config = $config; $this->parseEntries($feedReader->getFeed()); } private function parseEntries($feed) { $this->dom = new DomDocument(); $this->dom->loadXml($feed); $this->createXPath(); $r = $this->xpath->query('//atom:feed/atom:entry'); foreach ($r as $node) { $itemType = $this->parseItemType($node); if ($itemType == "note" || $itemType == "attachment") { continue; } $e = $this->createEntry($node); if ($e->getZoteroId() !== "" && $e->getAuthor() !== "" && $e->getTitle() !== "") { $this->entries[$e->getZoteroId()] = $e; } } } private function createXPath() { $this->xpath = new DomXPath($this->dom); $this->xpath->registerNameSpace("atom", ""); $this->xpath->registerNameSpace("zapi", ""); } /** * @return ZoteroEntry */ private function createEntry($node) { $zoteroId = $this->parseId($node); $e = new ZoteroEntry($zoteroId); $this->parseData($node, $e); return $e; } private function parseItemType($node) { $item = $this->xpath->query("./zapi:itemType", $node)->item(0); if ($item == null) { throw new ZoteroParserException("Zotero item type could not be found in node " . $node); } return $item->nodeValue; } private function parseId($node) { $item = $this->xpath->query("./zapi:key", $node)->item(0); if ($item == null) { throw new ZoteroParserException("Zotero ID could not be found in node " . $node); } return $item->nodeValue; } private function parseData($node, ZoteroEntry $e) { $item = $this->xpath->query("./atom:content", $node)->item(0); if ($item == null) { throw new ZoteroParserException("Entry content could not be found in node " . $node); } $json = $item->nodeValue; $data = json_decode($json); $e->setAuthor($this->parseAuthor($data)); if (isset($data->title)) { $e->setTitle(html_entity_decode($data->title)); } if (isset($data->shortTitle)) { $e->setCiteKey(html_entity_decode($data->shortTitle)); } if (isset($data->date)) { $e->setDate(html_entity_decode($data->date)); } } private function parseAuthor($data) { if (count($data->creators) == 0) { return "Author not specified"; } $authorName = ""; $author = $data->creators[0]; if (isset($author->firstName) && isset($author->lastName)) { $firstName = $author->firstName; $lastName =$author->lastName; $authorFormat = $this->config->getConfig("SourceEntries", "authorFormat"); $authorName = str_replace("FIRSTNAME", $firstName, $authorFormat); $authorName = str_replace("LASTNAME", $lastName, $authorName); } elseif (isset($author->name)) { $authorName = $author->name; } if ($authorName == "") { return "Author not specified"; } if (count($data->creators) > 1) { $authorName .= ""; } return $authorName; } } ?>