<?php /** * Plugin Webcode: Show webcode (Css, HTML) in a iframe * * @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) * @author Nicolas GERARD */ // must be run within Dokuwiki use dokuwiki\Extension\Event; if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_webcode_basis extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { const EXTERNAL_RESOURCES_ATTRIBUTE_DISPLAY = 'externalResources'; // In the action bar const EXTERNAL_RESOURCES_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = 'externalresources'; // In the code // Simple cache bursting implementation for the webCodeConsole.(js|css) file // They must be incremented manually when they changed const WEB_CONSOLE_CSS_VERSION = 1.1; const WEB_CONSOLE_JS_VERSION = 2.1; /** * @var array that holds the iframe attributes */ private $attributes = array(); /** * @var array That holds the code parts */ private $codes = array(); /** * Print the output of the console javascript function ? */ private $useConsole = false; /** * @param $mode * @param array $instructions * @param array $info - the $info of the renderer to pass context information * @return string|null * Wrapper around {@link p_render()} that pass the $info through tho the created Renderer */ private static function p_render($mode, array $instructions, array &$info) { if (is_null($instructions)) return ''; if ($instructions === false) return ''; $Renderer = p_get_renderer($mode); if (is_null($Renderer)) return null; $Renderer->reset(); if (!empty($info)) { $Renderer->info = $info; } $Renderer->smileys = getSmileys(); $Renderer->entities = getEntities(); $Renderer->acronyms = getAcronyms(); $Renderer->interwiki = getInterwiki(); // Loop through the instructions foreach ($instructions as $instruction) { // Execute the callback against the Renderer if (method_exists($Renderer, $instruction[0])) { call_user_func_array(array(&$Renderer, $instruction[0]), $instruction[1] ? $instruction[1] : array()); } } //set info array $info = $Renderer->info; // Post process and return the output $data = array($mode, & $Renderer->doc); Event::createAndTrigger('RENDERER_CONTENT_POSTPROCESS', $data); return $Renderer->doc; } /** * Syntax Type. * * Needs to return one of the mode types defined in $PARSER_MODES in parser.php * @see https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:syntax_plugins#syntax_types * * container because it may contain header in case of how to */ public function getType() { // formatting ? // container return 'container'; } /** * @return array * Allow which kind of plugin inside * * array('container', 'baseonly','formatting', 'substition', 'protected', 'disabled', 'paragraphs') * */ public function getAllowedTypes() { return array('container', 'baseonly', 'formatting', 'substition', 'protected', 'disabled', 'paragraphs'); } /* * Don't accept the code mode * in order to get the code block * in the DOKU_LEXER_MATCHED state through addPattern */ function accepts($mode) { if ($mode == "code" || $mode == "plugin_combo_code") { return false; } return parent::accepts($mode); } /** * @see Doku_Parser_Mode::getSort() * The mode (plugin) with the lowest sort number will win out * * See {@link Doku_Parser_Mode_code} */ public function getSort() { return 100; } /** * Called before any calls to ConnectTo * @return void */ function preConnect() { } /** * Create a pattern that will called this plugin * * @param string $mode * * All dokuwiki mode can be seen in the parser.php file * @see Doku_Parser_Mode::connectTo() */ public function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('<webcode.*?>(?=.*?</webcode>)', $mode, $this->getPluginMode()); } // This where the addPattern and addExitPattern are defined public function postConnect() { /** * Capture all code block * See {@link Doku_Parser_Mode_code} */ $this->Lexer->addPattern('<code.*?</code>', $this->getPluginMode()); /** * End */ $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('</webcode>', $this->getPluginMode()); } /** * Handle the match * You get the match for each pattern in the $match variable * $state says if it's an entry, exit or match pattern * * This is an instruction block and is cached apart from the rendering output * There is two caches levels * This cache may be suppressed with the url parameters ?purge=true * * The returned values are cached in an array that will be passed to the render method * The handle function goal is to parse the matched syntax through the pattern function * and to return the result for use in the renderer * This result is always cached until the page is modified. * @param string $match * @param int $state * @param int $pos * @param Doku_Handler $handler * @return array|bool * @throws Exception * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::handle() * */ public function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) { switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : // We got the first webcode tag and its attributes $match = substr($match, 8, -1); //9 = strlen("<webcode") // Reset of the attributes // With some framework the php object may be still persisted in memory // And you may get some attributes from other page $attributes = array(); $attributes['frameborder'] = 1; $attributes['width'] = '100%'; $renderingModeKey = 'renderingmode'; $attributes[$renderingModeKey] = 'story'; // config Parameters will get their value in lowercase $configAttributes = [$renderingModeKey]; // /i not case sensitive $attributePattern = "\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*\"?([^\"\s]+)\"?\\s*"; $result = preg_match_all('/' . $attributePattern . '/i', $match, $matches); if ($result != 0) { foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $lang) { $attributeKey = strtolower($lang); $attributeValue = $matches[2][$key]; if (in_array($attributeKey, $configAttributes)) { $attributeValue = strtolower($attributeValue); } $attributes[$attributeKey] = $attributeValue; } } // We set the attributes on a class scope // to be used in the DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED step $this->attributes = $attributes; // Cache the values to be used by the render method return array($state, $attributes); /** * The code block as asked * by addPattern() into {@link postConnect} */ case DOKU_LEXER_MATCHED: $xhtmlWebCode = ""; // We got the content between the webcode tag and its attributes // We parse it in order to extract the code in the codes array $codes = array(); /** * Does the javascript contains a console statement */ $useConsole = false; // Regexp Pattern to parse the codes block $codePattern = "<code\s*([^>\s]*)\s*([^>\s]*)>(.+?)<\/code>"; // The first group is the lang // The second group is the file name and options // The third group is the code $result = preg_match_all('/' . $codePattern . '/msi', $match, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); if ($result) { // Loop through the block codes foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $lang) { // Get the code (The content between the code nodes) // We ltrim because the match gives us the \n at the beginning and at the end $code = ltrim($matches[3][$key]); // String are in lowercase $lowerCodeName = strtolower($lang); // Xml is html if ($lowerCodeName == 'xml') { $lowerCodeName = 'html'; } // If the code doesn't exist in the array, index it otherwise append it if (!array_key_exists($lowerCodeName, $codes)) { $codes[$lowerCodeName] = $code; } else { $codes[$lowerCodeName] = $codes[$lowerCodeName] . $code; } // Check if a javascript console function is used, only if the flag is not set to true if (!$useConsole == true) { if (in_array($lowerCodeName, array('babel', 'javascript', 'html', 'xml'))) { // if the code contains 'console.' $result = preg_match('/' . 'console\.' . '/is', $code); if ($result) { $useConsole = true; } } } } $matchedTextToRender = ""; // Render the whole if ($this->attributes["renderingmode"] != "onlyresult") { // Replace babel by javascript because babel highlight does not exist in the dokuwiki and babel is only javascript ES2015 $matchedTextToRender = preg_replace('/<code[\s]+babel/', '<code javascript', $match); // Delete a display="none" block $matchedTextToRender = preg_replace('/<code([a-z\s]*)\[([a-z\s]*)display="none"([a-z\s]*)\]>(.*)<\/code>/msiU', '', $matchedTextToRender); } return array($state, $matchedTextToRender, $codes, $useConsole); } else { throw new Exception("There was a match of the pattern but not when parsing"); } case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : // Cache the values return array($state, $match); case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT: // Cache the values return array($state); } } /** * Render the output * @param string $mode * @param Doku_Renderer $renderer * @param array $data - what the function handle() return'ed * @return bool - rendered correctly (not used) * * The rendering process * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::render() * */ public function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) { // The $data variable comes from the handle() function // // $mode = 'xhtml' means that we output html // There is other mode such as metadata where you can output data for the headers (Not 100% sure) if ($mode == 'xhtml') { /** @var Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer */ $state = $data[0]; switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : // The extracted data are the attribute of the webcode tag // We put in a class variable so that we can use in the last step (DOKU_LEXER_EXIT) $this->attributes = $data[1]; // Reinit the codes to make sure that the code does not leak into another webcode $this->useConsole = false; $this->codes = array(); break; case DOKU_LEXER_MATCHED : // The extracted data are the codes for this step // We put them in a class variable so that we can use them in the last step (DOKU_LEXER_EXIT) $code = $data[2]; $codeType = key($code); $this->codes[$codeType] = $this->codes[$codeType] . $code[$codeType]; // if not true, see if it's true if (!