page}} for "page" in same namespace * {{template>:page}} for "page" in top namespace * {{template>namespace:page}} for "page" in namespace "namespace" * {{template>.namespace:page}} for "page" in subnamespace "namespace" * {{template>page#section}} for a section of "page" * * Replacers are handled in a simple key/value pair method: * {{template>page|key=val|key2=val|key3=val}} * * Templates are wiki pages, with replacers being delimited like: * @key1@ @key2@ @key3@ * * @license GPL 2 ( * @author Jonathan Arkell * based on code by Esther Brunner * @maintainer Daniel Dias Rodrigues (aka Nerun) * @contributors Vincent de Lau * Ximin Luo * jack126guy * Turq Whiteside */ use dokuwiki\File\PageResolver; define('BEGIN_REPLACE_DELIMITER', '@'); define('END_REPLACE_DELIMITER', '@'); require_once('debug.php'); /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_templater extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { /** * What kind of syntax are we? */ function getType() { return 'container'; } function getAllowedTypes() { return array('container', 'substition', 'protected', 'disabled', 'formatting'); } /** * Where to sort in? */ function getSort() { return 302; } /** * Paragraph Type */ function getPType() { return 'block'; } /** * Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern("{{template>.+?}}", $mode, 'plugin_templater'); } /** * Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) { global $ID; $match = substr($match, 11, -2); // strip markup $replacers = preg_split('/(?_massageReplacers($replacers); $wikipage = preg_split('/\#/u', $wikipage, 2); // split hash from filename $parentpage = empty(self::$pagestack)? $ID : end(self::$pagestack); // get correct namespace // resolve shortcuts: $resolver = new PageResolver(getNS($parentpage)); $wikipage[0] = $resolver->resolveId($wikipage[0]); $exists = page_exists($wikipage[0]); // check for perrmission if (auth_quickaclcheck($wikipage[0]) < 1) return false; // $wikipage[1] is the header of a template enclosed within a section {{template>page#section}} // Not all template calls will be {{template>page#section}}, some will be {{template>page}} // It fix "Undefined array key 1" warning if (array_key_exists(1, $wikipage)) { $section = cleanID($wikipage[1]); } else { $section = null; } return array($wikipage[0], $replacers, $section); } private static $pagestack = array(); // keep track of recursing template renderings /** * Create output * This is a refactoring candidate. Needs to be a little clearer. */ function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) { if ($mode != 'xhtml') return false; if ($data[0] === false) { // False means no permissions $renderer->doc .= '
'; $renderer->doc .= $this->getLang('no_permissions_view'); $renderer->doc .= '
'; $renderer->info['cache'] = FALSE; return true; } $file = wikiFN($data[0]); if (!@file_exists($file)) { $renderer->doc .= '
— '; $renderer->doc .= $this->getLang('template'); $renderer->doc .= ' '; $renderer->internalLink($data[0]); $renderer->doc .= ' '; $renderer->doc .= $this->getLang('not_found'); $renderer->doc .= '

'; $renderer->info['cache'] = FALSE; return true; } else if (array_search($data[0], self::$pagestack) !== false) { $renderer->doc .= '
— '; $renderer->doc .= $this->getLang('processing_template'); $renderer->doc .= ' '; $renderer->internalLink($data[0]); $renderer->doc .= ' '; $renderer->doc .= $this->getLang('stopped_recursion'); $renderer->doc .= '

'; return true; } self::$pagestack[] = $data[0]; // push this onto the stack // Get the raw file, and parse it into its instructions. This could be cached... maybe. $rawFile = io_readfile($file); // fill in all known values if(!empty($data[1]['keys']) && !empty($data[1]['vals'])) { $rawFile = str_replace($data[1]['keys'], $data[1]['vals'], $rawFile); } // replace unmatched substitutions with "" or use DEFAULT_STR from data arguments if exists. $left_overs = '/'.BEGIN_REPLACE_DELIMITER.'.*'.END_REPLACE_DELIMITER.'/'; if(!empty($data[1]['keys']) && !empty($data[1]['vals'])) { $def_key = array_search(BEGIN_REPLACE_DELIMITER."DEFAULT_STR".END_REPLACE_DELIMITER, $data[1]['keys']); $DEFAULT_STR = $def_key ? $data[1]['vals'][$def_key] : ""; $rawFile = preg_replace($left_overs, $DEFAULT_STR, $rawFile); } $instr = p_get_instructions($rawFile); // filter section if given if ($data[2]) { $getSection = $this->_getSection($data[2], $instr); $instr = $getSection[0]; if(!is_null($getSection[1])) { $renderer->doc .= sprintf($getSection[1], $data[2]); $renderer->internalLink($data[0]); $renderer->doc .= '.

