* @license: CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
// must be run within Dokuwiki
if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
if (!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN', DOKU_INC . 'lib/plugins/');
require_once (DOKU_PLUGIN . 'action.php');
require_once (DOKU_PLUGIN . '/acl/admin.php');
class action_plugin_userhomepage extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin{
function register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) {
$controller->register_hook('DOKUWIKI_STARTED', 'AFTER', $this, 'init',array());
$controller->register_hook('DETAIL_STARTED', 'AFTER', $this, 'init',array());
$controller->register_hook('ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS', 'AFTER', $this, 'redirect',array());
$controller->register_hook('ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS', 'AFTER', $this, 'acl',array());
$controller->register_hook('COMMON_USER_LINK', 'AFTER', $this, 'replaceUserLink',array());
function init(&$event, $param) {
global $conf;
global $INFO;
// If there's no conflict between private and public space
if ($this->multiNsOk(true)) {
$this->helper = plugin_load('helper','userhomepage');
// If templates_path option starts with 'data/pages' it can automatically be adapted but should be changed
if (substr($this->getConf('templates_path'),0,10) == 'data/pages') {
$dest = str_replace("data/pages", "./pages", $this->getConf('templates_path'));
msg("Userhomepage option [templates_path
] should be changed to a path relative to data folder (as set by Dokuwiki's [savedir
] setting). Current value is based on former default (i.e. data/pages/...
) and will still work but this message will keep appearing until the value is corrected, check this page for details.",2);
} else {
$dest = $this->getConf('templates_path');
if (!plugin_isdisabled('avatar')) {
$avatarHelper = plugin_load('helper','avatar');
$avatarsFolder = $avatarHelper->getConf('namespace');
if (($avatarsFolder == "user") && ($avatarsFolder == $this->getConf('users_namespace')) && (isadmin)) {
msg($this->getLang('avatarsconflict'), -1);
//if ($event == "DETAIL_STARTED") { return false; }
$this->dataDir = $conf['savedir'];
// CREATE PRIVATE NAMESPACE START PAGE TEMPLATES IF NEEDED (is required by options, doesn't exist yet and a known user is logged in and not showing image details page)
if (($this->getConf('create_private_ns')) && (!is_file($this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_private.txt')) && ($this->userOk()) && ($event != "DETAIL_STARTED")) {
// If a template exists in path as builded before 2015/05/14 version, use it as source to create userhomepage_private.txt in new templates_path
if ((is_file(DOKU_CONF.'../'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_private.txt')) && ($this->getConf('templatepath') != null)) {
$source = DOKU_CONF.'../'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_private.txt';
// If a template from version 3.0.4 exists, use it as source to create userhomepage_private.txt in templates_path
} elseif ((is_file(DOKU_INC.$this->getConf('templatepath'))) && ($this->getConf('templatepath') != null)) {
$source = $this->getConf('templatepath');
// Otherwise, we're on a fresh install
} else {
if (is_file('lib/plugins/userhomepage/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/userhomepage_private.default')) {
$source = 'lib/plugins/userhomepage/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/userhomepage_private.default';
} else {
$source = 'lib/plugins/userhomepage/lang/en/userhomepage_private.default';
$this->copyFile($source, $dest, 'userhomepage_private.txt');
// CREATE PUBLIC PAGE TEMPLATES IF NEEDED (is required by options, doesn't exist yet and a known user is logged in and not showing image details page)
if (($this->getConf('create_public_page')) and (!is_file($this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_public.txt')) and ($this->userOk()) && ($event != "DETAIL_STARTED")) {
// If a template exists in path as builded before 2015/05/14 version, use it as source to create userhomepage_private.txt in new templates_path
if ((is_file(DOKU_CONF.'../'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_public.txt')) && ($this->getConf('templatepath') != null)) {
$source = DOKU_CONF.'../'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_public.txt';
} else {
if (is_file('lib/plugins/userhomepage/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/userhomepage_public.default')) {
$source = 'lib/plugins/userhomepage/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/userhomepage_public.default';
