'j', // shown in header 'period' => 'P1D', // smallest shown interval 'next' => '+1 day', // one more interval 'short' => 'q', // interval label 'long' => 'Y-m-d', // interval long label 'comp' => 'Y-m-d', // sortable interval ]; /** @inheritdoc */ public function __construct($id, $mode, \Doku_Renderer $renderer, SearchConfig $searchConfig) { parent::__construct($id, $mode, $renderer, $searchConfig); if ($this->mode !== 'xhtml') { return; } $conf = $searchConfig->getConf(); $this->skipWeekends = $conf['skipweekends'] ?? false; $this->initColumnRefs(); } /** * Figure out which columns will be used for dates and color * * The first date column is the start, the second is the end * * @todo suport Lookups pointing to dates and colors * @todo handle multi columns */ protected function initColumnRefs() { $ref = 0; foreach ($this->columns as $column) { if ( $column->getType() instanceof Date || $column->getType() instanceof \dokuwiki\plugin\struct\types\DateTime ) { if ($this->colrefStart == -1) { $this->colrefStart = $ref; } else { $this->colrefEnd = $ref; } } elseif ($column->getType() instanceof Color) { $this->colrefColor = $ref; } elseif ($this->labelRef == -1) { $this->labelRef = $ref; } elseif ($this->titleRef == -1) { $this->titleRef = $ref; } $ref++; } if ($this->colrefStart === -1 || $this->colrefEnd === -1) { throw new StructException('Not enough Date columns selected'); } if ($this->labelRef === -1) { throw new StructException('No label column found'); } if ($this->titleRef === -1) { $this->titleRef = $this->labelRef; } } /** * Figure out the minimum and maximum dates and number of days inbetween * * @throws StructException when the range is not at least two days */ protected function initMinMax() { $min = PHP_INT_MAX; $max = 0; /** @var Value[] $row */ foreach ($this->searchConfig->getResult()->getRows() as $row) { $start = $row[$this->colrefStart]->getCompareValue(); $start = explode(' ', $start); // cut off time $start = array_shift($start); if ($start && $start < $min) $min = $start; if ($start && $start > $max) $max = $start; $end = $row[$this->colrefEnd]->getCompareValue(); $end = explode(' ', $end); // cut off time $end = array_shift($end); if ($end && $end < $min) $min = $end; if ($end && $end > $max) $max = $end; } $daynum = (new \DateTime($min))->diff(new \DateTime($max))->days; if ($daynum <= 1) { throw new StructException('Not enough variation in dates to create a range'); } // define the resolution if ($daynum < 14) { $this->interval = [ 'header' => 'j', // days 'period' => 'P1D', 'next' => '+1 day', 'short' => '\\\\q', 'long' => 'Y-m-d', 'comp' => 'Y-m-d' ]; } elseif ($daynum < 52) { $this->interval = [ 'header' => '\wW', // week numbers 'period' => 'P1D', 'next' => '+1 day', 'short' => '\\\\q', 'long' => 'Y-m-d', 'comp' => 'Y-m-d', ]; } elseif ($daynum < 360) { $this->interval = [ 'header' => 'F', // months 'period' => 'P1D', 'next' => '+1 day', 'short' => '\\\\q', 'long' => 'Y-m-d', 'comp' => 'Y-m-d', ]; } elseif ($daynum < 600) { $this->interval = [ 'header' => 'M \'y', // months and year 'period' => 'P1W', // weeks 'next' => '+1 week', 'short' => '\wW', 'long' => '\wW o', 'comp' => 'o-W', ]; $this->skipWeekends = false; } else { $this->interval = [ 'header' => '\\\\Q \'y', // quarter and year 'period' => 'P1M', // months 'next' => '+1 month', 'short' => 'M', 'long' => 'F Y', 'comp' => 'Y-m', ]; $this->skipWeekends = false; } $this->minDate = $min; $this->maxDate = $max; $this->days = $this->listDays($min, $max); $this->daynum = $daynum; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function render($showNotFound = false) { if ($this->mode !== 'xhtml') { return; } if ($this->searchConfig->getCount()) { $this->initMinMax(); $this->renderer->doc .= '
'; $this->renderer->doc .= ''; $this->renderer->doc .= ''; $this->renderHeaders(); $this->renderer->doc .= ''; $this->renderer->doc .= ''; foreach ($this->searchConfig->getResult()->getRows() as $row) { $this->renderRow($row); } $this->renderer->doc .= ''; $this->renderer->doc .= ''; $this->renderDayRow(); $this->renderer->doc .= ''; $this->renderer->doc .= '
'; $this->renderer->doc .= '
