array( 'args' => array('int'), 'return' => 'date' ), 'getMedia' => array( 'args' => array('string','string'), 'return' => 'array', 'doc' => 'returns list of media in page id named in args1, args 2 is optional namespace' ), 'listNamespaces' => array( 'args' => array('string','array'), 'return' => 'array', 'doc' => 'returns list of wiki namespaces' ), 'pageVersions' => array( 'args' => array('string','int'), 'return' => 'array', 'doc' => 'returns list of page versions' ), 'getPageInfo' => array( 'args' => array('string'), 'return' => 'array', 'doc' => 'Returns a struct with info about the page, latest version.', 'name' => 'pageInfo' ), ' GetMetaData' => array( 'args' => 'string', 'return' => 'string', 'doc' => 'Returns metadata of one or more wiki pages', 'name' => 'GetMetaData' ), ); } function __construct() { $iswin = strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN'; if(!defined('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR')) { $iswin ? define("DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR", "\\") : define("DIREC TORY_SEPARATOR", "/"); } if(class_exists("dokuwiki\Remote\APICore")) { $this->api = new dokuwiki\Remote\APICore(new dokuwiki\Remote\Api()); } else $this->api = new RemoteAPICore(new RemoteApi()); } public function getTime($a) { //return date("Y-m-d s",$a); return date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$a); } public function listNamespaces($namespace="",$mask="") { global $conf; $rootns = $conf['savedir']; $rootns = ltrim($rootns,'./'); if($rootns == 'data') { $rootns = DOKU_INC . $rootns; } if(!$namespace) { $namespace = $rootns; } else $namespace = $rootns . '/pages/'. $namespace; $namespace = rtrim($namespace, '/'); $folder_list = array(); $regex=''; $mask = trim($mask); if($mask) { $mask= json_decode($mask); for($i=0; $i 1) { $regex = implode('|',$mask); } else if(is_array($mask)) { $regex = $mask[0]; } else $regex = $mask; $regex = "($regex)\b"; } $result =$this->find_all_files($namespace,$regex); $regex = '#' . preg_quote($rootns) .'#'; for($i=0;$ifind_all_files("$dir/$value",$regex) as $value) { if(!$regex) { $result[]="$value"; } else if(! preg_match('#'. $regex .'#',"$dir/$value")) { $result[]="$value"; } } } } if(isset($result)) return $result; return array(); } public function getMedia($id,$namespace="") { if($namespace) { $id = "$namespace:$id"; } $path = metaFN($id,'.meta'); if(@file_exists($path)) { $inf_str = file_get_contents($path); $inf = @unserialize($inf_str); if($inf['current']['relation']['media']) { return array_keys($inf['current']['relation']['media']); } $filename = wikiFN($id); if(@file_exists($filename)) { $str = file_get_contents($filename ); if(strpos($str,'{{') === false) return "0"; preg_match_all('/{{(.*?)}}/ms',$str,$matches); $media = array(); foreach($matches[1] as $file) { $result = explode('|', $file); $result = explode('?',$result[0]); $result = trim($result[0]); if(strpos($result,'http://')=== false && strpos($result,'>') === false ){ $media[$result] = 1; } } $media = array_keys($media); if(!empty($media) ) { return $media; } } return "no media data in $path"; } return "no data for $id"; } /** * Returns a list of available revisions of a given wiki page * Number of returned pages is set by $conf['recent'] * However not accessible pages are skipped, so less than $conf['recent'] could be returned * * @author Michael Klier * * @param string $id page id * @param int $first skip the first n changelog lines * 0 = from current(if exists) * 1 = from 1st old rev * 2 = from 2nd old rev, etc * @return array */ public function pageVersions($id, $first = 0) { header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); return json_encode($this->api->pageVersions($id, $first)); } /** * Return some basic data about a page * * @param string $id page id * @param string|int $rev revision timestamp or empty string * @return array * @throws AccessDeniedException no access for page * @throws RemoteException page not exist */ public function pageInfo($id, $rev = '') { $info = $this->api-> pageInfo($id, $rev = ''); $info['lastModified'] = $this->getTime($info['lastModified']); return json_encode($info); } private function resolvePageId($id) { $id = cleanID($id); if (empty($id)) { global $conf; $id = cleanID($conf['start']); } return $id; } function GetMetaData($id) { global $xcom_timezone, $xcom_current,$xcom_prefix,$conf; $contents=""; date_default_timezone_set($xcom_timezone); $xcom_prefix = preg_replace("/.*?\/data\/meta/", "", $conf['metadir']); $xcom_prefix = ($depth = str_replace('/', ':', $xcom_prefix)) ? $depth : ''; if($id === ':' || preg_match("/\:\*$/",$id)) { $id = rtrim($id,':*'); $ns = $conf['metadir'] .'/'. $id; chdir($ns); $this->recurse('.',$contents); } else { $file = metaFN($id,'.meta'); $this->get_data($file,$id,$contents); } $contents = str_replace("\n","",$contents); return $contents; } function recurse($dir,&$contents) { global $xcom_prefix; $dh = opendir($dir); if (!$dh) return; $cur_dir = '/pages' . preg_replace('#^.*?data/meta#',"", getcwd()); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; if (is_dir("$dir/$file")) { $this->recurse("$dir/$file",$contents); } if (preg_match("/\.meta$/", $file)) { $store_name = preg_replace('/^\./', $xcom_prefix, "$dir/$file"); $id_name = PAGES ."$cur_dir${store_name}"; $id_name = preg_replace('/\.meta$/', '.txt',$id_name); $this->get_data("$dir/$file",$id_name,$contents); $contents .= "\n"; } } closedir($dh); } function get_data($file,$id_path,&$contents) { global $xcom_current; $data = file_get_contents($file); $data_array = @unserialize(file_get_contents($file)); $creator =""; $creator_id=""; if ($data_array === false || !is_array($data_array)) return; if (!isset($data_array['current'])) return; $contents .= "\n

