*/ if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die('Meh.'); /** * Data entry syntax for dedicated data blocks. */ class syntax_plugin_strata_entry extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { protected static $previewMetadata = array(); function __construct() { $this->syntax =& plugin_load('helper', 'strata_syntax'); $this->util =& plugin_load('helper', 'strata_util'); $this->triples =& plugin_load('helper', 'strata_triples'); } function getType() { return 'substition'; } function getPType() { return 'block'; } function getSort() { return 450; } function connectTo($mode) { if($this->getConf('enable_entry')) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern(']+?)?(?: *#[^>]*?)?>\s*?\n(?:.*?\n)*?\s*?',$mode, 'plugin_strata_entry'); } } function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) { $result = array( 'entry'=>'', 'data'=> array( $this->util->getIsaKey(false) => array(), $this->util->getTitleKey(false) => array() ) ); // allow for preprocessing by a subclass $match = $this->preprocess($match, $state, $pos, $handler, $result); $lines = explode("\n",$match); $header = trim(array_shift($lines)); $footer = trim(array_pop($lines)); // allow subclasses to mangle header $header = $this->handleHeader($header, $result); // extract header, and match it to get classes and fragment preg_match('/^( +[^#>]+)?(?: *#([^>]*?))?$/', $header, $header); // process the classes into triples if (isset($header[1])) { foreach(preg_split('/\s+/',trim($header[1])) as $class) { if($class == '') continue; $result['data'][$this->util->getIsaKey(false)][] = array('value'=>$class,'type'=>'text', 'hint'=>null); } } // process the fragment if necessary $result['entry'] = $header[2]??null; $result['position'] = $pos; if($result['entry'] != '') { $result['title candidate'] = array('value'=>$result['entry'], 'type'=>'text', 'hint'=>null); } // parse tree $tree = $this->syntax->constructTree($lines,'data entry'); // allow subclasses first pick in the tree $this->handleBody($tree, $result); // fetch all lines $lines = $this->syntax->extractText($tree); // sanity check if(count($tree['cs'])) { msg(sprintf($this->syntax->getLang('error_entry_block'), ($tree['cs'][0]['tag']?sprintf($this->syntax->getLang('named_group'),utf8_tohtml(hsc($tree['cs'][0]['tag']))):$this->syntax->getLang('unnamed_group')), utf8_tohtml(hsc($result['entry']))),-1); return array(); } $p = $this->syntax->getPatterns(); // now handle all lines foreach($lines as $line) { $line = $line['text']; // match a "property_type(hint)*: value" pattern // (the * is only used to indicate that the value is actually a comma-seperated list) // [grammar] ENTRY := PREDICATE TYPE? '*'? ':' ANY if(preg_match("/^({$p->predicate})\s*({$p->type})?\s*(\*)?\s*:\s*({$p->any}?)$/",$line,$parts)) { // assign useful names list(, $property, $ptype, $multi, $values) = $parts; list($type,$hint) = $p->type($ptype); // trim property so we don't get accidental 'name ' keys $property = utf8_trim($property); // lazy create key bucket if(!isset($result['data'][$property])) { $result['data'][$property] = array(); } // determine values, splitting on commas if necessary $values = ($multi == '*') ? explode(',',$values) : array($values); // generate triples from the values foreach($values as $v) { $v = utf8_trim($v); if($v == '') continue; // replace the [[]] quasi-magic token with the empty string if($v == '[[]]') $v = ''; if(!isset($type) || $type == '') { list($type, $hint) = $this->util->getDefaultType(); } $result['data'][$property][] = array('value'=>$v,'type'=>$type,'hint'=>($hint?:null)); } } else { msg(sprintf($this->syntax->getLang('error_entry_line'), utf8_tohtml(hsc($line))),-1); } } // normalize data: // - Normalize all values $buckets = $result['data']; $result['data'] = array(); foreach($buckets as $property=>&$bucket) { // normalize the predicate $property = $this->util->normalizePredicate($property); // process all triples foreach($bucket as &$triple) { // normalize the value $type = $this->util->loadType($triple['type']); $triple['value'] = $type->normalize($triple['value'], $triple['hint']); // lazy create property bucket if(!isset($result['data'][$property])) { $result['data'][$property] = array(); } $result['data'][$property][] = $triple; } } // normalize title candidate if(!empty($result['title candidate'])) { $type = $this->util->loadType($result['title candidate']['type']); $result['title candidate']['value'] = $type->normalize($result['title candidate']['value'], $result['title candidate']['hint']); } $footer = $this->handleFooter($footer, $result); return $result; } /** * Handles the whole match. This method is called before any processing * is done by the actual class. * * @param match string the complete match * @param state the parser state * @param pos the position in the source * @param the handler object * @param result array the result array passed to the render method * @return a preprocessed string */ function preprocess($match, $state, $pos, &$handler, &$result) { return $match; } /** * Handles the header of the syntax. This method is called before * the header is handled. * * @param header string the complete header * @param result array the result array passed to the render method * @return a string containing the unhandled parts of the header */ function handleHeader($header, &$result) { // remove prefix and suffix return preg_replace('/(^$)/','',$header); } /** * Handles the body of the syntax. This method is called before any * of the body is handled. * * @param tree array the parsed tree * @param result array the result array passed to the render method */ function handleBody(&$tree, &$result) { } /** * Handles the footer of the syntax. This method is called after the * data has been parsed and normalized. * * @param footer string the footer string * @param result array the result array passed to the render method * @return a string containing the unhandled parts of the footer */ function handleFooter($footer, &$result) { return ''; } protected function getPositions($data) { global $ID; // determine positions of other data entries // (self::$previewMetadata is only filled if a preview_metadata was run) if(isset(self::$previewMetadata[$ID])) { $positions = self::$previewMetadata[$ID]['strata']['positions']; } else { $positions = p_get_metadata($ID, 'strata positions'); } // only read positions if we have them if(is_array($positions) && isset($positions[$data['entry']])) { $positions = $positions[$data['entry']]; $currentPosition = array_search($data['position'],$positions); $previousPosition = isset($positions[$currentPosition-1])?'data_fragment_'.