*/ // must be run within Dokuwiki if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'action.php'); class action_plugin_swiftmail extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin { /** * register the eventhandlers * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller){ $controller->register_hook('MAIL_MESSAGE_SEND', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handle_message_send', array()); } /** * Handle the message send event and use SwiftMailer to mail */ function handle_message_send(&$event, $param){ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/Swift.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/Swift/Connection/SMTP.php'; $ok = false; if($this->getConf('debug')){ $log =& Swift_LogContainer::getLog(); $log->setLogLevel(Swift_Log::LOG_EVERYTHING); } try { // initialize the connection $smtp =& new Swift_Connection_SMTP( $this->getConf('smtp_host'), $this->getConf('smtp_port'), $this->getConf('smtp_ssl') ); // use Pop-before-SMTP if($this->getConf('pop3_host')) { require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/Swift/Authenticator/@PopB4Smtp.php'; $smtp->attachAuthenticator(new Swift_Authenticator_PopB4Smtp($this->getConf('pop3_host'))); } // use SMTP auth? if($this->getConf('auth_user')) $smtp->setUsername($this->getConf('auth_user')); if($this->getConf('auth_pass')) $smtp->setPassword($this->getConf('auth_pass')); // start Swift $swift =& new Swift($smtp,$this->getConf('localdomain')); // did we get an Adora Belle Mailer object? if(isset($event->data['mail']) && is_a($event->data['mail'],'Mailer')){ // we'd need to call cleanHeaders() here, but it's protected in Adora Belle. // instead we call the dump() method which will call cleanHeaders for us if(is_callable(array($event->data['mail'],'cleanHeaders()'))){ $event->data['mail']->cleanHeaders(); }else{ $event->data['mail']->dump(); } } // prepare message (Swift autodetects UTF-8) $message =& new Swift_Message($event->data['subject'], $event->data['body']); // handle the recipients (duplicates some code from mail_encode_address) $reci =& new Swift_RecipientList(); $from = null; $num = 0; foreach(array('to','cc','bcc','from') as $hdr){ $parts = explode(',',$event->data[$hdr]); foreach ($parts as $part){ $part = trim($part); // parse address if(preg_match('#(.*?)<(.*?)>#',$part,$matches)){ $text = trim($matches[1]); $addr = $matches[2]; }else{ $addr = $part; } // skip empty ones if(empty($addr)) continue; // add if($hdr == 'from'){ $from =& new Swift_Address($addr,$text); }else{ if($hdr == 'to' || $hdr == 'cc') $num++; if($hdr == 'bcc' && $num == 0){ // no to and cc - add bcc as to and send as batch later $reci->add($addr,$text,'to'); }else{ $reci->add($addr,$text,$hdr); } } } } // now finally send the mail if($num){ $ok = $swift->send($message, $reci, $from); }else{ $ok = $swift->batchSend($message, $reci, $from); } } catch (Swift_ConnectionException $e) { msg('There was a problem communicating with SMTP: '.$e->getMessage(),-1); } catch (Swift_Message_MimeException $e) { msg('There was an unexpected problem building the email: '.$e->getMessage(),-1); } catch(Exception $e){ msg('There was an unexpected problem with sending the email: '.$e->getMessage(),-1); } if(!$ok && $this->getConf('debug')){ $dbglog = $log->dump(true); $dbglog = preg_replace('/(AUTH \w+ ).*$/m','\\1 ***',$dbglog); //filter out passwords $dbglog = preg_replace('/(PASS ).*$/m','\\1 ***',$dbglog); //filter out passwords msg('SwiftMailer log:
',-1); } $event->preventDefault(); $event->stopPropagation(); $event->result = $ok; $event->data['success'] = $ok; } }