implode($lines); } else { global $IDX; html_index($IDX); } // restore globals $ID = $saveID; $REV = $saveREV; } if (!function_exists('tpl_pagename')) { require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/parserutils.php'); /** * Returns the name of the given page (current one if none given). * * If useheading is enabled this will use the first headline else * the given ID is printed. * * based on tpl_pagetitle in inc/template.php */ function tpl_pagename($id=null){ global $conf; if(is_null($id)){ global $ID; $id = $ID; } $name = $id; if ($conf['useheading']) { $title = p_get_first_heading($id); if ($title) $name = $title; } return hsc($name); } } ?>