*/ // menu entry for admin plugins $lang['menu'] = 'Watchcycle Managment'; // custom language strings for the plugin $lang['maintained by'] = 'Maintained by: %s'; $lang['last check'] = 'Last check %d days ago.'; $lang['check needed'] = 'Check needed!'; $lang['since last check'] = '%s since last check.'; $lang['never checked'] = 'Never checked.'; $lang['change singular'] = 'change'; $lang['change plural'] = 'changes'; $lang['cb only maintained pages'] = 'Only maintained pages'; // admin $lang['search page'] = 'search page'; $lang['btn filter'] = 'Filter'; $lang['show outdated only'] = 'show outdated only'; $lang['h page'] = 'page'; $lang['h maintainer'] = 'maintainer'; $lang['h cycle'] = 'cycle'; $lang['h current'] = 'current'; $lang['h uptodate'] = 'up-to-date?'; // mail $lang['mail subject'] = 'Page maintenance needed'; $lang['mail body'] = '%s has exceeded maintenance cycle and needs checking.'; // error $lang['error mail'] = 'Cannot send mail to maintainer.'; $lang['error sqlite missing'] = 'The watchcycle plugin requires the sqlite plugin to work.'; $lang['error invalid maintainers'] = 'watchcycle: maintainer must be a Dokuwiki user or an existing group'; $lang['title toolbar button'] = 'Add new maintenance syntax'; $lang['js']['label_username'] = 'username'; $lang['js']['label_cycle_length'] = 'cycle length'; $lang['js']['button_insert'] = 'Insert'; $lang['js']['button_cancel'] = 'Cancel'; $lang['js']['invalid_maintainers'] = 'Invalid maintainers!'; //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 :