* @license GPL 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html */ class admin_plugin_xtern extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin { private $dnld = false; private $check = false; private $wikiRoot; private $dir = NULL; private $accumulator = null; private $broken = array(); private $review = false; private $headers; private $debug_handle = null; function __construct() { $this->wikiRoot = realpath (DOKU_INC. 'data/pages'); $this->accumulator = metaFN('xtern:accumulator','.ser'); // $this->debug_handle=fopen(DOKU_INC.'xtern.txt', 'wb'); } function handle() { if (!isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])) return; // first time - nothing to do $this->output = 'invalid'; if (!checkSecurityToken()) return; if (!is_array($_REQUEST['cmd'])) return; switch (key($_REQUEST['cmd'])) { case 'check_links' : $this->output = 'check_links'; $this->check = true; if(!empty($_REQUEST['dir'])) { $this->dir = $_REQUEST['dir']; } break; case 'download' : $this->output = 'download'; $this->dnld = true; break; case 'review_links' : $this->output = 'reviews'; $this->review = true; } //msg(__DIR__); } /** * output appropriate html */ function html() { $max_time = $this->getConf('max_time'); $ini_max = ini_get('max_execution_time'); $max_time = $max_time > $ini_max ? $max_time : $ini_max; $this->buttons($max_time); if($this->check) { $this->check_links($max_time); } else if ($this->dnld) { $this->downloadPem(); } else if($this->review ) { $this->review_links(); } } function check_links($max_time) { set_time_limit($max_time); $this->disable_ob(); $this->headers = array(); $this->buttons($max_time,$this->dir); if(isset($this->dir)){ $dir = trim($this->dir,':'); $dir = str_replace(':', '/', $dir); $dir = $this->wikiRoot . '/' . $dir; } else $dir = $this->wikiRoot; ptln('

'); echo "Checking: $dir
"; usleep(300000); $site = $this->scanDirectories($dir); echo "Checking links\n
"; echo "\n"; usleep(300000); foreach($site AS $entry=>$data) { $handle = fopen($data['path'], "r"); if ($handle) { $this->parse_dwfile($handle,$data['id'],$data['path']); fclose($handle); } } ptln("
DONE"); ptln('
' . NL); io_saveFile($this->accumulator,serialize($this->broken)) ; // fclose($this->debug_handle); } function review_links() { $reviews_ar = unserialize(io_readFile($this->accumulator ,false)) ; set_time_limit($max_time); $this->disable_ob(); $this->buttons($max_timer); ptln('

'); ptln(''); foreach($reviews_ar as $id=>$errors) { ptln(""); foreach($errors as $error) { $this->do_check($error, "", $id); } } ptln("
DONE"); ptln('
' . NL); } function buttons($max_time = "",$ns="") { ptln('
'); echo $this->locale_xhtml('header'); ptln('
'); //$ns = isset($this->dir) ? $this->dir : ""; ptln('
' .NL); ptln('
'); // output hidden values to ensure dokuwiki will return back to this plugin ptln(' '); ptln(' '); formSecurityToken(); ptln(' '); ptln('  '); ptln('  '); ptln('  '); ptln('  '); ptln('
'); if($max_time) { ptln('
' . $this->getLang('max_time') . ": $max_time"); } ptln('
'); } /** * @ $id wiki page * @ $url broken link address */ function local_url($id,$url) { $id = trim($id,':'); $url = rawurlencode($url); $id = str_replace(array('"', "'"),array(""),$id); return " $id"; } function add_broken($id,$url) { $id = trim($id,':'); if(!isset($this->broken[$id])) { $this->broken[$id] = array(); } $this->broken[$id][] = $url; } function parse_dwfile($handle="",$id, $path) { $in_code = false; $in_file = false; $lineno = 0; while (!feof($handle)) { $lineno++; $buffer = fgets($handle); if($in_code) { if(preg_match("#<\/code>#",$buffer)) { $in_code = false; } else continue; } if($in_file) { if(preg_match("#\<\/file>#",$buffer)) { $in_file = false; } else continue; } if(preg_match("#^\s*\#",$buffer)) { $in_code=true; continue; } if(preg_match("#^\s*\#",$buffer)) { $in_file=true; continue; } if(preg_match("#\#",$buffer)) { if(preg_match('#\.*?https?:\/\/.*?\<\/nowiki\>#', $buffer)) { continue; } } if(preg_match("#\[?(https?://\S+)\]?#",$buffer,$matches)) { preg_match_all("#https?://\S+#",$buffer,$submatches); $num_urls = count($submatches[0]); if($num_urls > 1) { foreach($submatches[0] as $link) { $link = preg_replace("#[^\w\#\?\/]+$#m","",$link); $this->do_check($link,$lineno,$id); } } else { $this->do_check($matches[1],$lineno,$id); } } } } function do_check($url, $lineno = "",$id = "") { $url = trim($url,' )(\\;:-!"\'.,'); list($url,$rest) = explode('|',$url); $header = $id ? "$id" : ""; if(strpos($url, '{{') !