*/ require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/metatoc.php'); class syntax_plugin_toctweak_sidetoc extends syntax_plugin_toctweak_metatoc { protected $pattern = array( 5 => '{{SIDETOC\b.*?}}', // DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL ); protected $tocStyle = array( // default toc visual design 'SIDETOC' => 'toc_shrinken', ); /** * Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) { global $INFO, $ID; // disable using cache $handler->_addCall('nocache', array(), $pos); $data = parent::handle($match, $state, $pos, $handler); list($id, $topLv, $maxLv, $tocClass, $tocTitle) = $data; // sidetoc (in sidebar page) must show toc of different page // $id, $topLv, $maxLv dose not appropriate values for sidetoc $id = '@ID@'; $topLv = $maxLv = null; // check basic tocStyle if (!preg_match('/\btoc_.*\b/', $tocClass)) { $tocClass = implode(' ', array($this->tocStyle['SIDETOC'], $tocClass)); } $data = array($id, $topLv, $maxLv, $tocClass, $tocTitle); return $data; } /** * Create output */ function render($format, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) { global $INFO, $conf, $lang; list($id, $topLv, $maxLv, $tocClass, $tocTitle) = $data; $id = $INFO['id']; // str_replace('@ID@', $INFO['id'], $id); // retrieve toc config parameters from metadata $meta = p_get_metadata($id, 'toc'); $topLv = @$meta['toptoclevel'] ?: $this->getConf('toptoclevel'); $maxLv = @$meta['maxtoclevel'] ?: $this->getConf('maxtoclevel'); switch ($format) { case 'metadata': return false; case 'xhtml': // load helper object isset($tocTweak) || $tocTweak = $this->loadHelper($this->getPluginName()); // retrieve TableOfContents from metadata $toc = $tocTweak->get_metatoc($id, $topLv, $maxLv, $section); // toc wrapper attributes $attr['class'] = $tocClass; $title = isset($tocTitle) ? $tocTitle : $lang['toc']; $html = ''.DOKU_LF; $html.= '
'; $html.= $title ? '


' : ''; $html.= '
'; $html.= html_buildlist($toc, 'toc', array($this, 'html_list_metatoc')); $html.= '
'; $html.= '
'.DOKU_LF; $html.= ''.DOKU_LF; $renderer->doc .= $html; return true; } // end of switch return false; } /** * Callback for html_buildlist called from $this->render() * Builds html of each list item * In case of {{SIDETOC}}, href attribute of TOC items must be locallink. */ function html_list_metatoc($item) { $html = ''; $html.= ''; $html.= hsc($item['title']).''; $html.= ''; return $html; } }