header)) throw new StructException('There is no "pid" header in the CSV. Schema not imported.'); } /** * Add the revision. * * @param string[] $values */ protected function saveLine($values) { //create new page revision $pid = cleanID($values[0]); if (isset($this->createPage[$pid])) { $this->createPage($pid, $values); } // make sure this schema is assigned /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ Assignments::getInstance()->assignPageSchema( $pid, $this->schema->getTable() ); parent::saveLine($values); } /** * Create a page from a namespace template and replace column-label-placeholders * * This is intended to use the same placeholders as bureaucracy in their most basic version * (i.e. without default values, formatting, etc. ) * * @param string $pid * @param array $line */ protected function createPage($pid, $line) { $text = pageTemplate($pid); if (trim($text) === '') { $pageParts = explode(':', $pid); $pagename = end($pageParts); $text = "====== $pagename ======\n"; } $keys = array_reduce( $this->columns, function ($keys, Column $col) { if (!in_array($col->getLabel(), $keys, true)) { return $keys; } $index = array_search($col->getLabel(), $keys, true); $keys[$index] = $col->getFullQualifiedLabel(); return $keys; }, $this->header ); $keysAt = array_map(static fn($key) => "@@$key@@", $keys); $keysHash = array_map(static fn($key) => "##$key##", $keys); $flatValues = array_map( function ($value) { if (is_array($value)) { return implode(', ', $value); } return $value; }, $line ); $text = $this->evaluateIfNotEmptyTags($text, $keys, $flatValues); $text = str_replace($keysAt, $flatValues, $text); /** @noinspection CascadeStringReplacementInspection */ $text = str_replace($keysHash, $flatValues, $text); saveWikiText($pid, $text, 'Created by struct csv import'); } /** * Replace conditional tags * * @param string $text The template * @param string[] $keys The array of qualified headers * @param string[] $values The flat array of corresponding values * * @return string The template with the tags replaced */ protected function evaluateIfNotEmptyTags($text, $keys, $values) { return preg_replace_callback( '/([^<]*?)<\/ifnotempty>/', function ($matches) use ($keys, $values) { [, $blockKey, $textIfNotEmpty] = $matches; $index = array_search($blockKey, $keys, true); if ($index === false) { msg('Import error: Key "' . hsc($blockKey) . '" not found!', -1); return ''; } if (trim($values[$index]) === '') { return ''; } return $textIfNotEmpty; }, $text ); } /** * Check if page id realy exists * * @param Column $col * @param mixed $rawvalue * @return bool */ protected function validateValue(Column $col, &$rawvalue) { //check if page id exists and schema is bound to the page if ($col->getLabel() == 'pid') { $pid = cleanID($rawvalue); if (isset($this->importedPids[$pid])) { $this->errors[] = 'Page "' . $pid . '" already imported. Skipping the row.'; return false; } if (page_exists($pid)) { $this->importedPids[$pid] = true; return true; } global $INPUT; if ($INPUT->bool('createPage')) { $this->createPage[$pid] = true; return true; } $this->errors[] = 'Page "' . $pid . '" does not exists. Skipping the row.'; return false; } return parent::validateValue($col, $rawvalue); } }