'Andrew Pilsch', 'email' => 'andrew@pilsch.com', 'date' => '2006-05-31', 'name' => 'admin plugin zip', 'desc' => 'A plugin to create a zip archive of wiki data and to restore the wiki from a previous backup', 'url' => 'http://wiki.pilsch.com/DokuZip', ); } function getMenuSort() { return 50; } function handle() { if (!HAS_PEAR) { $this->msg = "It Appears You Have Not Installed the PEAR Libraries Needed For doku-zip"; return; } $action = $_REQUEST['zip_action']; if (!isset($action)) { return null; } if ($action == 'backup') { $this->msg = $this->zip_create_backup(); } else if ($action == 'restore') { $this->msg = $this->zip_restore_backup(); } } function zip_create_backup() { global $conf; File_Archive::setOption("zipCompressionLevel",9); $stamp = date("Ymd"); $zip_name = "{$conf['title']}-$stamp.zip"; if (USE_CACHE) { $cache = new Cache_Lite( array( 'lifeTime' => 3600, 'cacheDir' => TMP_DIR ) ); File_Archive::setOption('cache', $cache); } else { if (!isset($_COOKIE['doku_zip_backup'])) { setcookie('doku_zip_backup', time(), time()+3600, '/'); } else if(file_exists(TMP_DIR.$zip_name)) { # This prevents the problem with double sending zip # files that seems to be a result of the way the # doku admin plugin architecture is constructed. if (isset($_COOKIE['doku_zip_now'])) return; setcookie('doku_zip_now', time(), time()+5, '/'); $_REQUEST['action'] = ''; $dir = opendir(TMP_DIR); while($file = readdir($dir)) { if (preg_match("@.zip$@", $file) && $zip_name != $file) { unlink(TMP_DIR.$file); } } closedir($dir); File_Archive::extract( File_Archive::read(TMP_DIR.$zip_name."/"), File_Archive::toArchive($zip_name, File_Archive::toOutput() ) ); exit; } } if (substr($conf['savedir'],0,1) == "/") { $dir = $conf['savedir']; } else { $dir = DOKU_INC.'/'.$conf['savedir']; } # This prevents the problem with double sending zip # files that seems to be a result of the way the # doku admin plugin architecture is constructed. if (isset($_COOKIE['doku_zip_now'])) return; setcookie('doku_zip_now', time(), time()+5, '/'); if (!USE_CACHE) { File_Archive::extract( File_Archive::filter( File_Archive::predOr( File_Archive::predEreg('\.txt$'), File_Archive::predEreg('\.log$'), File_Archive::predEreg('\.gz$') ), File_Archive::read($dir) ), $dest =TMP_DIR.$zip_name ); $dir = opendir(TMP_DIR); while($file = readdir($dir)) { if (preg_match("@.zip$@", $file) && $zip_name != $file) { unlink(TMP_DIR.$file); } } closedir($dir); } File_Archive::extract( File_Archive::filter( File_Archive::predOr( File_Archive::predEreg('\.txt$'), File_Archive::predEreg('\.log$'), File_Archive::predEreg('\.gz$') ), File_Archive::read($dir) ), File_Archive::toArchive($zip_name, File_Archive::toOutput() ) ); exit; } function zip_restore_backup() { global $conf; if (substr($conf['savedir'],0,1) == "/") { $dir = $conf['savedir']; } else { $dir = DOKU_INC.'/'.$conf['savedir']; } if ($_FILES['zip_file']['error'] != 0) { return "Upload Error"; } if (preg_match("@zip@", $_FILES['zip_file']['type'])) { $tmp = TMP_DIR . time().md5($_FILES['zip_file']['name']).'.zip'; move_uploaded_file($_FILES['zip_file']['tmp_name'], $tmp); File_Archive::extract( File_Archive::read("$tmp/", $dir."/"), File_Archive::toFiles() ); unlink($tmp); } else { print '
'; print_r($_FILES); print '
'; return "Not a Zip"; } return "Data Restored"; } function html() { print $this->locale_xhtml('intro'); if (isset($this->msg)) { ?> msg?> zip_create_backup_form(); print "
"; print $this->zip_create_restore_form(); } function zip_create_backup_form() { ?> getLang('create_form_title')?>