columns) throw new StructException('nocolname'); $QB = new QueryBuilder(); reset($this->schemas); $schema = current($this->schemas); $datatable = 'data_' . $schema->getTable(); $QB->addTable($datatable); // add conditional page clauses if pid has a value $subAnd = $QB->filters()->whereSubAnd(); $subAnd->whereAnd("$ = ''"); $subOr = $subAnd->whereSubOr(); $subOr->whereAnd("GETACCESSLEVEL($ > 0"); $subOr->whereAnd("PAGEEXISTS($ = 1"); $subOr->whereSubOr() ->whereAnd('ASSIGNED == 1') ->whereSubOr() ->whereAnd("$datatable.rid > 0") ->whereAnd("ASSIGNED IS NULL"); // add conditional schema assignment check $QB->addLeftJoin( $datatable, 'schema_assignments', '', "$ != '' AND $ = AND schema_assignments.tbl = '{$schema->getTable()}'" ); $QB->filters()->whereAnd("$datatable.latest = 1"); $QB->filters()->where('AND', 'tag IS NOT \'\''); $col = $this->columns[0]; if ($col->isMulti()) { $multitable = "multi_{$col->getTable()}"; $MN = $QB->generateTableAlias('M'); $QB->addLeftJoin( $datatable, $multitable, $MN, "$ = $ AND $datatable.rid = $MN.rid AND $datatable.rev = $MN.rev AND $MN.colref = {$col->getColref()}" ); $col->getType()->select($QB, $MN, 'value', 'tag'); $colname = $MN . '.value'; } else { $col->getType()->select($QB, $datatable, $col->getColName(), 'tag'); $colname = $datatable . '.' . $col->getColName(); } $QB->addSelectStatement("COUNT($colname)", 'count'); $QB->addSelectColumn('schema_assignments', 'assigned', 'ASSIGNED'); $QB->addGroupByStatement('tag'); $QB->addOrderBy('count DESC'); [$sql, $opts] = $QB->getSQL(); return [$sql . $this->limit, $opts]; } /** * We do not have pagination in clouds, so we can work with a limit within SQL * * @param int $limit */ public function setLimit($limit) { $this->limit = " LIMIT $limit"; } /** * Execute this search and return the result * * The result is a two dimensional array of Value()s. * * @return Value[][] */ public function execute() { [$sql, $opts] = $this->getSQL(); /** @var \PDOStatement $res */ $res = $this->sqlite->query($sql, $opts); if ($res === false) throw new StructException("SQL execution failed for\n\n$sql"); $result = []; $rows = $res->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!empty($this->config['min']) && $this->config['min'] > $row['count']) { break; } $row['tag'] = new Value($this->columns[0], $row['tag']); $result[] = $row; } $res->closeCursor(); return $result; } }