sort = $this->getConf('sortkey'); } function getMethods() { $result = array(); $result[] = array( 'name' => 'renderTabsHtml', 'desc' => 'Render tabs HTML of DokuWiki pages', 'params' => array( 'renderer' => 'renderer', 'tabs' => array('page'=>'page ID','title'=>'page title','error'=>'error msg'), 'init_page_idx' => 'int', 'class (optional)' => 'string'), 'return' => array('html' => 'string'), ); $result[] = array( 'name' => 'getOdtHtml', 'desc' => 'Render tabs ODT of DokuWiki pages', 'params' => array( 'renderer' => 'renderer', 'tabs' => array('page'=>'page ID','title'=>'page title','error'=>'error msg'),), 'return' => array('odt' => 'string'), ); return $result; } /** * Get Tabpages information */ function getTabPages($match,$isInline=true){ global $ID; $page_delim = $isInline?",":"\n"; list($class, $match) = explode('>', $match); // extract class $class=trim($class); $pages = explode($page_delim,$match); // extract page names $sz = count($pages); if($sz==0) return array(); $sz = count($pages); // loop for tabs $tabs = array(); $init_page_idx = 0; // initial page index for($i=0;$i<$sz;$i++){ // Put page ID into $page // Put text in tab into $title $title=''; $page = trim($pages[$i]); if($isInline){ // Inline description if($page[0]=='*'){ $init_page_idx=count($tabs); $page = substr($page,1); } $items = explode('|',$page); if(count($items)>1){ list($page,$title)=$items; } }else{ // Lines description if (preg_match('/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/', $page, $match)){ // Pagelist like syntax, // each tabbed page is provided as DokuWiki unordered list syntax: // *[[id|title]] or **[[id|title]]. $p = substr($page,0,strpos($page,'[[')); $page = $match[1]; if($page=='') continue; if (strpos($p,'*') !== strrpos($p,'*')) { // multiple '*' means initial page!! $init_page_idx = count($tabs); } } else { // original syntax $asterisk = false; while($page[0]=='*'){ $page = substr($page,1); $asterisk = true; } if($page=='') continue; if($asterisk) $init_page_idx = count($tabs); } list($page, $title) = explode('|', $page, 2); list($page ,$section) = explode('#', $page, 2); if($page=='') continue; } // Build tab title resolve_pageid(getNS($ID),$page,$exists); if($title==''){ // Show first heading as tab name ? if($this->getConf('use_first_heading')){ $meta_title= p_get_metadata($page,'title'); if($meta_title!=''){ $title = $meta_title; } } // Show namespace(s) of page name in tab ? if($title==''){ $title = $this->getConf('namespace_in_tab')?$page:noNS($page); } } // Check errors if(page_exists($page)==false){ // page in tab exists ? $tabs[] = array('error'=>tpl_link(wl($page),$page,'',true).' - '.$this->getLang('error_notfound')); }else if($ID==$page){ // page is identical to parent ? $tabs[] = array('error'=>$this->getLang('error_parent')); }else{ $tabs[] = array('page'=>hsc($page),'title'=>hsc($title)); } } return array(DOKU_LEXER_MATCHED,$tabs,$init_page_idx,hsc(trim($class))); } /** * Get AJAX tab XHTML from pagenames */ function renderTabsHtml(&$renderer,$tabs,$init_page_idx,$class='') { // render if($class) $class=' class="'.$class.'"'; $html= '
'.NL; $html.=''.NL; $html.='
'; if($this->getConf('hideloading')!=1){ $html.='
'; } $html.='
'; if($this->getConf('ajax_init_page')!=0){ $html.=''; } $goto = $this->getLang('gotohere'); $pagelink = tpl_link(wl($tabs[$init_page_idx]['page']),$goto,'',true); if($this->getConf('goto_link_header')!=0) $html.= ''.NL; if($this->getConf('ajax_init_page')==0){ $html.=tpl_include_page($tabs[$init_page_idx]['page'],false); } if($this->getConf('goto_link_footer')!=0) $html.= ''.NL; $html.= '
'.NL; $renderer->doc.=$html; global $conf; if($conf['allowdebug']==1){ $renderer->doc.=""; } return true; } /** * Get links of tab XHTML from pagenames */ function renderLinkTabs(&$renderer,$tabs,$init_page_idx,$class='') { global $ID; // Selected page defined ? if(isset($_GET['tabpage_idx'])) $init_page_idx = $_GET['tabpage_idx']; // render if($class) $class=' class="'.$class.'"'; $html.= '
'.NL; $html.=''.NL; $html.='
'; $html.='
'; $goto = $this->getLang('gotohere'); $pagelink = tpl_link(wl($tabs[$init_page_idx]['page']),$goto,'',true); if($this->getConf('goto_link_header')!=0) $html.= ''.NL; $html.=tpl_include_page($tabs[$init_page_idx]['page'],false); if($this->getConf('goto_link_footer')!=0) $html.= ''.NL; $html.= '
'.NL; $renderer->doc.=$html; global $conf; if($conf['allowdebug']==1){ $renderer->doc.=""; } return true; } /** * Get embed tabs XHTML from pagenames */ function renderEmbedTabs(&$renderer,$tabs,$init_page_idx,$class='') { global $ID; // Selected page defined ? if(isset($_GET['tabpage_idx'])) $init_page_idx = $_GET['tabpage_idx']; // render all tabs ! if($class) $class=' class="'.$class.'"'; $html.= '
'.NL; $html.=''.NL; $html.='
'; for($i=0;$i<$sz;$i++){ $html.='
'; if($i==$init_page_idx) $html.='
'; else $html.='
'.NL; } $html.='
'.NL; $html.='
'.NL; $renderer->doc.=$html; global $conf; if($conf['allowdebug']==1){ $renderer->doc.=""; } return true; } /** * Get tab ODT from pagenames */ function getOdtHtml(&$renderer,$tabs){ $renderer->strong_open(); $renderer->doc.='Tab pages'; $renderer->strong_close(); $renderer->p_close(); $renderer->listu_open(); for($i=0;$i<$sz;$i++){ $page = $tabs[$i]['page']; $title = $tabs[$i]['title']; $desc = p_get_metadata($page,'description'); if(empty($tabs[$i]['error'])){ $renderer->listitem_open(); $renderer->p_open(); $renderer->internallink($page,$title); $renderer->p_close(); if(is_array($desc)){ $renderer->p_open(); $renderer->doc.=hsc($desc['abstract']); $renderer->p_close(); } $renderer->listitem_close(); }else{ $renderer->p_open(); $renderer->doc.=$tabs[$i]['error']; $renderer->p_close(); } } $renderer->listu_close(); $renderer->p_open(); global $conf; if($conf['allowdebug']==1){ $renderer->doc.=""; } return true; } }