* @copyright © 2022 Iain Hallam * @license GPL-2.0-only (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace dokuwiki\plugin\structtemplate\meta; use Doku_Handler; use Doku_Renderer; use dokuwiki\Extension\SyntaxPlugin; use dokuwiki\plugin\struct\meta\ConfigParser; use dokuwiki\plugin\struct\meta\SearchConfig; use dokuwiki\plugin\struct\meta\StructException; /** * Syntax plugin extending standard DokuWiki class */ class StructTemplateSyntax extends SyntaxPlugin { /** @var string TAG The tag to be used in Wiki markup between < and > */ /** @var string PLUGIN The system name of the plugin */ /** @var string OPEN_SYNTAX Interpolation syntax */ /** @var string CLOSE_SYNTAX Interpolation syntax */ public const TAG = 'struct-template'; public const PLUGIN = 'structtemplate'; public const OPEN_SYNTAX = '{{$$'; public const CLOSE_SYNTAX = '}}'; /** * Define the type of syntax plugin * * @see https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:syntax_plugins#syntax_types */ public function getType() { return 'substition'; } /** * Define the precedence of this plugin to the parser * * @see https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:parser:getsort_list */ public function getSort() { return 45; } /** * Handle matches * * @see https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:syntax_plugins#handle_method * * @param string $match Text matched by the patterns * @param int $state Lexer state for the match * @param int $position Character position of the matched text * @param object $handler Doku_Handler object * @return array Data for render() */ public function handle($match, $state, $position, Doku_Handler $handler): array { // Configuration // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Access global configuration settings global $conf; // Disable section editing for the template $old_maxseclevel = $conf['maxseclevel']; $conf['maxseclevel'] = 0; // Extract the data block and template // ------------------------------------------------------------- $template_start_index = 0; // Reduce match to Struct search config $lines = explode("\n", $match); // Ignore first two lines (tag and data header) and last line (closing tag) for ($line_index = 2; $line_index <= count($lines) - 1; $line_index++) { if (preg_match('/^----+$/', $lines[$line_index])) { // Reached the end of the data block $template_start_index = $line_index + 1; break; } $struct_syntax[] = $lines[$line_index]; } // -1: ignore last line containing closing tag $template = implode("\n", array_slice($lines, $template_start_index, -1)); // Check flags $options['html'] = (preg_match('/\bhtml\b/', strtolower($lines[0])) === 1); //FIXME: check if HTML is allowed // Configure the Struct search // ------------------------------------------------------------- try { $parser = new ConfigParser($struct_syntax); $search_config = $parser->getConfig(); } catch (StructException $e) { msg($e->getMessage(), -1, $e->getLine(), $e->getFile()); if ($conf['allowdebug']) { msg('
' . hsc($e->getTraceAsString()) . '', -1); } // Re-enable section editing $conf['maxseclevel'] = $old_maxseclevel; return []; } // Return data for rendering // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Re-enable section editing $conf['maxseclevel'] = $old_maxseclevel; return [$search_config, $template, $options]; } /** * Output rendered matches * * @see https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:syntax_plugins#render_method * * @param string $mode Output format to generate * @param object $renderer Doku_Renderer object * @param array $data Data created by handle() * @return bool Whether the syntax rendered OK */ public function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data): bool { $search_config = $data[0]; $template = $data[1]; $options = $data[2]; // Access global configuration settings global $conf; // Disable section editing for the template $old_maxseclevel = $conf['maxseclevel']; $conf['maxseclevel'] = 0; // Run the search (can't be in handler as that is cached) try { $search = new SearchConfig($search_config); // Get all matching data, no pagination $search->setLimit(0); $search->setOffset(0); // Run the search $struct_data = $search->execute(); $this->n_rows = $search->getCount(); } catch (StructException $e) { msg($e->getMessage(), -1, $e->getLine(), $e->getFile()); if ($conf['allowdebug']) { msg('
' . hsc($e->getTraceAsString()) . '', -1); } // Re-enable section editing $conf['maxseclevel'] = $old_maxseclevel; return false; } // Construct a lookup table for column names and indices in the result $columns = $search->getColumns(); foreach ($columns as $index => $column) { $column_id = $column->getFullQualifiedLabel(false); // getFullColumnName takes false to disable enforceSingleColumn $column_indices[$column_id] = $index; } foreach ($struct_data as $row_index => $row) { $chunks = explode(self::OPEN_SYNTAX, $template); // First entry contains no fields $interpolated = $chunks[0]; $chunks = array_slice($chunks, 1); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { // Since the string was exploded on the open marker, this must start with a field $chunk_parts = explode(self::CLOSE_SYNTAX, $chunk, 2); $column_request = $chunk_parts[0]; $next_output = $chunk_parts[1]; if (array_key_exists($column_request, $column_indices)) { $interpolated .= $row[$column_indices[$column_request]]->getDisplayValue(); } else { if ($this->getConf('show_not_found')) { $renderer->cdata($this->getLang('none')); } } $interpolated .= $next_output; } if ($conf['htmlok'] == true and $options['html'] == true) { $html = $interpolated; } else { // Rendering needs an array to write $html_info = []; $html = p_render($mode, p_get_instructions($interpolated), $html_info); } // Send to document $renderer->doc .= $html; } // Re-enable section editing $conf['maxseclevel'] = $old_maxseclevel; return true; } }