Lexer->addSpecialPattern('~~TODOLIST[^~]*~~', $mode, 'plugin_todo_list'); } /** * Handle matches of the todolist syntax * * @param string $match The match of the syntax * @param int $state The state of the handler * @param int $pos The position in the document * @param Doku_Handler $handler The handler * @return array Data for the renderer */ public function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) { $options = substr($match, 10, -2); // strip markup $options = explode(' ', $options); $data = array( 'header' => $this->getConf("Header"), 'completed' => 'all', 'assigned' => 'all', 'completeduserlist' => 'all', 'ns' => 'all', 'showdate' => $this->getConf("ShowdateList"), 'checkbox' => $this->getConf("Checkbox"), 'username' => $this->getConf("Username"), 'short' => false, ); $allowedvalues = array('yes', 'no'); foreach($options as $option) { @list($key, $value) = explode(':', $option, 2); switch($key) { case 'header': // how should the header be rendered? if(in_array($value, array('id', 'firstheader', 'none'))) { $data['header'] = $value; } break; case 'short': if(in_array($value, $allowedvalues)) { $data['short'] = ($value == 'yes'); } break; case 'showdate': if(in_array($value, $allowedvalues)) { $data['showdate'] = ($value == 'yes'); } break; case 'checkbox': // should checkbox be rendered? if(in_array($value, $allowedvalues)) { $data['checkbox'] = ($value == 'yes'); } break; case 'completed': if(in_array($value, $allowedvalues)) { $data['completed'] = ($value == 'yes'); } break; case 'username': // how should the username be rendered? if(in_array($value, array('user', 'real', 'none'))) { $data['username'] = $value; } break; case 'assigned': if(in_array($value, $allowedvalues)) { $data['assigned'] = ($value == 'yes'); break; } //assigned? $data['assigned'] = explode(',', $value); // @date 20140317 le: if check for logged in user, also check for logged in user email address if( in_array( '@@USER@@', $data['assigned'] ) ) { $data['assigned'][] = '@@MAIL@@'; } $data['assigned'] = array_map( array($this,"__todolistTrimUser"), $data['assigned'] ); break; case 'completeduser': $data['completeduserlist'] = explode(',', $value); // @date 20140317 le: if check for logged in user, also check for logged in user email address if(in_array('@@USER@@', $data['completeduserlist'])) { $data['completeduserlist'][] = '@@MAIL@@'; } $data['completeduserlist'] = array_map( array($this,"__todolistTrimUser"), $data['completeduserlist'] ); break; case 'ns': $data['ns'] = $value; break; case 'startbefore': list($data['startbefore'], $data['startignore']) = $this->analyseDate($value); break; case 'startafter': list($data['startafter'], $data['startignore']) = $this->analyseDate($value); break; case 'startat': list($data['startat'], $data['startignore']) = $this->analyseDate($value); break; case 'duebefore': list($data['duebefore'], $data['dueignore']) = $this->analyseDate($value); break; case 'dueafter': list($data['dueafter'], $data['dueignore']) = $this->analyseDate($value); break; case 'dueat': list($data['dueat'], $data['dueignore']) = $this->analyseDate($value); break; case 'completedbefore': list($data['completedbefore']) = $this->analyseDate($value); break; case 'completedafter': list($data['completedafter']) = $this->analyseDate($value); break; case 'completedat': list($data['completedat']) = $this->analyseDate($value); break; } } return $data; } /** * Render xhtml output or metadata * * @param string $mode Renderer mode (supported modes: xhtml) * @param Doku_Renderer $renderer The renderer * @param array $data The data from the handler() function * @return bool If rendering was successful. */ public function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) { global $conf; if($mode != 'xhtml') return false; /** @var Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer */ $opts['pattern'] = '/]*)>(.*?)<\/todo[\W]*?>/'; //all todos in a wiki page $opts['ns'] = $data['ns']; //TODO check if storing subpatterns doesn't cost too much resources // search(&$data, $base, $func, $opts,$dir='',$lvl=1,$sort='natural') search($todopages, $conf['datadir'], array($this, 'search_todos'), $opts); //browse wiki pages with callback to search_pattern $todopages = $this->filterpages($todopages, $data); foreach($todopages as &$page) { uasort($page['todos'], function($a, $b) { if(isset($a['due']) && isset($b['due'])) { return $a['due'] <=> $b['due']; } else if (isset($a['due']) xor isset($b['due'])) { return isset($a['due']) ? -1 : 1; } else { return 0; } }); } if($data['short']) { $this->htmlShort($renderer, $todopages, $data); } else { $this->htmlTodoTable($renderer, $todopages, $data); } return true; } /** * Custom search callback * * This function is called for every found file or * directory. When a directory is given to the function it has to * decide if this directory should be traversed (true) or not (false). * Return values for files are ignored * * All functions should check the ACL for document READ rights * namespaces (directories) are NOT checked (when sneaky_index is 0) as this * would break the recursion (You can have an nonreadable dir over a readable * one deeper nested) also make sure to check the file type (for example * in case of lockfiles). * * @param array &$data - Reference to the result data structure * @param string $base - Base usually $conf['datadir'] * @param string $file - current file or directory relative to $base * @param string $type - Type either 'd' for directory or 'f' for file * @param int $lvl - Current recursion depht * @param array $opts - option array as given to search() * @return bool if this directory should be traversed (true) or not (false). Return values for files are ignored. */ public function search_todos(&$data, $base, $file, $type, $lvl, $opts) { $item['id'] = pathID($file); //get current file ID //we do nothing with directories if($type == 'd') return true; //only search txt files if(substr($file, -4) != '.txt') return true; //check ACL if(auth_quickaclcheck($item['id']) < AUTH_READ) return false; // filter namespaces if(!$this->filter_ns($item['id'], $opts['ns'])) return false; $wikitext = rawWiki($item['id']); //get wiki text // check if ~~NOTODO~~ is set on the page to skip this page if(1 == preg_match('/~~NOTODO~~/', $wikitext)) return false; $item['count'] = preg_match_all($opts['pattern'], $wikitext, $matches); //count how many times appears the pattern if(!empty($item['count'])) { //if it appears at least once $item['matches'] = $matches; $data[] = $item; } return true; } /** * filter namespaces * * @param $todopages array pages with all todoitems * @param $item string listing parameters * @return boolean if item id is in namespace */ private function filter_ns($item, $ns) { global $ID; // check if we should accept currant namespace+subnamespaces or only subnamespaces $wildsubns = substr($ns, -2) == '.:'; $onlysubns = !$wildsubns && (substr($ns, -1) == ':' || substr($ns, -2) == ':.'); // $onlyns = $onlysubns && substr($ns, -1) == '.'; // if first char of ns is '.'replace it with current ns if ($ns[0] == '.') { $ns = substr($ID, 0, strrpos($ID, ':')+1).ltrim($ns, '.:'); } $ns = trim($ns, '.:'); $len = strlen($ns); $parsepage = false; if ($parsepage = $ns == 'all') { // Always return the todo pages } elseif ($ns == '/') { // Only return the todo page if it's in the root namespace $parsepage = strpos($item, ':') === FALSE; } elseif ($wildsubns) { $p = strpos($item.':', ':', $len+1); $x = substr($item, $len+1, $p-$len); $parsepage = 0 === strpos($item, rtrim($ns.':'.$x, ':').':'); } elseif ($onlysubns) { $parsepage = 0 === strpos($item, $ns.':'); } elseif ($parsepage = substr($item, 0, $len) == $ns) { } return $parsepage; } /** * Expand assignee-placeholders * * @param $user String to be worked on * @return expanded string */ private function __todolistExpandAssignees($user) { global $USERINFO; if($user == '@@USER@@' && !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) { //$INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER') return $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; } // @date 20140317 le: check for logged in user email address if( $user == '@@MAIL@@' && isset( $USERINFO['mail'] ) ) { return $USERINFO['mail']; } return $user; } /** * Trim input if it's a user * * @param $user String to be worked on * @return trimmed string */ private function __todolistTrimUser($user) { //placeholder (inspired by replacement-patterns - see https://www.dokuwiki.org/namespace_templates#replacement_patterns) if( $user == '@@USER@@' || $user == '@@MAIL@@' ) { return $user; } //user return trim(ltrim($user, '@')); } /** * filter the pages * * @param $todopages array pages with all todoitems * @param $data array listing parameters * @return array of filtered pages */ private function filterpages($todopages, $data) { // skip function if $todopages has no values $pages = array(); if(isset($todopages) && count($todopages)>0) { foreach($todopages as $page) { $todos = array(); // contains 3 arrays: an array with complete matches and 2 arrays with subpatterns foreach($page['matches'][1] as $todoindex => $todomatch) { $todo = array_merge(array('todotitle' => trim($page['matches'][2][$todoindex]), 'todoindex' => $todoindex), $this->parseTodoArgs($todomatch), $data); if($this->isRequestedTodo($todo)) { $todos[] = $todo; } } if(isset($todos) && count($todos) > 0) { $pages[] = array('id' => $page['id'], 'todos' => $todos); } } } return $pages; } private function htmlShort($R, $todopages, $data) { if (is_null($todopages)) return; $done = 0; $todo = 0; foreach($todopages as $page) { foreach($page['todos'] as $value) { $todo++; if ($value['checked']) { $done++; } } } $R->cdata("($done/$todo)"); } /** * Create html for table with todos * * @param Doku_Renderer_xhtml $R * @param array $todopages * @param array $data array with rendering options */ private function htmlTodoTable($R, $todopages, $data) { if (is_null($todopages)) return; $R->table_open(); foreach($todopages as $page) { if ($data['header']!