* @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) */ $lang['copyerror'] = 'Copy error'; $lang['copysuccess'] = 'Successfull copy'; $lang['copynotneeded'] = 'Copy not needed'; $lang['createdprivatens'] = 'Created your private namespace'; $lang['createdpublicpage'] = 'Created your public page'; $lang['privatenamespace'] = 'Private Space'; $lang['publicpage'] = 'Public Page'; $lang['publicnamespace'] = 'Public Space'; $lang['uhpcreated'] = 'Automatic creation by User Homepage plugin'; $lang['fromskeleton'] = 'Added this page from User Homepage skeleton to your private namespace:'; $lang['aclupdate'] = 'ACL rules added or updated:'; $lang['mkdirfailure'] = 'Creating this directory failed:'; $lang['settingsconflict'] = 'UserHomePage settings conflict! Make sure Private and Public namespaces are different. Plugin will have no effect untill this is corrected.'; $lang['avatarsconflict'] = 'UserHomePage settings are in conflict with Avatar plugin settings! Make sure Private namespaces and avatars are stored in different places (otherwise UserHomePage ACL rules might block avatars).';