'; } elseif ($showNotFound) { global $lang; $this->renderer->cdata($lang['nothingfound']); } } /** * Get the color to use in this row * * @param Value[] $row * @return string */ protected function getColorStyle($row) { if ($this->colrefColor === -1) return ''; $color = $row[$this->colrefColor]->getValue(); $conf = $row[$this->colrefColor]->getColumn()->getType()->getConfig(); if ($color == $conf['default']) return ''; return 'style="background-color:' . $color . '"'; } /** * Render the headers * * Automatically decides on the scale */ protected function renderHeaders() { $headers = $this->makeHeaders($this->minDate, $this->maxDate); $this->renderer->doc .= ''; $this->renderer->doc .= ''; foreach ($headers as $name => $days) { $this->renderer->doc .= '' . $name . ''; } $this->renderer->doc .= ''; $this->renderDayRow(); } /** * Render a row for the days and the today pointer */ protected function renderDayRow() { $today = new \DateTime(); $this->renderer->doc .= ''; $this->renderer->doc .= ''; foreach ($this->days as $day) { if ($day->format($this->interval['long']) == $today->format($this->interval['long'])) { $class = 'today'; } else { $class = ''; } $text = $this->intervalFormat($day, 'short'); $title = $this->intervalFormat($day, 'long'); $this->renderer->doc .= '' . $text . ''; } $this->renderer->doc .= ''; } /** * Render one row in the diagram * * @param Value[] $row */ protected function renderRow($row) { $start = $row[$this->colrefStart]->getCompareValue(); $end = $row[$this->colrefEnd]->getCompareValue(); if ($start && $end) { $r1 = $this->listDays($this->minDate, $start); $r2 = $this->listDays($start, $end); $r3 = $this->listDays($end, $this->maxDate); while ($r1 && ($this->intervalFormat(end($r1), 'comp') >= $this->intervalFormat($r2[0], 'comp'))) { array_pop($r1); } while ($r3 && ($this->intervalFormat($r3[0], 'comp') <= $this->intervalFormat(end($r2), 'comp'))) { array_shift($r3); } } else { $r1 = $this->days; $r2 = 0; $r3 = 0; } // header $this->renderer->doc .= ''; $this->renderer->doc .= ''; $row[$this->labelRef]->render($this->renderer, $this->mode); $this->renderer->doc .= ''; // period before the task foreach ($r1 as $day) { $this->renderer->doc .= ''; } // the task itself if ($r2) { $style = $this->getColorStyle($row); $this->renderer->doc .= ''; $row[$this->titleRef]->render($this->renderer, $this->mode); $this->renderer->doc .= '
'; foreach ($row as $value) { $this->renderer->doc .= '
'; $value->render($this->renderer, $this->mode); $this->renderer->doc .= '
'; } $this->renderer->doc .= '
'; $this->renderer->doc .= ''; } // period after the task foreach ($r3 as $day) { $this->renderer->doc .= ''; } $this->renderer->doc .= ''; } /** * Returns the interval units in the given period * * @fixme currently it's still called days, but may actually use weeks or months * @link based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/31046319/172068 * @param string $start as YYYY-MM-DD * @param string $end as YYYY-MM-DD * @return \DateTime[] */ protected function listDays($start, $end) { if ($start > $end) [$start, $end] = [$end, $start]; $days = []; $period = new \DatePeriod( new \DateTime($start), new \DateInterval($this->interval['period']), (new \DateTime($end))->modify($this->interval['next']) // Include End Date (flag is only available in PHP8) ); /** @var \DateTime $date */ foreach ($period as $date) { if ($this->skipWeekends && (int)$date->format('N') >= 6) { continue; } else { $days[] = $date; } } return $days; } /** * Returns the headers * * @param string $start as YYYY-MM-DD * @param string $end as YYYY-MM-DD * @return array */ protected function makeHeaders($start, $end) { if ($start > $end) [$start, $end] = [$end, $start]; $headers = []; $period = new \DatePeriod( new \DateTime($start), new \DateInterval($this->interval['period']), (new \DateTime($end))->modify($this->interval['next']) // Include End Date (flag is only available in PHP8) ); /** @var \DateTime $date */ foreach ($period as $date) { if ($this->skipWeekends && (int)$date->format('N') >= 6) { continue; } else { $ident = $this->intervalFormat($date, 'header'); if (!isset($headers[$ident])) { $headers[$ident] = 1; } else { $headers[$ident]++; } } } return $headers; } /** * Wrapper around DateTime->format() to implement our own placeholders * * @param \DateTime $date * @param string $formatname * @return string */ protected function intervalFormat(\DateTime $date, $formatname) { $format = $this->interval[$formatname]; $label = $date->format($format); return str_replace( [ '\Q', // quarter of the year '\q', // first letter of the day ], [ 'Q' . ceil($date->format('n') / 3), substr($date->format('l'), 0, 1), ], $label ); } }