} else {
$source = 'lib/plugins/userhomepage/lang/en/userhomepage_public.default';
$this->copyFile($source, $dest, 'userhomepage_public.txt');
// CREATE PUBLIC NAMESPACE START PAGE TEMPLATES IF NEEDED (is required by options, doesn't exist yet and a known user is logged in and not showing image details page)
if (($this->getConf('create_public_page')) and (strpos($this->getConf('public_pages_ns'),':%NAME%:%START%') !== false) and (!is_file($this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_publicspace.txt')) and ($this->userOk()) && ($event != "DETAIL_STARTED")) {
// If a template exists in path as builded before 2015/05/14 version, use it as source to create userhomepage_private.txt in new templates_path
if ((is_file(DOKU_CONF.'../'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_publicspace.txt')) && ($this->getConf('templatepath') != null)) {
$source = DOKU_CONF.'../'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_publicspace.txt';
} else {
$source = 'lib/plugins/userhomepage/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/userhomepage_publicspace.default';
$this->copyFile($source, $dest, 'userhomepage_publicspace.txt');
// ...:start.txt or ...:simon_delage.txt
$this->private_page = $this->helper->getPrivateID();
// user:simon.txt
$this->public_page = $this->helper->getPublicID();
// If a user is logged in, store timestamp (if it wasn't stored yet)
if (($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] != null) && (!isset($_SESSION['uhptimestamp']))) {
$_SESSION['uhptimestamp'] = time();
// If no user is logged in and a timestamp exists, set timestamp to null (ensures that redirection will work if user just logged out and comes back before closing browser)
} elseif (($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] == null) && (isset($_SESSION['uhptimestamp']))) {
$_SESSION['uhptimestamp'] = null;
} else {
return false;
function redirect(&$event, $param) {
global $conf;
global $lang;
global $ID;
// If there's no conflict between private and public space and if user did not request an action page
// if ($this->multiNsOk()) {
if (($this->multiNsOk()) and ($_GET['do'] == null)) {
// if (($this->multiNsOk()) and ($_GET['do'] != 'admin')) {
$created = array();
// If a user is logged in and not allready requesting his private namespace start page
if (($this->userOk())&&($_REQUEST['id']!=$this->private_page)) {
// if private page doesn't exists, create it (from template)
if ($this->getConf('create_private_ns') && is_file($this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_private.txt') && !page_exists($this->private_page) && !checklock($this->private_page) && !checkwordblock() && ($this->userOk('private'))) {
// Target private start page template
$this->private_page_template = $this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_private.txt';
// Create private page
// Announce private namespace was created
msg($this->getLang('createdprivatens').' ('.$this->private_page.')', 1);
// Note that we created private page
$created['private'] = page_exists($this->private_page);
// If private ns is managed by plugin, check for any template from skeleton that doesn't exist yet
if ($this->getConf('create_private_ns') && (is_dir($this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/uhp_private_skeleton')) && ($this->userOk('private'))) {
//$files = scandir($this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/uhp_private_skeleton/');
$path = realpath($this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/uhp_private_skeleton/');
$objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
if ($this->getConf('group_by_name')) {
// private:s:simon or private:s:simon_delage
$this->private_ns = cleanID($this->getConf('users_namespace').':'.substr($this->privateNamespace(), 0, 1).':'. $this->privateNamespace());
} else {
// private:simon or private:simon_delage
$this->private_ns = cleanID($this->getConf('users_namespace').':'. $this->privateNamespace());
foreach($objects as $objectName => $object){
$file = str_replace($path, '', $objectName);
if ((is_file($this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/uhp_private_skeleton'.$file)) and (strpos($file, '.txt') !== false)) {
$custom_page_id = cleanID(str_replace('.txt', '', str_replace('/', ':', str_replace('\\', ':', $file))));
$this->custom_target = $this->private_ns.':'.$custom_page_id;
if (!page_exists($this->custom_target)) {
$this->custom_page_template = $this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/uhp_private_skeleton'.$file;
msg($this->getLang('fromskeleton').' '.$this->custom_target,0);
// Public page?
