* Create the additional fields for the edit form.
function handle_editform_output( &$event, $param ) {
$pos = $event->data->findElementByAttribute( 'type', 'submit' );
if ( !$pos ){ return; }
$prefixHidden = empty( $event->data->_hidden['prefix'] );
$suffixHidden = empty( $event->data->_hidden['suffix'] );
if ( $prefixHidden || ! $suffixHidden ){
// get all tags
$tagns = $this->getConf( 'namespace' );
if ( $thlp =& plugin_load( 'helper', 'tag' ) ) {
if ( $this->getConf( 'tagsrc' ) == 'Pagenames in tag NS' ) {
$tagnst = $thlp->getConf( 'namespace' );
if ( !empty( $tagnst ) )
$tagns = $tagnst;
if ( $this->getConf( 'tagsrc' ) == 'All tags' && $thlp ) {
$alltags = array_map( 'trim', idx_getIndex( 'subject', '_w' ) );
} else {
$alltags = $this->_getpages( $tagns );
// get already assigned tags for this page
$assigned = false;
if ( 1 ) { // parse wiki-text to pick up tags for draft/prevew
$wikipage = '';
$wt = $event->data->findElementByType( 'wikitext' );
if ( $wt !== false ) {
$wikipage = $event->data->_content[$wt]['_text'];
if ( !empty( $wikipage ) ){
if ( preg_match( '@\{\{tag>(.*?)\}\}@', $wikipage, $m ) ) {
$assigned = explode( ' ', $m[1] );
if ( !is_array( $assigned ) ) {
// those are from the prev. saved version.
global $ID;
$meta = array();
$meta = p_get_metadata( $ID );
$assigned = $meta['subject'];
$options = array(
'blacklist' => explode( ' ', $this->getConf( 'blacklist' ) ),
'assigned' => $assigned,
$out = '
$out .= $this->_format_tags( $alltags, $options );
$out .= '
$event->data->insertElement( $pos++, $out );
* callback function for dokuwiki search()
* Build a list of tags from the tag namespace
* $opts['ns'] is the namespace to browse
function _tagentry_search_tagpages( &$data, $base, $file, $type, $lvl, $opts ) {
$return = true;
$item = array();
if ( $type == 'd' ) {
// TODO: check if namespace mismatch -> break recursion early.
return true;
} elseif ( $type == 'f' && !preg_match( '#\.txt$#', $file ) ) {
return false;
$id = pathID( $file );
if ( getNS( $id ) != $opts['ns'] )
return false;
if ( isHiddenPage( $id ) ) {
return false;
if ( $type == 'f' && auth_quickaclcheck( $id ) < AUTH_READ ) {
return false;
$data[] = noNS( $id );
return $return;
* list all tags from the topic index.
* (requires newer version of the tag plugin)
* @param $thlp pointer to tag plugin's helper
* @return array list of tag names, sorted by frequency
function _gettags( &$thlp ) {
$data = array();
if ( !is_array( $thlp->topic_idx ) )
return $data;
foreach ( $thlp->topic_idx as $k => $v ) {
if ( !is_array( $v ) || empty( $v ) || ( !trim( $v[0] ) ) )
$data[$k] = count( $v );
arsort( $data );
return ( array_keys( $data ) );
* list all pages in the namespace.
* @param $tagns namespace to search.
* @return array list of tag names.
function _getpages( $tagns = 'wiki:tags' ) {
global $conf;
require_once( DOKU_INC . 'inc/search.php' );
$data = array();
search( $data, $conf['datadir'], array(
), array(
'ns' => $tagns
) );
return ( $data );
function clipstring( $s, $len = 22 ) {
return substr( $s, 0, $len ) . ( ( strlen( $s ) > $len ) ? '..' : '' );
function escapeJSstring( $o ) {
return ( // TODO: use JSON ?!
str_replace( "\n", '\\n', str_replace( "\r", '', str_replace( '\'', '\\\'', str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', $o ) ) ) ) );
/** case insenstive in_array();.
function in_iarray( $needle, $haystack ) {
if ( !is_array( $haystack ) )
return false;
foreach ( $haystack as $t ) {
if ( strcasecmp( $needle, $t ) == 0 )
return true;
return false;
* render and return the tag-select box.
* @param $alltags array of tags to display.
* @param $options array
* @return string XHTML form.
function _format_tags( $alltags, $options ) {
$rv = '';
if ( !is_array( $alltags ) ){ return $rv; }
if ( count( $alltags ) < 1 ){ return $rv; }
//$rv .= '';
//$rv .= '
' . $this->getLang( 'assign' ) . '
$rv .= '
//$rv .= '
// Trie les tags
natcasesort( $alltags );
// Boucle sur les tags
$i = 0;
foreach ( $alltags as $tagname ) {
// Blacklist
$hasBlacklist = is_array( $options['blacklist'] );
$inBlacklist = $this->in_iarray( $tagname, $options['blacklist'] );
if ( $hasBlacklist && $inBlacklist ){ continue; }
$rv .= ' in_iarray( $tagname, $options['assigned'] ) ){
$rv .= ' checked="checked"';
$rv .= ' onclick="tagentry_clicktag(\'' . $this->escapeJSstring( $tagname ) . '\', this);"';
// MODIF : 23/12/2013 14:43:26
$rv .= ' /> ' . $this->_getTagTitle( $tagname ) ;
$rv .= ' ';
//$rv.=' /> '.$this->clipstring($tagname).' ';
// MODIF : 23/12/2013 14:43:26
$rv .= "\n";
//$rv .= '
//$rv .= '
return ( $rv );
// MODIF : 23/12/2013 14:55:07
* Return Header title or tag name
* @param $tagname The name of tag without namespace
* @return Title of the tag page or tag name formatted
function _getTagTitle( $tagname ) {
global $conf;
if ( $conf['useheading'] ) {
$tagplugin = plugin_load( 'helper', 'tag' );
if ( plugin_isdisabled( 'tag' ) || !$tagplugin ) {
msg( 'The Tag Plugin must be installed to display tagentry.', -1 );
return $this->clipstring( $tagname );
$id = $tagname;
$exist = false;
resolve_pageID( $tagplugin->namespace, $id, $exist );
if ( $exist ) {
return p_get_first_heading( $id, false );
return $this->clipstring( $tagname );
// MODIF : 23/12/2013 14:55:07