$this->useConsole) { $this->useConsole = $data[3]; } // Render $textToRender = $data[1]; if (!empty($textToRender)) { $instructions = p_get_instructions($textToRender); $xhtmlWebCode = self::p_render('xhtml', $instructions, $renderer->info); $renderer->doc .= $xhtmlWebCode; } break; case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : // Render and escape $renderer->doc .= $renderer->_xmlEntities($data[1]); break; case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : // Create the real output of webcode if (sizeof($this->codes) == 0) { return false; } // Dokuwiki Code ? if (array_key_exists('dw', $this->codes)) { $instructions = p_get_instructions($this->codes['dw']); $renderer->doc .= self::p_render('xhtml', $instructions, $renderer->info); } else { // Js, Html, Css $htmlContent = '<html><head>'; $htmlContent .= '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">'; $htmlContent .= '<title>Made by Webcode</title>'; $htmlContent .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/normalize/3.0.3/normalize.min.css">'; // External Resources such as css stylesheet or js $externalResources = array(); if (array_key_exists(self::EXTERNAL_RESOURCES_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, $this->attributes)) { $externalResources = explode(",", $this->attributes[self::EXTERNAL_RESOURCES_ATTRIBUTE_KEY]); } // Babel Preprocessor, if babel is used, add it to the external resources if (array_key_exists('babel', $this->codes)) { $babelMin = "https://unpkg.com/babel-standalone@6/babel.min.js"; // a load of babel invoke it (be sure to not have it twice if (!(array_key_exists($babelMin, $externalResources))) { $externalResources[] = $babelMin; } } // Add the external resources foreach ($externalResources as $externalResource) { $pathInfo = pathinfo($externalResource); $fileExtension = $pathInfo['extension']; switch ($fileExtension) { case 'css': $htmlContent .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $externalResource . '">'; break; case 'js': $htmlContent .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $externalResource . '"></script>'; break; } } // WebConsole style sheet if ($this->useConsole) { $htmlContent .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . DOKU_URL . 'lib/plugins/webcode/webCodeConsole.css?ver=' . self::WEB_CONSOLE_CSS_VERSION . '"/>'; } if (array_key_exists('css', $this->codes)) { $htmlContent .= '<!-- The CSS code -->'; $htmlContent .= '<style>' . $this->codes['css'] . '</style>'; }; $htmlContent .= '</head><body style="margin:10px">'; if (array_key_exists('html', $this->codes)) { $htmlContent .= '<!-- The HTML code -->'; $htmlContent .= $this->codes['html']; } // The javascript console area is based at the end of the HTML document if ($this->useConsole) { $htmlContent .= '<!-- WebCode Console -->'; $htmlContent .= '<div><p class=\'webConsoleTitle\'>Console Output:</p>'; $htmlContent .= '<div id=\'webCodeConsole\'/>'; $htmlContent .= '<script type=\'text/javascript\' src=\'' . DOKU_URL . 'lib/plugins/webcode/webCodeConsole.js?ver=' . self::WEB_CONSOLE_JS_VERSION . '\'></script>'; $htmlContent .= '</div>'; } // The javascript comes at the end because it may want to be applied on previous HTML element // as the page load in the IO order, javascript must be placed at the end if (array_key_exists('javascript', $this->codes)) { $htmlContent .= '<!-- The Javascript code -->'; $htmlContent .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . $this->codes['javascript'] . '</script>'; } if (array_key_exists('babel', $this->codes)) { $htmlContent .= '<!-- The Babel code -->'; $htmlContent .= '<script type="text/babel">' . $this->codes['babel'] . '</script>'; } $htmlContent .= '</body></html>'; // Here the magic from the plugin happens // We add the Iframe and the JsFiddleButton $iFrameHtml = '<iframe '; // We add the name HTML attribute $name = "WebCode iFrame"; if (array_key_exists('name', $this->attributes)) { $name .= ' ' . $this->attributes['name']; } $iFrameHtml .= ' name="' . $name . '" '; // The class to be able to select them $iFrameHtml .