* * Extends Configuration Class and generic setting classes by Chris Smith * Deals with TXT (None PHP) config files */ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); if(!defined('PLUGIN_TXTCONF')) define('PLUGIN_TXTCONF',dirname(__FILE__).'/'); require_once(PLUGIN_TXTCONF.'config0.class.php'); if (!class_exists('txtconfiguration') && class_exists('configuration0')) { class txtconfiguration extends configuration0 { var $_intro = ''; var $_format = 'txt'; var $_defkeymeta = array('text'); // holds metametadata describing the settings key/name var $_defvalmeta = array('text'); // holds metametadata describing the settings valueblog /** * constructor */ function txtconfiguration($datafile) { global $conf; if (!@file_exists($datafile)) { //TODO: localize msg msg('No configuration metadata found at - '.htmlspecialchars($datafile),-1); return; } include($datafile); //?TODO:? fill $meta with appropriate values if (isset($config['intro'])) $this->_intro = $config['intro']; if (isset($config['varname'])) $this->_name = $config['varname']; if (isset($config['format'])) $this->_format = $config['format']; if (isset($config['heading'])) $this->_heading = $config['heading']; if (isset($file['default'])) $this->_default_file = $file['default']; if (isset($file['local'])) $this->_local_file = $file['local']; if (isset($file['protected'])) $this->_protected_file = $file['protected']; if (isset($metameta['key'])) $this->_defkeymeta = $metameta['key']; if (isset($metameta['value'])) $this->_defvalmeta = $metameta['value']; $this->locked = $this->_is_locked(); //$this->_metadata = array_merge($meta, $this->get_plugintpl_metadata($conf['template'])); $this->retrieve_settings(); } function retrieve_settings() { global $conf; if (!$this->_loaded) { //$default = array_merge($this->_read_config($this->_default_file), $this->get_plugintpl_default($conf['template'])); $default = $this->_read_config($this->_default_file); $local = $this->_read_config($this->_local_file); $protected = $this->_read_config($this->_protected_file); $keys = array_merge(array_keys($this->_metadata),array_keys($default), array_keys($local), array_keys($protected)); $keys = array_unique($keys); $class = NULL; $defparam = NULL; if (isset($this->_defvalmeta[0])) { $class = $this->_defvalmeta[0]; $defparam = $this->_defvalmeta; array_shift($defparam); } $defclass = ($class && class_exists('setting_'.$class)) ? 'setting_'.$class : 'setting0'; foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($this->_metadata[$key])) { $class = $this->_metadata[$key][0]; //$class = ($class && class_exists('setting_'.$class)) ? 'setting_'.$class : 'setting'; //$param = $this->_metadata[$key]; //array_shift($param); //$class = $defclass; $param = $defparam; if ($class && class_exists('setting_'.$class)) { $class = 'setting_'.$class; $param = $this->_metadata[$key]; array_shift($param); } } else { //$class = 'setting'; //$param = NULL; $class = $defclass; $param = $defparam; } $this->setting[$key] = new $class($key,$param); $this->setting[$key]->initialize($default[$key],$local[$key],$protected[$key]); } $this->_loaded = true; } } function add_local_setting($key,$value) { global $conf; $defclass = NULL; $defparam = NULL; $class = NULL; if (isset($this->_defvalmeta[0])) { $class = $this->_defvalmeta[0]; $defparam = $this->_defvalmeta; array_shift($defparam); } $defclass = ($class && class_exists('setting_'.$class)) ? 'setting_'.$class : 'setting0'; $class = $defclass; $param = $defparam; if (isset($this->_metadata[$key])) { $class = $this->_metadata[$key][0]; $param = $defparam; if ($class && class_exists('setting_'.$class)) { $class = 'setting_'.$class; $param = $this->_metadata[$key]; array_shift($param); } } $this->setting[$key] = new $class($key,$param); $this->setting[$key]->initialize(null,$value,null); //TODO: if key already exist, return False return True; } /** * return an array of config settings */ function _read_config($file) { if (!$file) return array(); $config = array(); $file = eval('return '.$file.';'); if ($this->_format == 'php') { $contents = @php_strip_whitespace($file); $pattern = '/\$'.$this->_name.'\[[\'"]([^=]+)[\'"]\] ?= ?(.*?);/'; $matches=array(); preg_match_all($pattern,$contents,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER); for ($i=0; $i'\\','\\\''=>'\'','\\"'=>'"')); $config[$key] = $value; } } else if ($this->_format == 'txt') { //TODO: if confToHash not found, include(confutils.php) //if(!defined('DOKU_CONF')) define('DOKU_CONF',DOKU_INC.'conf/'); //require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/confutils.php'); //include(); $config = confToHash($file); } return $config; } function _out_header($id, $header) { $out = ''; if ($this->_format == 'php') { $out .= '<'.'?php'."\n". "/*\n". " * ".$header." \n". " * Auto-generated by ".$id." plugin \n". " * Run for user: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']."\n". " * Date: ".date('r')."\n". " */\n\n"; } else if ($this->_format == 'txt') { $out .= "#\n". "# ".$header." \n". "# Auto-generated by ".$id." plugin \n". "# Run for user: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']."\n". "# Date: ".date('r')."\n". "#\n\n"; } return $out; } function _out_footer() { $out = ''; if ($this->_format == 'php') { if ($this->_protected_file) { $out .= "\n@include(".$this->_protected_file.");\n"; } $out .= "\n// end auto-generated content\n"; } else if ($this->_format == 'txt') { $out .= "\n# end auto-generated content\n"; } return $out; } function html() { } } } if (!class_exists('setting_text') && class_exists('setting0')) { class setting_text extends setting0 { /** * update setting with user provided value $input * if value fails error check, save it * * @return true if changed, false otherwise (incl. on error) */ function update($input) { if (is_null($input)) return false; if ($this->is_protected()) return false; $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local; if ($value == $input) return false; if ($this->_pattern && !preg_match($this->_pattern,$input)) { $this->_error = true; $this->_input = $input; return false; } $this->_local = $input; return true; } /** * @return array(string $label_html, string $input_html) */ function html(&$plugin, $echo=false) { $value = ''; $defaultstyle = ''; $disable = ''; if ($this->is_protected()) { $value = $this->_protected; $disable = 'disabled="disabled"'; } else { if ($echo && $this->_error) { $value = $this->_input; } else { $value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local; } } if (is_null($this->_local)) $defaultstyle = 'style="font-weight:bold;"'; $key = htmlspecialchars($this->_key); $value = htmlspecialchars($value); //$label = '  '; $label = ' '; //$input = ''; $input = ''; return array($label,$input); } /** * generate string to save setting value to file according to $fmt */ function out($var='config', $fmt='txt') { if ($this->is_protected()) return ''; if (is_null($this->_local) || ($this->_default == $this->_local)) return ''; if ($fmt=='php') { // translation string needs to be improved FIXME $tr = array("\n"=>'\n', "\r"=>'\r', "\t"=>'\t', "\\" => '\\\\', "'" => '\\\''); $tr = array("\\" => '\\\\', "'" => '\\\''); $out = '$'.$var."['".$this->_out_key()."'] = '".strtr($this->_local, $tr)."';\n"; } else if ($fmt=='txt') { //$value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local; //$out = $this->_key."\t".$value."\n"; $out = $this->_key."\t".$this->_local."\n"; } return $out; } } }