 * DokuWiki Plugin survey (Helper Component)
 * @license GPL 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * @author  DRINGOT <ddonovan.ringot@hotmail.fr>

// must be run within Dokuwiki
if (!defined("DOKU_INC")) {

if (!defined("DOKU_LF")) {
    define("DOKU_LF", "\n");
if (!defined("DOKU_TAB")) {
    define("DOKU_TAB", "\t");
if (!defined("DOKU_PLUGIN")) {
    define("DOKU_PLUGIN", DOKU_INC . "lib/plugins/");

class helper_plugin_survey_survey extends DokuWiki_Plugin
    public function getMethods()
        return [
                "name" => "sanitizeSyntax",
                "desc" => "Clean syntax before interpreting it",
                "params" => [
                    "The syntax to sanitize" => "string",
                "return" => [
                    "Sanitized Syntaxstring" => "string",
                "name" => "interpretSurvey",
                "desc" =>
                    "Interprets survey syntax text and returns " .
                    "a survey configuration",
                "params" => [
                    "Syntax text for the survey" => "string",
                    "Current line in the syntax" => "int",
                    "Current level of survey" => "int",
                "return" => [
                    "The survey configuration as a hash" => "array",

     * Clean syntax before interpreting it
     * @param String $surveySyntax The syntax to sanitize
     * @return String Sanitized Syntaxstring

    public function sanitizeSyntax($surveySyntax)
        // Remove \r's from the syntax.

        $surveySyntax = preg_replace("/\r/", "", $surveySyntax);

        // Sanitize syntax. Remove empty lines and such

        $tmp = [];

        $surveyArray = explode("\n", $surveySyntax);

        foreach ($surveyArray as $syntaxLine) {
            // Only use good syntax, discard other lines

            if (preg_match('/^ *  \* .*$/', $syntaxLine)) {
                $tmp[] = $syntaxLine;
            } else {
                    "Discarded survey syntaxline: " . $syntaxLine,
                    "Survey-Plugin SanitizeSyntax"

        return implode("\n", $tmp);

    public function renderText($lineText)
        // Link

        if (preg_match("/\[\[(.*)\]\]/", $lineText, $matches)) {
            if (preg_match("/^([^|]*)\|(.*)$/", $matches[1], $titleMatches)) {
                $link = $titleMatches[1];
                $name = $titleMatches[2];
            } else {
                $link = $name = $matches[1];

            if (preg_match("/^(http|ftp)/", $link)) {
                // External link

                $lineText = str_replace(
                    '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $name . "</a>",
            } else {
                // Internal link

                $lineText = str_replace(
                    html_wikilink($link, $name),
        } else {
            $lineText = preg_replace(
            $lineText = preg_replace("/_([^_]*)_/", "<u>$1</u>", $lineText);
            $lineText = preg_replace(

        return $lineText;

     * As an example, it interprets the following source text into
     * this survey configuration array:
     *   * Question A
     *      * Answer A-A
     *      * Question A-B
     *          * Answer A-B-A
     *          * Answer A-B-B
     *   * Question B
     *      * Answer B-A
     *      * Answer B-B
     * array(
     *     "_name": "root",
     *     "_hasChildren": true,
     *     "_children": array(
     *         array(
     *             "_name": "Question A",
     *             "_hasChildren": true,
     *             "_children": array(
     *                 array(
     *                     "_name": "Answer A-A",
     *                     "_hasChildren": false
     *                 ),
     *                 array(
     *                     "_name": "Question A-B",
     *                     "_hasChildren": true,
     *                     "_children": array(
     *                         array(
     *                             "_name": "Answer A-B-A",
     *                             "_hasChildren": false
     *                         ),
     *                         array(
     *                             "_name: "Answer A-B-B",
     *                             "_hasChildren": false
     *                         )
     *                     )
     *                 )
     *             )
     *         ),
     *         array(
     *             "_name:"Question B",
     *             "_hasChildren": true,
     *             "_children": array(
     *                 array(
     *                     "_name": "Answer B-A",
     *                     "_hasChildren": false
     *                 ),
     *                 array(
     *                     "_name": "Answer B-B",
     *                     "_hasChildren": false
     *                 )
     *             )
     *         )
     *     )
     * );
     * @param String $syntaxText   Syntax text for the survey
     * @param int    $currentLine  Current line in the syntax
     * @param int    $currentLevel Current level of survey
     * @return Array The survey configuration as a hash

    public function interpretSurvey(
        $currentLine = 0,
        $currentLevel = -1
    ) {
        $syntaxArray = explode("\n", $syntaxText);

        $returnArray = [];

        if ($currentLevel == -1) {
            $returnArray["_name"] = "root";
            $returnArray["_children"] = [];
        } else {
            $workLine = $syntaxArray[$currentLine];

            preg_match('/^( *)  \* (.*)$/', $workLine, $lineMatch);

            $returnArray["_name"] = $this->renderText($lineMatch[2]);
            $returnArray["_children"] = [];


        while ($currentLine < count($syntaxArray)) {
            $workLine = $syntaxArray[$currentLine];

            preg_match('/^( *)  \* (.*)$/', $workLine, $lineMatch);

            $nextLine = $syntaxArray[$currentLine + 1];

            preg_match('/^( *)  \* (.*)$/', $nextLine, $nextLineMatch);

            $lineLevel = strlen($lineMatch[1]) / 2;
            $nextLineLevel = strlen($nextLineMatch[1]) / 2;

            if ($lineLevel == $nextLineLevel) {
                // Add a child

                $returnArray["_children"][] = [
                    "_name" => $this->renderText($lineMatch[2]),
                    "_hasChildren" => false,
            } elseif ($lineLevel < $nextLineLevel) {
                // Add a child with children

                $subArray = $this->interpretSurvey(

                $returnArray["_children"][] = $subArray;

                $currentLine = $subArray["_currentLine"];

                $newNextLine = $syntaxArray[$currentLine + 1];

                    '/^( *)  \* (.*)$/',

                $newNextLineLevel = strlen($newNextLineMatch[1]) / 2;

                if ($nextLineLevel > $newNextLineLevel + 1) {
                    $returnArray["_hasChildren"] = true;
                    $returnArray["_currentLine"] = $currentLine;

                    return $returnArray;
            } else {
                // We're done here. Return.

                // Add a child

                $returnArray["_children"][] = [
                    "_name" => $this->renderText($lineMatch[2]),
                    "_hasChildren" => false,

                $returnArray["_hasChildren"] = true;
                $returnArray["_currentLine"] = $currentLine;

                return $returnArray;


        // We're through

        if (count($returnArray["_children"]) > 0) {
            $returnArray["_hasChildren"] = true;

        $returnArray["_currentLine"] = $currentLine;

        return $returnArray;