/* Right Context Menu configuration for admin users: Menu is built from four array items: title, link, show if page or headpage, show if namespace. Link is not created if it's 0, otherwise it's evaluated. Second array is displayed only in edit mode. Some usefull variables: node.hns = headpage id; node.isdir = node is namespace; node.dokuid = the DW id (namespace parent in case of headpage); id = the DW id of the selected node (headpage id in case of headpage); this.config.urlbase = Url Base; this.config.sepchar = Url separator; */ var indexmenu_contextmenu=new Array( //Standard right menu new Array( 'Page action:',0,1,0, 'Namespace action:',0,0,1, 'New page here','"javascript: indexmenu_reqpage(\'"+this.config.urlbase+"\',\'"+this.config.sepchar+"\',\'"+node.dokuid+"\');"',1,1, 'Headpage here','"javascript: indexmenu_reqpage(\'"+this.config.urlbase+"\',\'"+this.config.sepchar+"\',\'"+node.dokuid+"\',\'"+node.name+"\');"',0,1, 'Edit','indexmenu_getid(this.config.urlbase,id)+"do=edit"',1,0, 'Search','"javascript: indexmenu_srchpage(\'"+this.config.urlbase+"\',\'"+this.config.sepchar+"\',\'"+node.isdir+"\',\'"+node.dokuid+"\');"',1,1, 'Toc preview','"javascript: indexmenu_createTocMenu(\'req=toc&id="+id+"\',\'picker_"+this.obj+"\',\'s"+this.obj+node.id+"\');"',1,0, 'Revisions','indexmenu_getid(this.config.urlbase,id)+"do=revisions"',1,0, 'Purge cache','indexmenu_getid(this.config.urlbase,id)+"purge=true"',1,0, 'Acls','indexmenu_getid(this.config.urlbase,id)+"do=admin&page=acl"',1,1 ), //Right menu in edit mode. new Array( 'Edit action:',0,1,0, 'Insert as DWlink','"javascript: indexmenu_insertTags(\'"+id+"\',\'"+this.config.sepchar+"\');"+this.obj+".divdisplay(\'r\',0);"',1,0 ) ); /*Custom User Functions Insert your custom functions here. */ function indexmenu_reqpage(b,s,id,n) { var r,u=b; if (n) { r = id + s + n; } else { r = prompt("Insert the pagename to create",""); if (!r) {return;} r = id + s + r; } if (r) window.location.href = indexmenu_getid(u,r)+"do=edit"; } function indexmenu_srchpage(u,s,isdir,nid) { var r = prompt("Insert keyword(s) to search for within this namespace",""); if (r) { var fnid = nid; if (isdir == "0") { fnid = fnid.substring(0,nid.lastIndexOf(s)); } var b=u,re = new RegExp(s, 'g'); fnid = fnid.replace(re, ":"); b += (u.indexOf("?id=") < 0) ? '?id=': ''; window.location.href = indexmenu_getid(b,r+" @"+fnid)+"do=search"; } } function indexmenu_getid(u,id) { var url=(u||'')+encodeURI(id||''); url += (u.indexOf("?") < 0) ? '?': '&'; return url; }