# Wiki statistics wikistats Plugin for DokuWiki ## General informations | Title | | | - | - | | Last updated on | 2017-06-28 | | Provides | [Syntax](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugins?plugintype=1#extension__table "List all Syntax plugins"), [Helper](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugins?plugintype=16#extension__table "List all Helper plugins"), [Action](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugins?plugintype=4#extension__table "List all Action plugins") | | Conflicts with | N/A | | Requires | N/A | | Optionally requires | [tag](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:tag "plugin tag") (for displaying tag related stats) | | Similar to | [numberof](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:numberof "plugin numberof"), [stats](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:stats "plugin stats") | | Tagged with | [report](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugins?plugintag=report#extension__table "List all plugins with this tag"), [statistics](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugins?plugintag=statistics#extension__table "List all plugins with this tag") | | Compatible with Dokuwiki | [Release 2017-02-19b "Frusterick Manners"](https://download.dokuwiki.org/src/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-2017-02-19b.tgz "Release 2017-02-19b - Frusterick Manners"),
[Release 2016-06-26b "Elenor of Tsort"](https://download.dokuwiki.org/src/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-2016-06-26b.tgz "Release 2016-06-26b - Elenor of Tsort"),
[Release 2015-08-10 "Detritus"](https://download.dokuwiki.org/src/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-2015-08-10.tgz "Release 2015-08-10 - Detritus"),
[Release 2014-09-29d "Hrun"](https://download.dokuwiki.org/src/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-2014-09-29d.tgz "Release 2014-09-29d - Hrun"),
[Release 2014-05-05a "Ponder Stibbons"](https://download.dokuwiki.org/src/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-2014-05-05a.tgz "Release 2014-05-05a - Ponder Stibbons") | | License | [GNU GPL v2](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php "GNU GPL v2") | All documentation for this plugin can be found at [wikistats plugin page at Dokuwiki](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:wikistats) ## Installation Download the wikistats archive from the [git repo](https://github.com/4x4-chris/wikistats). If you install this plugin manually, make sure it is installed in `lib/plugins/wikistats/` - if the folder is called different it will not work! Please refer to [Dokuwiki plugin general page](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugins) or [Dokuwiki plugin installation instructions](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin_installation_instructions) for additional info on how to install plugins in DokuWiki. ### Add Stat Link to your Template This plugin requires the modification of the template (often `main.php`). Decide where you want to insert the *Stats* link in your template and insert the following code: ```php if (!plugin_isdisabled('wikistats') && ($wikistats =& plugin_load('helper', 'wikistats'))) { $wikistats->add_stats_link(); } ``` Most likely you want to do that in the `/lib/tpl/default/main.php` inside the `
` as follows: ```html
add_stats_link(); ?>  
``` For Dokuwiki "**Release 2017-02-19b Frusterick Manners**", you should process as follows: ```html

``` Now, you have to create the **stats page** following the namespace and name given in the plugin admin configuration (```wiki:statistiques``` is the default value). To create this page, do as usual :smile: And add some code within, for example: ``` ====== Statistiques ====== {{wikistats>ns = -wiki & type = stats}} ``` ## Usage ### Type of stats displayed To display only topic (pages) stats ``` {{wikistats>type = pages}} ``` To display only resources stats ``` {{wikistats>type = medias}} ``` To display all stats (including namspaces and tags (if tag plugin is installed)) ``` {{wikistats>type = all}} ``` > Note that the type parameter is mandatory ### Whitelist/blacklist by namespace By default plugin shows the stats of the entire wiki. To restrict the statistics to a given namespace and its sub-namespaces you can specify its name either directly or using `ns` parameter: ``` {{wikistats>foo & type = pages}} {{wikistats>ns = foo & type = pages}} ``` The `ns` parameter supports both inclusion and exclusion of the namespaces. If a namespace name starts with a minus sign that namespace will be excluded. Also you can assign a number of namespaces as a comma separated list: ``` {{wikistats>ns = -foo & type = pages}} {{wikistats>ns = foo, bar, -bar:baz & type = pages}} ``` The first example will show the pages stats in all namespaces except of “foo”, the second one will include “foo” and “bar” namespaces except of “bar:baz” sub-namespace. > Note that namespaces restrictions are not supported for tags and > namespaces stats ### Multiple parameters syntax If you want to pass a number of parameters to the plugin they should be separated with an ampersand (`&`), for example: ``` {{wikistats>ns = -foo & type = pages}} ``` The above syntax would display pages stats for the entire wiki except for the “foo” namespace. ## Development ### Git repository A public git repository is available [here](https://github.com/4x4-chris/wikistats) ### Bugs and features request Please report issues in the [bug tracker](https://github.com/4x4-chris/wikistats/issues) ### Languages * English * French * Spanish * German ### ToDo / Wish list * Add bargraph display * Allow configuration of bar color * Support namespaces restrictions for tags stats * Handle namespaces with medias and without pages as an error (could be configured) * Color for namespace errors could be configured * Add Docker support for development environnement * Add total for resources and namespaces stats * Add Travis-CI support * Add unit tests: plugin.info.txt compliance ### Changelog * 2017-06-30 * Add screenshot for dokuwiki plugin page * 2017-06-29 * Add TOC support * TOC display could be desactivated in plugin administration * 2017-06-28 * **2017-06-28 release** * 2017-06-27 * Add option to change render style * Add resources types translations * Namespace stats now show medias counts * Update General Informations and Installation instructions * Plugin now display stats even if Tag plugin is not installed * Namespaces are sorted in ascending alphabetical order * Code refactoring * 2017-06-22 * Add stats icon to wiki template * 2017-06-20 * **Initial release** ## FAQ _None actually_ ---- Copyright (C) Chris4x4 <4x4.chris@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. See the COPYING file in your DokuWiki folder for details