# DokuWiki Webex Teams Notifier A DokuWiki plugin that notifies a Webex Teams Webhook of wiki edits. ## Dependency This tool depends on php-curl (and by that also curl). ## Install See instructions at: https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:webexteamsnotifier Or simply clone the repository into your DokuWiku plugins folder: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/greldinard/dokuwiki-rocketchat-integration.git /var/lib/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/webexteamsnotifier ``` Set the right permissions for your webserver. ## Configure 1. Create an Incoming Webhook on Webex Teams, according to https://apphub.webex.com/teams/applications/incoming-webhooks-cisco-systems 2. Enter the webhook into the Webex Teams configuration section in DokuWiki's Configuration Settings. 3. Optionally set notifications only for a set of namespaces in the respective configuration section. ## Example ![Example notification](https://github.com/greldinard/dokuwiki-webex-teams-integration/raw/master/example.png)