// If public page doesn't exists, create it (from template)
if ($this->getConf('create_public_page') && is_file($this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_public.txt') && !page_exists($this->public_page) && !checklock($this->public_page) && !checkwordblock() && ($this->userOk('public'))) {
// Target public page template or public namespace start page template
if (strpos($this->getConf('public_pages_ns'),':%NAME%:%START%') !== false) {
$this->public_page_template = $this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_publicspace.txt';
} else {
$this->public_page_template = $this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/userhomepage_public.txt';
// Create public page
// Announce plubic page was created
msg($this->getLang('createdpublicpage').' ('.$this->public_page.')', 1);
// Note that we created public page
$created['public'] = page_exists($this->public_page);
// If public page is in fact a public namespace and is managed by plugin, check for any template from skeleton that doesn't exist yet
if ($this->getConf('create_public_page') && (is_dir($this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/uhp_public_skeleton')) && ($this->userOk('public'))) {
$path = realpath($this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/uhp_public_skeleton/');
$objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
$this->public_ns = cleanID(getNS($this->public_page));
foreach($objects as $objectName => $object){
$file = str_replace($path, '', $objectName);
if ((is_file($this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/uhp_public_skeleton'.$file)) and (strpos($file, '.txt') !== false)) {
$custom_page_id = cleanID(str_replace('.txt', '', str_replace('/', ':', str_replace('\\', ':', $file))));
$this->custom_target = $this->public_ns.':'.$custom_page_id;
if (!page_exists($this->custom_target)) {
$this->custom_page_template = $this->dataDir.'/'.$this->getConf('templates_path').'/uhp_public_skeleton'.$file;
msg($this->getLang('fromskeleton').' '.$this->custom_target,0);
// List IDs that can match wiki start
$wikistart = array($conf['start'], ':'.$conf['start']);
// If Translation plugin is active, wiki start page can also be '??:start'
if (!plugin_isdisabled('translation')) {
// For each language in Translation settings
foreach (explode(' ',$conf['plugin']['translation']['translations']) as $language){
array_push($wikistart, $language.':'.$conf['start'], ':'.$language.':'.$conf['start']);
// If user isn't on public or private page yet, check for redirection conditions
if (($ID != $this->public_page) && ($ID != $this->private_page)) {
// If Public page was just created, redirect to it and edit (or show)
if (($created['public']) && (page_exists($this->public_page))) {
send_redirect(wl($this->public_page, array('do='.$this->getConf('action')), true));
//msg('Public page creation redirection: id '.$_GET['id'].'; do '.$_GET['do'], 1);
// Else if private start page was just created and edit option is set, redirect to it and edit
} elseif (($created['private']) && (page_exists($this->private_page)) && ($this->getConf('edit_before_create'))) {
send_redirect(wl($this->private_page, array('do='.$this->getConf('action')), true));
//msg('Private page creation redirection: id '.$_GET['id'].'; do '.$_GET['do'], 1);
// Else if redirection is enabled and user's private page exists AND [(user isn't requesting a specific page OR he's requesting wiki start page) AND logged in 2sec ago max]
} elseif (($this->getConf('redirection')) && (page_exists($this->private_page)) && (((!isset($_GET['id'])) or (in_array($_GET['id'], $wikistart))) && (time()-$_SESSION["uhptimestamp"] <= 2))) {
//msg('Default redirection: id '.$_GET['id'].'; do '.$_GET['do'], 1);
send_redirect(wl($this->private_page, '', true));
} else {
return false;
function acl(&$event, $param) {
global $conf;
// If there's no conflict between private and public space
if ($this->multiNsOk()) {
if ((!$this->getConf('no_acl')) && ($conf['useacl']) && ($this->userOk())) {
global $config_cascade;
$existingLines = file($config_cascade['acl']['default']);
$newLines = array();
// ACL
$acl = new admin_plugin_acl();
// On private namespace
if ($this->getConf('create_private_ns')) {
// For known users
// If use_name_string or group_by_name is enabled, we can't use ACL wildcards so let's create ACL for current user on his private ns
if (($this->getConf('use_name_string')) or ($this->getConf('group_by_name'))) {
$where = $this->private_ns.':*';
$who = strtolower($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']);
// Otherwise we can set ACL for all known users at once
} else {
$where = cleanID($this->getConf('users_namespace')).':%USER%:*';
$who = '%USER%';
$perm = AUTH_DELETE;
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// For @ALL
if ($this->getConf('acl_all_private') != 'noacl') {
$where = cleanID($this->getConf('users_namespace')).':*';
$who = '@ALL';
$perm = (int)$this->getConf('acl_all_private');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// For @user
if (($this->getConf('acl_user_private') != 'noacl') && ($this->getConf('acl_user_private') !== $this->getConf('acl_all_private'))) {
$where = cleanID($this->getConf('users_namespace')).':*';
$who = '@user';
$perm = (int)$this->getConf('acl_user_private');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
