*/ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'action.php'); class action_plugin_xhtmlruby extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin { var $version = '2009-10-26'; // configurable options var $parse_wiki_text = false; var $parse_toc_text = false; // for now, we operate on Japanese only - TODO: bopomofo and hangul rubification var $re_kanji = "[\x{4E00}-\x{9FFF}\x{3005}\x{30F6}]+"; var $re_kana = "[\x{3040}-\x{30FF}]*"; // s/// patterns var $re_search = ""; var $re_replace = ""; function getInfo() { return array( 'author' => 'Mike "Pomax" Kamermans', 'email' => 'pomax@nihongoresources.com', 'date' => $this->version, 'name' => 'xhtmlruby', 'desc' => 'Converts Japanese 漢字(ふり) into xhtml 1.1 漢字(ふり) markup', 'url' => 'n/a'); } /** * Postprocesses the html that was built from that, to rubify kanji that have associated furigana. */ function register(&$controller) { // initialise variables $this->re_search = "/(".$this->re_kanji.")\((".$this->re_kana.")\)/u"; $this->re_replace = "$1($2)"; // initialise ini variables $inivars = parse_ini_file(DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/xhtmlruby/conf.ini'); if($inivars['parse_toc_text']==true) { $this->parse_toc_text = true; } if($inivars['parse_wiki_text']==true) { $this->parse_wiki_text = true; } // uses a custom hook that needs to be added in html.php, see documentation if($this->parse_toc_text===true) { $controller->register_hook('HTML_TOC_ITEM', 'AFTER', $this, '_rubify_tocitem'); } if($this->parse_wiki_text===true) { $controller->register_hook('RENDERER_CONTENT_POSTPROCESS', 'AFTER', $this, '_rubify'); } } /** * rubify for ToC items */ function _rubify_tocitem(&$event, $param) { $item = &$event->data; $item = preg_replace($this->re_search,$this->re_replace,$item); } /** * rubify for wiki text */ function _rubify(&$event, $param) { // reference to data and associated data type $data = &$event->data[1]; $datatype = &$event->data[0]; // do nothing if the data is not not xhtml (this only generates xhtml ruby markup) if ($datatype != 'xhtml') { return; } // and finally, perform the postprocessing 'en place' $data = preg_replace($this->re_search,$this->re_replace,$data); } } ?>