sviewer plugin requires cache plugin.'; exit; } if (!class_exists('plugin_cache')) @require(DOKU_PLUGIN.'cache/plugin_cache.php'); class syntax_plugin_sviewer extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { var $xmlCache; var $attrPattern; var $listPattern; var $swfLoc; var $swfObjPath; // Constructor function syntax_plugin_sviewer(){ $this->xmlCache = new plugin_cache("sviewer",'',"xml"); //By TTy32 $this->attrPattern = '/(\d+) (\d+) (\w+) (\w+) (\w+) (\w+) (\d*) (\w+) (\d*) (\d*) (\w+) (\w+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d*) "([^"]*)"?>|(clear_cache)>|(remove_dir)>/'; $this->listPattern = '/\{\{([^}|]+)\|?([^}]*)\}\}/'; $this->swfLoc = DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/sviewer/simpleviewer/simpleviewer.swf'; $this->swfJsPath = DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/sviewer/simpleviewer/simpleviewer.js'; } function getInfo(){ return array( 'author' => 'TTy32 (Original by Ikuo Obataya)', 'email' => '', 'date' => '2011-04-15', 'name' => 'Airtight Simpleviewer plugin', 'desc' => 'Create Simpleviewer by image files or media namespace ', 'url' => '', ); } function getType(){ return 'protected'; } function getSort(){ return 917; } // Entry function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('.*?)',$mode,'plugin_sviewer'); } // Exit function postConnect() { $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('','plugin_sviewer'); } // Handler function handle($match, $state, $pos) { global $ID; global $conf; switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : $m = preg_match_all($this->attrPattern,$match,$cmd); if ($m!=1){ $width = $this->getConf('width'); $height = $this->getConf('height'); }else{ // extra commands - Mod By TTy32 if (strtolower($cmd[17][0])=='clear_cache'){$this->xmlCache->ClearCache();return array($state,'');} if (strtolower($cmd[18][0])=='remove_dir') {$this->xmlCache->RemoveDir(); return array($state,'');} // width/height/alignment $width = $cmd[1][0]; $height = $cmd[2][0]; $align = $cmd[3][0]; // By TTy32 $option_galleryStyle = strtoupper($cmd[4][0]); $option_textColor = $cmd[5][0]; $option_frameColor = $cmd[6][0]; $option_frameWidth = $cmd[7][0]; $option_thumbPosition = strtoupper($cmd[8][0]); $option_thumbColumns = $cmd[9][0]; $option_thumbRows = $cmd[10][0]; $option_showOpenButton = strtoupper($cmd[11][0]); $option_showFullscreenButton = strtoupper($cmd[12][0]); $option_maxImageWidth = $cmd[13][0]; $option_maxImageHeight = $cmd[14][0]; $option_captionMode = $cmd[15][0]; $option_title = $cmd[16][0]; } if(empty($align)) $align = $this->getConf('align'); // By TTy32 if(empty($option_galleryStyle)) $option_galleryStyle = $this->getConf('galleryStyle'); if(empty($option_textColor)) $option_textColor = $this->getConf('textColor'); if(empty($option_frameColor)) $option_frameColor = $this->getConf('frameColor'); if(empty($option_frameWidth)) $option_frameWidth = $this->getConf('frameWidth'); if(empty($option_thumbPosition)) $option_thumbPosition = $this->getConf('thumbPosition'); if(empty($option_thumbColumns)) $option_thumbColumns = $this->getConf('thumbColumns'); if(empty($option_thumbRows)) $option_thumbRows = $this->getConf('thumbRows'); if(empty($option_showOpenButton)) $option_showOpenButton = $this->getConf('showOpenButton'); if(empty($option_showFullscreenButton)) $option_showFullscreenButton = $this->getConf('showFullscreenButton'); if(empty($option_maxImageWidth)) $option_maxImageWidth = $this->getConf('maxImageWidth'); if(empty($option_maxImageHeight)) $option_maxImageHeight = $this->getConf('maxImageHeight'); if(empty($option_captionMode)) $option_captionMode = $this->getConf('captionMode'); if(empty($option_title)) $option_title = $this->getConf('title'); $sz = preg_match_all($this->listPattern,$match,$img); if ($sz==0){ $img = array(); $img[1][0] = getNS($ID); $img[2][0] = $ID; $sz = 1; } // By TTy32 $xml.