= ' class="webCode" '; // We add the others HTML attributes $iFrameHtmlAttributes = array('width', 'height', 'frameborder', 'scrolling'); foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute => $value) { if (in_array($attribute, $iFrameHtmlAttributes)) { $iFrameHtml .= ' ' . $attribute . '=' . $value; } } $iFrameHtml .= ' srcdoc="' . htmlentities($htmlContent) . '" ></iframe>';// // Credits bar $bar = '<div class="webcode-bar">'; $bar .= '<div class="webcode-bar-item"><a href="https://combostrap.com/webcode">' . $this->getLang('RenderedBy') . '</a></div>'; $bar .= '<div class="webcode-bar-item">'.$this->addJsFiddleButton($this->codes, $this->attributes).'</div>'; $bar .= '</div>'; $renderer->doc .= '<div class="webcode">' . $iFrameHtml . $bar . '</div>'; } break; } return true; } return false; } /** * @param array $codes the array containing the codes * @param array $attributes the attributes of a call (for now the externalResources) * @return string the HTML form code * * Specification, see http://doc.jsfiddle.net/api/post.html */ public function addJsFiddleButton($codes, $attributes) { $postURL = "https://jsfiddle.net/api/post/library/pure/"; //No Framework $externalResources = array(); if (array_key_exists(self::EXTERNAL_RESOURCES_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, $attributes)) { $externalResources = explode(",", $attributes[self::EXTERNAL_RESOURCES_ATTRIBUTE_KEY]); } if ($this->useConsole) { // If their is a console.log function, add the Firebug Lite support of JsFiddle // Seems to work only with the Edge version of jQuery // $postURL .= "edge/dependencies/Lite/"; // The firebug logging is not working anymore because of 404 // Adding them here $externalResources[] = 'The firebug resources for the console.log features'; $externalResources[] = DOKU_URL . 'lib/plugins/webcode/vendor/firebug-lite.css'; $externalResources[] = DOKU_URL . 'lib/plugins/webcode/vendor/firebug-lite-1.2.js'; } // The below code is to prevent this JsFiddle bug: https://github.com/jsfiddle/jsfiddle-issues/issues/726 // The order of the resources is not guaranteed // We pass then the resources only if their is one resources // Otherwise we pass them as a script element in the HTML. if (count($externalResources) <= 1) { $externalResourcesInput = '<input type="hidden" name="resources" value="' . implode(",", $externalResources) . '">'; } else { $codes['html'] .= "\n\n\n\n\n<!-- The resources -->\n"; $codes['html'] .= "<!-- They have been added here because their order is not guarantee through the API. -->\n"; $codes['html'] .= "<!-- See: https://github.com/jsfiddle/jsfiddle-issues/issues/726 -->\n"; foreach ($externalResources as $externalResource) { if ($externalResource != "") { $extension = pathinfo($externalResource)['extension']; switch ($extension) { case "css": $codes['html'] .= "<link href=\"" . $externalResource . "\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\n"; break; case "js": $codes['html'] .= "<script src=\"" . $externalResource . "\"></script>\n"; break; default: $codes['html'] .= "<!-- " . $externalResource . " -->\n"; } } } } $jsCode = $codes['javascript']; $jsPanel = 0; // language for the js specific panel (0 = JavaScript) if (array_key_exists('babel', $this->codes)) { $jsCode = $codes['babel']; $jsPanel = 3; // 3 = Babel } // Title and description global $ID; $title = $attributes['name']; $pageTitle = tpl_pagetitle($ID, true); if (!$title) { $title = "Code from " . $pageTitle; } $description = "Code from the page '" . $pageTitle . "' \n" . wl($ID, $absolute = true); return '<form method="post" action="' . $postURL . '" target="_blank">' . '<input type="hidden" name="title" value="' . htmlentities($title) . '">' . '<input type="hidden" name="description" value="' . htmlentities($description) . '">' . '<input type="hidden" name="css" value="' . htmlentities($codes['css']) . '">' . '<input type="hidden" name="html" value="' . htmlentities("<!-- The HTML -->" . $codes['html']) . '">' . '<input type="hidden" name="js" value="' . htmlentities($jsCode) . '">' . '<input type="hidden" name="panel_js" value="' . htmlentities($jsPanel) . '">' . '<input type="hidden" name="wrap" value="b">' . //javascript no wrap in body $externalResourcesInput . '<button>' . $this->getLang('JsFiddleButtonContent') . '</button>' . '</form>'; } /** * @param $codes the array containing the codes * @param $attributes the attributes of a call (for now the externalResources) * @return string the HTML form code */ public function addCodePenButton($codes, $attributes) { // TODO // http://blog.codepen.io/documentation/api/prefill/ } /** * @return string the mode (the name of this plugin for the lexer) */ public function getPluginMode() { $pluginName = $this->getPluginName(); $pluginComponent = $this->getPluginComponent(); return 'plugin_' . $pluginName . '_' . $pluginComponent; } }