Tuxquote Dokuwiki Plugin Craig Douglas 2014-09-15 Thanks to Phil Chadwick for supplying the quotes that he has been collecting over the years. Tuxquote show a random image of Tux the Linux penguin with a random quote using the '[TUXQUOTE]' shortcode. You can add or remove images from lib/plugins/tuxquote/images/ directory. All jpg, png and gif images will be randomly used from that directory. Add or remove quotes from the lib/plugins/tuxquote/quotes.txt file. Quotes are line delimited and HTML formatting can be used, enabling you to use
for line breaks etc. Development for this plugin can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/eldougo/dokuwiki_plugin_tuxquote The supplied images were sourced fromm CrystalXP.net (http://www.crystalxp.net/) and are all distributed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) Please see images-license.txt for image licensing information and image attributions. To install the easy way: - From the plugin manager (Admin - Manage Plugins), enter "https://github.com/eldougo/dokuwiki_plugin_tuxquote/archive/master.zip" in the plugin URL and dowload. OR to install the hard way: - Download the zip file from https://github.com/eldougo/dokuwiki_plugin_tuxquote/archive/master.zip - Move the downloaded file into the /lib/plugins/ directory. - Unpack and rename the directory to "tuxquote". $ wget https://github.com/eldougo/dokuwiki_plugin_tuxquote/archive/master.zip $ sudo mv master.zip /lib/plugins/ $ sudo unzip master.zip $ sudo mv dokuwiki_plugin_tuxquote-master tuxquote $ sudo rm master.zip - Change ownership to the web user $ sudo chown -R apache:apache tuxquote After installation: - Point a browser to the Administration - Configuration Settings panel and set 'cachetime' to 0 - Alternatively you can add "~~NOCACHE~~" to the top of the page. - Edit a wiki page and add the '[TUXQUOTE]' token.