=sprintf(' ', $option_galleryStyle, $option_title, $option_textColor, $option_frameColor, $option_frameWidth, $option_thumbPosition, $option_thumbColumns, $option_thumbRows, $option_showOpenButton, $option_showFullscreenButton, $option_maxImageWidth, $option_maxImageHeight); for($i=0;$i<$sz;$i++){ // build filepaths from an input line $mediaID = (substr($mediaID,0,1)==':')?substr($img[1][$i],1):$img[1][$i]; $path = mediaFN($mediaID); $mlink = ml($mediaID,'',true,'',true); $caption = $img[2][$i]; $paths = array(); $urls = array(); if(is_dir($path)){ // get file paths from a namespace $d = $conf['useslash']?'/':':'; $dir_handle = @opendir($path); $caption = '(in '.$mediaID.')'; while(($f = readdir($dir_handle))!==false){ $p = $path.'/'.$f; if ($f=='.'||$f=='..'||is_dir($p)) continue; $paths[] = $p; $urls[] = $mlink.$d.$f; } @closedir($dir_handle); }else{ // get file path $paths[] = $path; $urls[] = $mlink; } $fsz = count($paths); for($j=0;$j<$fsz;$j++){ $path = $paths[$j]; /* By SuicideFunky >> */ $caption2 = ""; $filename = substr($path, strrpos($path, "/")+1, 99); //Filename with extension - By SuicideFunky $filename2 = substr($filename, 1,strrpos($filename, ".")-1); //Filename without extension - By SuicideFunky if ($option_captionMode == 0) { $caption2 = ""; } else if ($option_captionMode == 1) { $caption2 = $filename; } else { $caption2 = $filename2; } /* end */ $url = $urls[$j]; $title = (empty($caption))?$path:$caption; if(!file_exists($path))continue; $jm = new JpegMeta($path); $f = @$jm->getResizeRatio($width,$height); $info = @$jm->getBasicInfo(); $rwidth = floor($info['Width']*$f); $rheight = floor($info['Height']*$f); // By TTy32 $xml.=''.NL; $xml.=''.NL; } } $xml.=''.NL; //By TTy32 return array($state, array($xml,$width,$height,$align)); case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER :return array($state,$match); case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT :return array($state, ''); } } // Render function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data){ if ($mode!='xhtml') return false; global $conf; list($state, $match) = $data; switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER: break; case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED: if (empty($match)) return; list($xml,$width,$height,$align)=$match; $hash = md5(serialize($match)); $savePath = $this->xmlCache->GetMediaPath($hash); if (!file_exists($savePath)){ if(io_saveFile($savePath, $xml)){ chmod($savePath,$conf['fmode']); } } $fetchPath = ml('sviewer:'.$hash.'.xml','',true,'',true); // By TTy32 $renderer->doc.=sprintf('
', $width, $height, $align, $this->swfLoc, $fetchPath, $this->swfLoc, $fetchPath, $width, $height, $align); break; case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT: break; } return true; } /** * Build element by fetch url and caption */ function getImageElement($url,$caption){ $path = $paths[$j]; $url = $urls[$j]; $title = (empty($caption))?$path:$caption; if(!file_exists($path))continue; $jm = new JpegMeta($path); $f = @$jm->getResizeRatio($width,$height); $info = @$jm->getBasicInfo(); $rwidth = floor($info['Width']*$f); $rheight = floor($info['Height']*$f); // By TTy32 $xml.=''.NL; $xml.=''.NL; return $xml; } /** * print debug info */ function _sviewer_debug($msg){ global $conf; if($conf['allowdebug']!=0){ echo ''.NL; } } } ?>