='none') { $R->tablerow_open(); $R->tableheader_open(); $R->internallink(':'.$page['id'], ($data['header']=='firstheader' ? p_get_first_heading($page['id']) : $page['id'])); $R->tableheader_close(); $R->tablerow_close(); } foreach($page['todos'] as $todo) { if(empty($todo['todotitle'])) { $todo['todotitle'] = ''; } $R->tablerow_open(); $R->tablecell_open(); $R->doc .= $this->createTodoItem($R, $page['id'], array_merge($todo, $data)); $R->tablecell_close(); $R->tablerow_close(); } } $R->table_close(); } /** * Check the conditions for adding a todoitem * * @param $data array the defined filters * @param $checked bool completion status of task; true: finished, false: open * @param $todouser string user username of user * @return bool if the todoitem should be listed */ private function isRequestedTodo($data) { //completion status $condition1 = $data['completed'] === 'all' //all || $data['completed'] === $data['checked']; //yes or no // resolve placeholder in assignees $requestedassignees = array(); if(isset($data['assigned']) && is_array($data['assigned'])) { $requestedassignees = array_map( array($this,"__todolistExpandAssignees"), $data['assigned'] ); } //assigned $condition2 = $data['assigned'] === 'all' //all || (is_bool($data['assigned']) && $data['assigned'] == $data['todouser']); //yes or no if (!$condition2 && isset($data['assigned']) && is_array($data['assigned']) && isset($data['todousers']) && is_array($data['todousers'])) foreach($data['todousers'] as $todouser) { if(in_array($todouser, $requestedassignees)) { $condition2 = true; break; } } //completed by if($condition2 && isset($data['completeduserlist']) && is_array($data['completeduserlist'])) $condition2 = in_array($data['completeduser'], $data['completeduserlist']); //compare start/due dates if($condition1 && $condition2) { $condition3s = true; $condition3d = true; if(isset($data['startbefore']) || isset($data['startafter']) || isset($data['startat'])) { if(isset($data['start'])) { if($data['startignore'] != '!') { if(isset($data['startbefore'])) { $condition3s = $condition3s && new DateTime($data['startbefore']) > $data['start']; } if(isset($data['startafter'])) { $condition3s = $condition3s && new DateTime($data['startafter']) < $data['start']; } if(isset($data['startat'])) { $condition3s = $condition3s && new DateTime($data['startat']) == $data['start']; } } } else { if(!$data['startignore'] == '*') { $condition3s = false; } if($data['startignore'] == '!') { $condition3s = false; } } } if(isset($data['duebefore']) || isset($data['dueafter']) || isset($data['dueat'])) { if(isset($data['due'])) { if($data['dueignore'] != '!') { if(isset($data['duebefore'])) { $condition3d = $condition3d && new DateTime($data['duebefore']) > $data['due']; } if(isset($data['dueafter'])) { $condition3d = $condition3d && new DateTime($data['dueafter']) < $data['due']; } if(isset($data['dueat'])) { $condition3d = $condition3d && new DateTime($data['dueat']) == $data['due']; } } } else { if(!$data['dueignore'] == '*') { $condition3d = false; } if($data['dueignore'] == '!') { $condition3d = false; } } } $condition3 = $condition3s && $condition3d; } // compare completed date $condition4 = true; if(isset($data['completedbefore'])) { $condition4 = $condition4 && new DateTime($data['completedbefore']) > $data['completeddate']; } if(isset($data['completedafter'])) { $condition4 = $condition4 && new DateTime($data['completedafter']) < $data['completeddate']; } if(isset($data['completedat'])) { $condition4 = $condition4 && new DateTime($data['completedat']) == $data['completeddate']; } return $condition1 AND $condition2 AND $condition3 AND $condition4; } /** * Analyse of relative/absolute Date and return an absolute date * * @param $date string absolute/relative value of the date to analyse * @return array absolute date or actual date if $date is invalid */ private function analyseDate($date) { $result = array($date, ''); if(is_string($date)) { if($date == '!') { $result = array('', '!'); } elseif ($date =='*') { $result = array('', '*'); } else { if(substr($date, -1) == '*') { $date = substr($date, 0, -1); $result = array($date, '*'); } if(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date)) == $date) { $result[0] = $date; } elseif(preg_match('/^[\+\-]\d+$/', $date)) { // check if we have a valid relative value $newdate = date_create(date('Y-m-d')); date_modify($newdate, $date . ' day'); $result[0] = date_format($newdate, 'Y-m-d'); } else { $result[0] = date('Y-m-d'); } } } else { $result[0] = date('Y-m-d'); } return $result; } }