*/ // for admin plugins, the menu prompt to be displayed in the admin menu // if set here, the plugin doesn't need to override the getMenuText() method $lang['menu'] = 'xcom XMLRPC Dashboard'; $lang['xmlrpc_fns'] ='For a complete listing with full details see'; $lang['xmlrpc_fns_qualifier']='But the xcom listing may differ from that at dokuwiki.org in particulars that apply to the xcom application.'; $lang['close'] = 'close'; $lang['functions'] = 'Query types'; $lang['select'] = 'Select query'; $lang['send'] = 'Send query'; $lang['url'] = 'Remote URL'; $lang['user'] = 'User name'; $lang['pwd'] = 'Password'; $lang['invalid'] = 'invalid input detected!'; $lang['send'] = 'Send query'; $lang['pageid'] = 'ID'; $lang['pageid_title'] = 'Page, media, or namespace'; $lang['options'] = 'Options'; $lang['options_title'] = 'Options/User-created query'; $lang['howto'] = 'Instructions'; $lang['results'] = 'Show views'; $lang['editable'] = 'Edit'; $lang['pre'] = 'Code view'; $lang['html'] = 'HTML view'; $lang['action'] = 'Action view'; $lang['results_tip'] = 'Open/close output window'; $lang['clear'] ='Clear'; $lang['query'] ='Query'; $lang['noconnection'] ='No connection. Have you set the remote API config options?'; $lang['timedout'] = 'Query returned no result'; $lang['hideallviews'] = 'Hide views'; $lang['pwdview'] = 'View password'; $lang['pwdhide'] = 'Hide password'; $lang['localpwd'] = 'Local password'; $lang['locuser'] = 'Local user'; $lang['locsave'] = 'Local Save'; $lang['locsave_title'] = 'Save remote selection to local server'; $lang['sel_sites'] = 'Remote sites'; $lang['nolocal'] = 'Unable to log into local server'; $lang['noremote'] = 'Unable to log into remote server'; $lang['chkauth'] ='Please check your authorization credentials or try again later'; $lang['success'] = 'success: logged in.'; $lang['nopage'] = 'No page name given'; $lang['notonremote'] = 'Not found on the remote server: '; $lang['nomedia'] = 'No media found for'; $lang['reqmedia'] = 'Requesting remote media'; $lang['noperm']='Create permission needed for'; $lang['noimport'] = 'Unable to import'; $lang['imported'] = 'Imported: '; $lang['uploadperm']= 'Upload permission needed for'; $lang['logoff'] = 'Logging off'; $lang['nologoff'] = 'Logoff function not available'; $lang['localdw'] = 'Local Dokuwiki version ='; $lang['remotedw'] = 'Remote Dokuwiki version ='; $lang['msave'] = 'Saved to local wiki:'; $lang['fsize'] = 'file size:'; $lang['ismedia'] = 'is a media file:'; $lang['savelocalfile'] = 'Click OK to save file to the local wiki:'; $lang['debug'] = 'Debug:'; $lang['action_result'] = 'Action Link Results'; $lang['js']['wrong_count'] = 'Wrong parameter count:'; $lang['js']['no_opts'] = 'does not take options'; $lang['js']['bad_id'] = 'Bad DokuWiki ID'; $lang['js']['date_err'] = 'Date format error. Use yyyy-mm-dd'; $lang['js']['param-err'] = 'requires both a namespace and either a depth or hash entry'; $lang['js']['srch_string'] = 'Required search string missing'; $lang['js']['nofunc'] = 'No Query selected';