} // end of private namespaces acl
// On public user pages
if ($this->getConf('create_public_page')) {
// For known users
if (strpos($this->getConf('public_pages_ns'),':%NAME%:%START%') !== false) {
$where = str_replace('%NAME%:%START%', '%USER%', $this->getConf('public_pages_ns')).':*';
$perm = AUTH_DELETE;
} else {
$where = cleanID($this->getConf('public_pages_ns')).':%USER%';
$perm = AUTH_EDIT;
$who = '%USER%';
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// For others
if ($this->getConf('acl_all_public') != 'noacl') {
// If both private and public namespaces are identical, we need to force rights for @ALL and/or @user on each public page
if ($this->getConf('users_namespace') == $this->getConf('public_pages_ns')) {
$files = scandir($this->dataDir.'/pages/'.$this->getConf('public_pages_ns'));
foreach($files as $file) {
if (is_file($this->dataDir.'/pages/'.$this->getConf('public_pages_ns').'/'.$file)) {
// ACL on templates will be managed another way
if (strpos($file, 'userhomepage_p') !== 0) {
// @ALL
if ($this->getConf('acl_all_public') != 'noacl') {
$where = $this->getConf('public_pages_ns').':'.substr($file, 0, -4);
$who = '@ALL';
$perm = $this->getConf('acl_all_public');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// @user
if ($this->getConf('acl_user_public') != 'noacl') {
$where = $this->getConf('public_pages_ns').':'.substr($file, 0, -4);
$who = '@user';
$perm = $this->getConf('acl_user_public');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// Otherwise we just need to give the right permission to each group on public pages namespace
} else {
// @ALL
if ($this->getConf('acl_all_public') != 'noacl') {
$where = cleanID(str_replace(':%NAME%:%START%', '', $this->getConf('public_pages_ns'))).':*';
$who = '@ALL';
$perm = $this->getConf('acl_all_public');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// @user
if ($this->getConf('acl_user_public') != 'noacl') {
$where = cleanID(str_replace(':%NAME%:%START%', '', $this->getConf('public_pages_ns'))).':*';
$who = '@user';
$perm = $this->getConf('acl_user_public');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
} // end for public pages acl
// On templates if they're in data/pages
if (strpos($this->getConf('templates_path'),'/pages') !== false) {
// For @ALL
if (($this->getConf('acl_all_templates') != 'noacl') && (($this->getConf('create_private_ns')) or ($this->getConf('create_public_page')))) {
$where = end(explode('/',$this->getConf('templates_path'))).':userhomepage_private';
$who = '@ALL';
$perm = (int)$this->getConf('acl_all_templates');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
$where = end(explode('/',$this->getConf('templates_path'))).':userhomepage_public';
$who = '@ALL';
$perm = (int)$this->getConf('acl_all_templates');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
// For @user
if (($this->getConf('acl_user_templates') != 'noacl') && ($this->getConf('acl_user_templates') !== $this->getConf('acl_all_templates')) && (($this->getConf('create_private_ns')) or ($this->getConf('create_public_page')))) {
$where = end(explode('/',$this->getConf('templates_path'))).':userhomepage_private';
$who = '@user';
$perm = (int)$this->getConf('acl_user_templates');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
$where = end(explode('/',$this->getConf('templates_path'))).':userhomepage_public';
$who = '@user';
$perm = (int)$this->getConf('acl_user_templates');
if (!in_array("$where\t$who\t$perm\n", $existingLines)) { $newLines[] = array('where' => $where, 'who' => $who, 'perm' => $perm); }
} // end of templates acl
$i = count($newLines);
if ($i > 0) {
msg($this->getLang('aclupdate').' '.$i, 1);
foreach($newLines as $line) {
if (($line['where'] != null) && ($line['who'] != null)) {
// delete potential ACL rule with same scope (aka 'where') and same user (aka 'who')
$acl->deleteACL($line['where'], $line['who']);
$acl->addOrUpdateACL($line['where'], $line['who'], $line['perm']);
} else {
return false;
function copyFile($source = null, $target_dir = null, $target_file = null) {
if (!is_file($this->dataDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$target_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$target_file)) {
io_mkdir_p($this->dataDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$target_dir) || msg($this->getLang('mkdirfailure').' '.$target_dir,-1);
$source = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $source);
copy($source, $this->dataDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$target_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$target_file);
if (is_file($this->dataDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$target_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$target_file)) {
msg($this->getLang('copysuccess').' ('.$source.' > '.$this->dataDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$target_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$target_file.')', 1);
} else {
msg($this->getLang('copyerror').' ('.$source.' > '.$this->dataDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$target_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$target_file.')', -1);
} else {
msg($this->getLang('copynotneeded').' ('.$source.' > '.$this->dataDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$target_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$target_file.')', 0);
