ChangeLog ========= 3.0.0 (2015-11-05) ------------------ * Now requires PHP 5.5! * `Promise::all()` is moved to `Promise\all()`. * Aside from the `Promise\all()` function, there's now also `Promise\race()`. * `Promise\reject()` and `Promise\resolve()` have also been added. * Now 100% compatible with the Ecmascript 6 Promise. 3.0.0-alpha1 (2015-10-23) ------------------------- * This package now requires PHP 5.5. * #26: Added an event loop implementation. Also knows as the Reactor Pattern. * Renamed `Promise::error` to `Promise::otherwise` to be consistent with ReactPHP and Guzzle. The `error` method is kept for BC but will be removed in a future version. * #27: Support for Promise-based coroutines via the `Sabre\Event\coroutine` function. * BC Break: Promises now use the EventLoop to run "then"-events in a separate execution context. In practise that means you need to run the event loop to wait for any `then`/`otherwise` callbacks to trigger. * Promises now have a `wait()` method. Allowing you to make a promise synchronous and simply wait for a result (or exception) to happen. 2.0.2 (2015-05-19) ------------------ * This release has no functional changes. It's just been brought up to date with the latest coding standards. 2.0.1 (2014-10-06) ------------------ * Fixed: `$priority` was ignored in `EventEmitter::once` method. * Fixed: Breaking the event chain was not possible in `EventEmitter::once`. 2.0.0 (2014-06-21) ------------------ * Added: When calling emit, it's now possible to specify a callback that will be triggered after each method handled. This is dubbed the 'continueCallback' and can be used to implement strategy patterns. * Added: Promise object! * Changed: EventEmitter::listeners now returns just the callbacks for an event, and no longer returns the list by reference. The list is now automatically sorted by priority. * Update: Speed improvements. * Updated: It's now possible to remove all listeners for every event. * Changed: Now uses psr-4 autoloading. 1.0.1 (2014-06-12) ------------------ * hhvm compatible! * Fixed: Issue #4. Compatiblitiy for PHP < 5.4.14. 1.0.0 (2013-07-19) ------------------ * Added: removeListener, removeAllListeners * Added: once, to only listen to an event emitting once. * Added 0.0.1-alpha (2013-06-29) ------------------------ * First version!