*/ $lang['translations'] = 'Space separated list of translation languages (ISO codes).'; $lang['translationns'] = 'If you only want translations below a certain namespace, put it here.'; $lang['skiptrans'] = 'When the pagename matches this regular expression, don\'t show the translation menu.'; $lang['dropdown'] = 'Use a dropdown list to display the translations (recommended for more than 5 languages).'; $lang['translateui'] = 'Should the language of the user interface be switched in foreign language namespaces, too?'; $lang['redirectstart'] = 'Should the start page automatically redirect into a language namespace using browser language detection?'; $lang['about'] = 'Enter a pagename here where the translation feature is explained for your users. It will be linked from the language selector.'; $lang['localabout'] = 'Use localized versions of about page (instead of one global about page).'; $lang['checkage'] = 'Warn about possibly outdated translations.'; $lang['display'] = 'Select what you\'d like to have shown in the language selector. Note that using country flags for language selection is not recommended by usability experts.'; $lang['copytrans'] = 'Copy original language text into the editor when starting a new translation?'; $lang['show_path'] = 'Show path on the missing translation page?';