function privateNamespace() {
if ( $this->getConf('use_name_string')) {
global $INFO;
$raw_string = cleanID($INFO['userinfo']['name']);
// simon_delage
return $raw_string;
} else {
// simon
return strtolower($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']);
function privateStart() {
if ($this->getConf('use_start_page')) {
global $conf;
return cleanID($conf['start']);
} else {
return $this->privateNamespace();
function applyTemplate($type) {
global $conf;
if ($type == 'private') {
$content = io_readFile($this->private_page_template, false);
} elseif ($type == 'public') {
$content = io_readFile($this->public_page_template, false);
} else {
$content = io_readFile($type, false);
// If template is absolutely empty (ie. is NULL), target file will not be created but plugin will pretend it did and will keep trying over next page load
if ($content == NULL) {
// fill empty template with a simple space to work around the problem
$content = " ";
$content = str_replace('@TARGETPRIVATEPAGE@', $this->helper->getPrivateID(), $content);
$content = str_replace('@TARGETPRIVATENS@', cleanID(str_replace(':'.$conf['start'], '', $this->helper->getPrivateID())), $content);
$content = str_replace('@TARGETPUBLICPAGE@', $this->helper->getPublicID(), $content);
$content = str_replace('@TARGETPUBLICNS@', cleanID(str_replace(':'.$conf['start'], '', $this->helper->getPublicID())), $content);
// Improved template process to use standard replacement patterns from https://www.dokuwiki.org/namespace_templates based on code proposed by Christian Nancy
// Build a fake data structure for the parser
$data = array('tpl' => $content, 'id' => $this->private_page);
// Use the built-in parser
$content = parsePageTemplate($data);
return $content;
function replaceUserLink(&$event, $param) {
global $INFO;
global $conf;
// If there's no conflict between private and public space
if ($this->multiNsOk()) {
if (($conf['showuseras'] == "username_link") and ($this->getConf('userlink_replace'))) {
$classes = $this->getConf('userlink_classes');
$classes = str_replace(',', ' ', $classes);
//if ($this->getConf('userlink_fa')) {
// $classes = str_replace('interwiki', '', $classes);
$this->username = $event->data['username'];
$this->name = $event->data['name'];
$this->link = $event->data['link'];
$this->userlink = $event->data['userlink'];
$this->textonly = $event->data['textonly'];
// Logged in as...
if (strpos($this->name, '') !== false) {
$privateId = $this->helper->getPrivateID();
$publicId = $this->helper->getPublicID();
if ((page_exists($privateId)) && (page_exists($publicId))) {
if ($this->getConf('userlink_fa')) {
$return = ''.$INFO['userinfo']['name'].' ('.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'].')';
} else {
$return = ''.$INFO['userinfo']['name'].' ('.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'].')';
} elseif (page_exists($publicId)) {
if ($this->getConf('userlink_fa')) {
$return = ' ('.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'].')';
} else {
$return = ''.$INFO['userinfo']['name'].' ('.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'].')';
} elseif (page_exists($privateId)) {
if ($this->getConf('userlink_fa')) {
$return = ''.$INFO['userinfo']['name'].'';
} else {
$return = ''.$INFO['userinfo']['name'].' ('.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'].')';
} else {
$return = null;
// ... or Last modified...
} else {
// No change for this right now
$return = null;
if ($return != null) {
$event->data = array(
'username' => $this->username,
'name' => $this->name,
'link' => $this->link,
'userlink' => $return,
'textonly' => $this->textonly
} else {
return false;
function multiNsOk($msg=false) {
// Error: Public page switched to namespace and is in conflict with Private namespace
if (strpos($this->getConf('public_pages_ns'),':%NAME%:%START%') !== false) {
$PublicNS = str_replace(':%NAME%:%START%', '', $this->getConf('public_pages_ns'));
$PublicNS = str_replace(':', '', $PublicNS);
$PrivateNS = str_replace(':', '', $this->getConf('users_namespace'));
if ($PublicNS == $PrivateNS) {
if ($msg) {
msg($this->getLang('settingsconflict'), -1);
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return true;
function userOk($check = null) {
global $INFO;
// Proceed only if named user is connected...
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] != null) {
// Check if user is member of a group in 'groups_private' or 'groups_public' (depending on $check)
if (($check == 'private') or ($check == 'public')) {
// Stop if 'groups_private' is set and and user is not member of at least one of said groups
$groups = $this->getConf('groups_'.$check);
$groups = str_replace(' ','', $groups);
$groups = explode(',', $groups);
$userGroups = $INFO['userinfo']['grps'];
// If UHP is set to check user's group(s)
if (($groups != null) and ($groups[0] != null) and ($userGroups != null)) {
$test = array_intersect($groups, $userGroups);
// Proceed if user is member of at least one group set UHP's corresponding setting
if (count($test) > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// If UHP isn't set to ckeck user's group(s) we can proceed
} else {
return true;
// If $check is null, we only need to know that a named user is connected (wich we allready know if we went that far)
} else {
return true;
// ... else stop
} else {
return false;