flatten_array($parser_response); $uncmap_pos = array_search("uncmap",$parser_response,true); $this->assertTrue($uncmap_pos === false,'A link beginning with a colon should not be handled at all by this plugin.'); } function test_parser_slash() { $parser_response = p_get_instructions('Testlink: [[/facts:figures|Foo]]'); $parser_response = $this->flatten_array($parser_response); $uncmap_pos = array_search("uncmap",$parser_response,true); $this->assertTrue($uncmap_pos === false,'A link beginning with a slash should not be handled at all by this plugin.'); } function test_parser_backslash() { $parser_response = p_get_instructions('Testlink: [[\facts:figures|Foo]]'); $parser_response = $this->flatten_array($parser_response); $uncmap_pos = array_search("uncmap",$parser_response,true); $this->assertTrue($uncmap_pos === false,'A link beginning with a backslash should not be handled at all by this plugin.'); } }