== false || strpos($url, '}}') !== false) { if(preg_match("#\{\{https?://(.*?)\}\}#", $url,$submatches)) { $url = $submatches[1]; $url = "submatches: $url"; } else return ""; } $url = trim($url,']'); $status = $this->link_check($url); if($status !="200" && $status !="300" && $status != "301" && $status != "0") { $link =$this->local_url($id,$url); $len = strlen($url); if(strlen($url) > 1024) { $status = "414"; } if($lineno) { $this->add_broken($id,$url); if(!isset($this->headers[$id])) { ptln($header); $this->headers[$id] = 1; } } $trunc = substr($url,0,512); if(strlen($trunc) > strlen($url)) { $url .= '. . .'; } ptln(''); echo $status .": $link:\n
"; usleep(300000); if($lineno) { echo '    line' . " $lineno: $url" . "\n"; } else { echo "    ". $this->getLang('bad_link') . ": $url\n"; } ptln(''); usleep(300000); } } function link_check($url) { $url = trim($url, ' "\'' ); $url=html_entity_decode($url); $ch = curl_init($url); // curl --remote-name --time-cond cacert.pem https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem if($this->getConf('ca_required')) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, __DIR__ . "/ca/cacert.pem"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1); } curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,15); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); //just fetch headers $output = curl_exec($ch); $httpcode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $curl_errno = curl_errno($ch); if($curl_errno) { return "Curl Erro: " .curl_errno($ch) . "--" . curl_error($ch); } curl_close($ch); return trim("$httpcode"); } /*https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1281140/run-process-with-realtime-output-in-php/5956708#5956708 */ function disable_ob() { // Turn off output buffering ini_set('output_buffering', 'off'); // Turn off PHP output compression // ini_set('zlib.output_compression', false); // Implicitly flush the buffer(s) ini_set('implicit_flush', true); ob_implicit_flush(true); // Clear, and turn off output buffering while (ob_get_level() > 0) { // Get the curent level $level = ob_get_level(); // End the buffering ob_end_clean(); // If the current level has not changed, abort if (ob_get_level() == $level) break; } // Disable apache output buffering/compression if (function_exists('apache_setenv')) { apache_setenv('no-gzip', '1'); apache_setenv('dont-vary', '1'); } } /* http://php.net/manual/en/function.scandir.php#80057 */ function scanDirectories($rootDir, $allData=array()) { // set filenames invisible if you want $invisibleFileNames = array(".", "..", ".htaccess", ".htpasswd"); // run through content of root directory $dirContent = scandir($rootDir); foreach($dirContent as $key => $content) { // filter all files not accessible $path = $rootDir.'/'.$content; // echo "$content\n
"; if(!is_dir($path)) { $ext = pathinfo ( $path,PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if($ext !='txt') continue; } if(!in_array($content, $invisibleFileNames) ) { // if content is file & readable, add to array if(is_file($path) && is_readable($path)) { // save file name with path $ns = preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($this->wikiRoot) . '#', "", $path); $ns = str_replace(array('/','\\\\','.txt'), array(':',':'), $ns); $allData[] = array('path'=>$path,'file'=>$content, 'id'=>$ns); // if content is a directory and readable, add path and name }elseif(is_dir($path) && is_readable($path)) { // recursive callback to open new directory $allData = $this->scanDirectories($path, $allData); } } } return $allData; } function downloadPem() { @set_time_limit(60); $SavePath = DOKU_INC . 'lib/plugins/xtern/ca/cacert.pem'; $url = "https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem"; io_makeFileDir($SavePath); $http = new DokuHTTPClient(); $http->max_bodysize = 32777216; $http->timeout = 120; $http->keep_alive = false; $data = $http->get($url); if(!$data) { $this->say('download failed', $url); return; } $fp = @fopen($SavePath,'wb'); if($fp === false) { $this->say('write_fail', $SavePath); return; } if(!fwrite($fp,$data)) { $this->say('write_fail', $SavePath); return; } fclose($fp); $this->say('file_saved', $SavePath); } function say(){ $args = func_get_args(); echo vsprintf("%s: %s\n",$args); ob_flush(); } function write_debug($data) { return; if(!$this->debug_handle) return; fwrite($this->debug_handle, "$data\n"); } }