:boom: **[SyntaxHighlighter 4 Plugin](https://github.com/crazy-max/dokuwiki-plugin-syntaxhighlighter4) is now available!** :boom:

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## About This plugin is an alternative to GeSHi server-side code highlighting of DokuWiki with client-side [SyntaxHighlighter](http://alexgorbatchev.com/wiki/SyntaxHighlighter) by Alex Gorbatchev with copy to clipboard functionality based on [SyntaxHighlighter DokuWiki Plugin by David Shin](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:syntaxhighlighter2).
The subfolder `sxh3` contains an untouched build of [SyntaxHighlighter 3.0.90](https://github.com/syntaxhighlighter/syntaxhighlighter/releases/tag/v3.0.90).
For compatibility and conflicts with others plugins, please refer to the official [DokuWiki SyntaxHighlighter3 plugin page](http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:syntaxhighlighter3). ## Download and Installation Download and install the plugin using the [Plugin Manager](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:plugin) using the download link given above. Refer to [Plugins](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugins) on how to install plugins manually.
If you install this plugin manually, make sure it is installed in `lib/plugins/syntaxhighlighter3/`. If the folder is called different it will not work! ## Syntax and Usage * Does not use `` tags, enables parallell use with DokuWikis own server side syntax highlighter (GeSHi). * Does not require Flash for copy to clipboard functionality. Usage: ``` ... code/text ... ``` ### Brush alias The brush alias (language) that SyntaxHighlighter should use. Defaults to "text" if none is provided. See [SyntaxHighlighter Brushes](http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/manual/brushes/) for a complete list of available brushes.
Add new brushes to the scripts directory and the alias(es) and brush file name to the available brushes string in [Config Manager](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:config) (example: "...,bat cmd shBrushBat.js"). The brush file name is case sensitive. ### Options Semicolon separated options for SyntaxHighlighter, see [SyntaxHighlighter Configuration](http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/manual/configuration/).
[Block Title](http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/whatsnew.html#blocktitle) isn't a normal configuration option, but the plugin handles it as if it was, i.e. `title: ;`. > Do not collapse code and hide the toolbar at the same time, title will not show. ### Defaults Some [Syntaxhighlighter defaults](http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/manual/configuration/#syntaxhighlighterdefaults) can be overrided via the [Config Manager](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:config) : * **auto-links**: Allows you to turn detection of links in the highlighted element on and off. If the option is turned off, URLs won’t be clickable `(default on)` * **collapse**: Allows you to force highlighted elements on the page to be collapsed by default `(default off)` * **first-line**: Allows you to change the first (starting) line number `(default 1)` * **gutter**: Allows you to turn gutter with line numbers on and off `(default on)` * **html-script**: Allows you to highlight a mixture of HTML/XML code and a script which is very common in web development. Setting this value to true requires that you have shBrushXml.js loaded and that the brush you are using supports this feature `(default off)` * **smart-tabs**: Allows you to turn smart tabs feature on and off `(default on)` * **tab-size**: Allows you to adjust tab size `(default 4)` * **toolbar**: Toggles toolbar on/off `(default on)` ## Example ``` <sxh php; first-line: 70; highlight: [89,92]; title: New title attribute in action> public function render($mode, &$renderer, $data) { if($mode != 'xhtml') return false; if (count($data) == 3) { list($syntax, $attr, $content) = $data; if ($syntax == 'sxh') { // Check if there's a title in the attribute string. It can't be passed along as a normal parameter to SyntaxHighlighter. if (preg_match("/title:/i", $attr)) { // Extract title(s) from attribute string. $attr_array = explode(";",$attr); $title_array = preg_grep("/title:/i", $attr_array); // Extract everything BUT title(s) from attribute string. $not_title_array = preg_grep("/title:/i", $attr_array, PREG_GREP_INVERT); $attr = implode(";",$not_title_array); // If there are several titles, use the last one. $title = array_pop($title_array); $title = preg_replace("/.*title:\s{0,}(.*)/i","$1",$title); // Add title as an attribute to the <pre /> tag. $renderer->doc .= "<pre class=\"brush: ".$attr."\" title=\"".$title."\">".$renderer->_xmlEntities($content)."</pre>"; } else { // No title detected, pass all attributes as parameters to SyntaxHighlighter. $renderer->doc .= "<pre class=\"brush: ".$attr."\">".$renderer->_xmlEntities($content)."</pre>"; } } else { $renderer->file($content); } } return true; } </sxh> ``` Expected result: ![](.res/expected.png) ## Features ### Copy to clipboard Double click anywhere inside SyntaxHighlighter code area to highlight the text and then copy it using Ctrl/Cmd+C or mouse right click > Copy.<br /> Click outside the code area to restore highlighting. ### Highlight a range of lines Example: ``` <sxh php; highlight: [9-18]> // Check highlight attr for lines ranges if (preg_match("/highlight:/i", $attr, $matches)) { // Extract highlight from $attr string. $attr_array = explode(";",$attr); $highlight_array = preg_grep("/highlight:/i", $attr_array); // Extract everything BUT highlight from $attr string. $not_highlight_array = preg_grep("/highlight:/i", $attr_array, PREG_GREP_INVERT); $attr = implode(";",$not_highlight_array); // If there are multiple hightlights, use the last one. $highlight_str = array_pop($highlight_array); $highlight_str = preg_replace("/.*highlight:\s{0,}(.*)/i","$1", $highlight_str); // Remove [ ] $highlight_str = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $highlight_str); // Process ranges if exists $highlight_exp = explode(',', $highlight_str); foreach ($highlight_exp as $highlight_elt) { if (!empty($highlight)) { $highlight .= ','; } $highlight_elt = trim($highlight_elt); $highlight_elt_exp = explode('-', $highlight_elt); if (count($highlight_elt_exp) == 2) { foreach (range($highlight_elt_exp[0], $highlight_elt_exp[1]) as $key => $lineNumber) { if ($key > 0) { $highlight .= ','; } $highlight .= $lineNumber; } } else { $highlight .= $highlight_elt; } } $highlight = ' highlight: [' . $highlight . ']'; } </sxh> ``` Expected result: ![](.res/highlight-range.png) ## Issues and Features * https://github.com/crazy-max/dokuwiki-plugin-syntaxhighlighter3/issues ## Changelog See `CHANGELOG.md`. ## How can i help ? All kinds of contributions are welcomed :raised_hands:!<br /> The most basic way to show your support is to star :star2: the project, or to raise issues :speech_balloon:<br /> But we're not gonna lie to each other, I'd rather you buy me a beer or two :beers:! [![Beerpay](https://beerpay.io/crazy-max/dokuwiki-plugin-syntaxhighlighter4/badge.svg?style=beer-square)](https://beerpay.io/crazy-max/dokuwiki-plugin-syntaxhighlighter4) or [![Paypal](.res/paypal.svg)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=NMMSKWE5DPNFU) ## License > This is a modified version (fork) of SyntaxHighlighter3 Plugin for DokuWiki based on Daniel Lindgren's work. GPLv2. See `LICENSE` for more details.