\n"; $contents .= "\n" . '' ."\n"; $contents .= "\n"; $contents .= "\n"; $xcom_current = $data_array['current']; $keys = array('title','date','creator','last_change','relation'); foreach ($keys AS $header) { switch($header) { case 'title': $title = $this->getcurrent($header, null); $contents .= "\n"; break; case 'date': $this->process_dates($this->getcurrent('date', 'created'),$this->getcurrent('date', 'modified'),$contents); break; case 'user': if($creator || $creator_id) break; case 'creator': $creator = $this->getcurrent('creator', null); $creator_id = $this->getcurrent('user', null); $this->process_users($creator,$creator_id,$contents); break; case 'last_change': $last_change = $this->getSimpleKeyValue($this->getcurrent($header, null),"last_change",$contents); if($last_change) { $contents .= "\n"; $contents .= "\n"; $contents .= "\n"; } break; case 'contributor': $this->contributors = $this->getSimpleKeyValue($this->getcurrent($header, null),$contents); break; case 'relation': $isreferencedby = $this->getcurrent($header,'isreferencedby'); $references = $this->getcurrent($header,'references'); $media = $this->getcurrent($header,'media'); $firstimage = $this->getcurrent($header,'firstimage'); $haspart = $this->getcurrent($header,'haspart'); $subject = $this->getcurrent($header,'subject'); $this->process_relation($isreferencedby,$references,$media,$firstimage,$haspart,$subject,$contents); break; default: break; } } $contents .= "\n
Title: $title
Last Change$last_change

\n"; $xcom_current = array(); } /* * @param array $ar metadata field * @param string $which which field */ function getSimpleKeyValue($ar,$which="",&$contents) { $retv = ""; $types = array('C'=>'Create','E'=>'Edit','e' =>'minor edit','D'=>'Delete', 'R'=>'Revert'); if(!is_array($ar)) return false; $border = ""; foreach ($ar As $key=>$val) { if(!empty($val)) { if($which == 'last_change') { $border = " style='border-left: 2px solid #4169E1;'"; if($key == 'date') { $val = date("r", $val); } if($key == 'type') { $val = $types[$val]; } } if(empty($val)) { $retv .= "$key:$val\n"; } else $retv .= "$key:$val\n"; } } return $retv; } function process_users($creator,$user,&$contents) { if(empty($creator)) { $contents .= "\n"; return; } $contents .= "Created by: $creator (userid: $user)\n"; } function process_dates($created, $modified,&$contents) { $retv = ""; if ($created) { $rfc_cr = date("r", $created); $contents .= "Date created:".$rfc_cr. "$created\n"; } if ($modified) { $rfc_mod = date("r", $modified); $contents .= "Last modified:" . $rfc_mod . "$modified\n"; } } function insertListInTable($list,$type,&$contents) { $border = " style='border-left: 2px solid green;'"; if($list) $contents .= "$type$list\n"; } function process_relation($isreferencedby,$references,$media,$firstimage,$haspart,$subject,&$contents) { if(!empty($isreferencedby) || !empty($references) || !empty($media) || !empty($firstimage) && !empty($haspart ) &&!empty($subject)) { $border = " style='border-left: 2px solid green;'"; $contents .= "\n"; $contents .= "Relation\n"; } else $border = ""; if(!empty($isreferencedby)) { $list = $this->create_list(array_keys($isreferencedby),$contents); $this->insertListInTable($list,'Backlinks (isreferencedby)',$contents); } if(!empty($references)) { $list = $this->create_list(array_keys($references),$contents); $this->insertListInTable($list,'Links (references)',$contents); } if(!empty($media)) { $list = $this->create_list(array_keys($media),$contents); $this->insertListInTable($list,'Media',$contents); } if(!empty($firstimage)) { $contents .= "First Image$firstimage"; } if(!empty($haspart)) { $list = $this->create_list(array_keys($haspart),$contents); $this->insertListInTable($list,'haspart',$contents); } if(!empty($subject)) { $list = $this->create_list(array_keys($subject),$contents); $this->insertListInTable($list,'Subject',$contents); } } function create_list($ar,&$contents) { $list = "\n
    \n"; for($i=0; $i\n"; } $list .= "
\n"; return $list; } function getcurrent($which, $other) { global $xcom_current; if (!isset($xcom_current)) return ""; if ($other) { if (isset($xcom_current[$which][$other])) { return $xcom_current[$which][$other]; } } if (isset($xcom_current[$which]) && $other === null) { return $xcom_current[$which]; } return ""; } }