'; } } // correct relative internal links and media $instr = $this->_correctRelNS($instr, $data[0]); // doesn't show the heading for each template if {{template>page#section}} if (sizeof($instr) > 0 && !isset($getSection[1])) { if (array_key_exists(0, $instr[0][1]) && $instr[0][1][0] == $data[2]) { $instr[0][1][0] = null; } } // render the instructructions on the fly $text = p_render('xhtml', $instr, $info); // remove toc, section edit buttons and category tags $patterns = array('!
\n)!s', '##', '!
!s'); $replace = array('', '', ''); $text = preg_replace($patterns, $replace, $text); // prevent caching to ensure the included page is always fresh $renderer->info['cache'] = FALSE; // embed the included page $renderer->doc .= '
'; $renderer->doc .= $text; $renderer->doc .= '
'; array_pop(self::$pagestack); // pop off the stack when done return true; } /** * Get a section including its subsections */ function _getSection($title, $instructions) { $i = (array) null; $level = null; $no_section = null; foreach ($instructions as $instruction) { if ($instruction[0] == 'header') { // found the right header if (cleanID($instruction[1][0]) == $title) { $level = $instruction[1][1]; $i[] = $instruction; } else { if (isset($level) && isset($i)) { if ($instruction[1][1] > $level) { $i[] = $instruction; // next header of the same level or higher -> exit } else { return array($i,null); } } } } else { // content between headers if (isset($level) && isset($i)) { $i[] = $instruction; } } } // Fix for when page#section doesn't exist if(sizeof($i) == 0) { $no_section_begin = '
— '; $no_section_end = $this->getLang('no_such_section'); $no_section = $no_section_begin . $no_section_end . ' '; } return array($i,$no_section); } /** * Corrects relative internal links and media */ function _correctRelNS($instr, $incl) { global $ID; // check if included page is in same namespace $iNS = getNS($incl); if (getNS($ID) == $iNS) return $instr; // convert internal links and media from relative to absolute $n = count($instr); for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { if (substr($instr[$i][0], 0, 8) != 'internal') continue; // relative subnamespace if ($instr[$i][1][0][0] == '.') { $instr[$i][1][0] = $iNS.':'.substr($instr[$i][1][0], 1); // relative link } else if (strpos($instr[$i][1][0], ':') === false) { $instr[$i][1][0] = $iNS.':'.$instr[$i][1][0]; } } return $instr; } /** * Handles the replacement array */ function _massageReplacers($replacers) { $r = array(); if (is_null($replacers)) { $r['keys'] = null; $r['vals'] = null; } else if (is_string($replacers)) { if ( str_contains($replacers, '=') && (substr(trim($replacers), -1) != '=') ){ list($k, $v) = explode('=', $replacers, 2); $r['keys'] = BEGIN_REPLACE_DELIMITER.trim($k).END_REPLACE_DELIMITER; $r['vals'] = trim(str_replace('\|', '|', $v)); } } else if ( is_array($replacers) ) { foreach($replacers as $rep) { if ( str_contains($rep, '=') && (substr(trim($rep), -1) != '=') ){ list($k, $v) = explode('=', $rep, 2); $r['keys'][] = BEGIN_REPLACE_DELIMITER.trim($k).END_REPLACE_DELIMITER; if (trim($v)[0] == '"' and trim($v)[-1] == '"') { $r['vals'][] = substr(trim(str_replace('\|','|',$v)), 1, -1); } else { $r['vals'][] = trim(str_replace('\|','|',$v)); } } } } else { // This is an assertion failure. We should NEVER get here. //die("FATAL ERROR! Unknown type passed to syntax_plugin_templater::massageReplaceMentArray() can't message syntax_plugin_templater::\$replacers! Type is:".gettype($r)." Value is:".$r); $r['keys'] = null; $r['vals'] = null; } return $r; } }