$positions[$currentPosition-1]:null; $nextPosition = isset($positions[$currentPosition+1])?'data_fragment_'.$positions[$currentPosition+1]:null; $currentPosition = 'data_fragment_'.$positions[$currentPosition]; } return array($currentPosition, $previousPosition, $nextPosition); } function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $R, $data) { global $ID; if($data == array()) { return false; } if($mode == 'xhtml' || $mode == 'odt') { list($currentPosition, $previousPosition, $nextPosition) = $this->getPositions($data); // render table header if($mode == 'xhtml') { $R->doc .= '
'; } if($mode == 'odt' && isset($currentPosition) && method_exists ($R, 'insertBookmark')) { $R->insertBookmark($currentPosition, false); } $R->table_open(); $R->tablerow_open(); $R->tableheader_open(2); // determine actual header text $heading = ''; if(isset($data['data'][$this->util->getTitleKey()])) { // use title triple if possible $heading = $data['data'][$this->util->getTitleKey()][0]['value']; } elseif (!empty($data['title candidate'])) { // use title candidate if possible $heading = $data['title candidate']['value']; } else { if(useHeading('content')) { // fall back to page title, depending on wiki configuration $heading = p_get_first_heading($ID); } if(!$heading) { // use page id if all else fails $heading = noNS($ID); } } $R->cdata($heading); // display a comma-separated list of classes if the entry has classes if(isset($data['data'][$this->util->getIsaKey()])) { $R->emphasis_open(); $R->cdata(' ('); $values = $data['data'][$this->util->getIsaKey()]; $this->util->openField($mode, $R, $this->util->getIsaKey()); for($i=0;$icdata(', '); $type = $this->util->loadType($triple['type']); $this->util->renderValue($mode, $R, $this->triples, $triple['value'], $triple['type'], $type, $triple['hint']); } $this->util->closeField($mode, $R); $R->cdata(')'); $R->emphasis_close(); } $R->tableheader_close(); $R->tablerow_close(); // render a row for each key, displaying the values as comma-separated list foreach($data['data'] as $key=>$values) { // skip isa and title keys if($key == $this->util->getTitleKey() || $key == $this->util->getIsaKey()) continue; // render row header $R->tablerow_open(); $R->tableheader_open(); $this->util->renderPredicate($mode, $R, $this->triples, $key); $R->tableheader_close(); // render row content $R->tablecell_open(); $this->util->openField($mode, $R, $key); for($i=0;$icdata(', '); $this->util->renderValue($mode, $R, $this->triples, $triple['value'], $triple['type'], $triple['hint']); } $this->util->closeField($mode, $R); $R->tablecell_close(); $R->tablerow_close(); } if($previousPosition || $nextPosition) { $R->tablerow_open(); $R->tableheader_open(2); if($previousPosition) { if($mode == 'xhtml') { $R->doc .= ''; } $R->locallink($previousPosition, $this->util->getLang('data_entry_previous')); if($mode == 'xhtml') { $R->doc .= ''; } } $R->cdata(' '); if($nextPosition) { if($mode == 'xhtml') { $R->doc .= ''; } $R->locallink($nextPosition, $this->util->getLang('data_entry_next')); if($mode == 'xhtml') { $R->doc .= ''; } } $R->tableheader_close(); $R->tablerow_close(); } $R->table_close(); if($mode == 'xhtml') { $R->doc .= '
'; } return true; } elseif($mode == 'metadata' || $mode == 'preview_metadata') { $triples = array(); $subject = $ID.'#'.$data['entry']; // resolve the subject to normalize everything resolve_pageid(getNS($ID),$subject,$exists); $titleKey = $this->util->getTitleKey(); $fixTitle = false; // we only use the title determination if no explicit title was given if(empty($data['data'][$titleKey])) { if(!empty($data['title candidate'])) { // we have a candidate from somewhere $data['data'][$titleKey][] = $data['title candidate']; } else { if(!empty($R->meta['title'])) { // we do not have a candidate, so we use the page title // (this is possible because fragments set the candidate) $data['data'][$titleKey][] = array( 'value'=>$R->meta['title'], 'type'=>'text', 'hint'=>null ); } else { // we were added before the page title is known // however, we do require a page title (iff we actually store data) $fixTitle = true; } } } // store positions information if($mode == 'preview_metadata') { self::$previewMetadata[$ID]['strata']['positions'][$data['entry']][] = $data['position']; } else { $R->meta['strata']['positions'][$data['entry']][] = $data['position']; } // process triples foreach($data['data'] as $property=>$bucket) { $this->util->renderPredicate($mode, $R, $this->triples, $property); foreach($bucket as $triple) { // render values for things like backlinks $type = $this->util->loadType($triple['type']); $type->render($mode, $R, $this->triples, $triple['value'], $triple['hint']); // prepare triples for storage $triples[] = array('subject'=>$subject, 'predicate'=>$property, 'object'=>$triple['value']); } } // we're done if nodata is flagged. if(!isset($R->info['data']) || $R->info['data']==true) { // batch-store triples if we're allowed to store $this->triples->addTriples($triples, $ID); // set flag for title addendum if($fixTitle) { $R->meta['strata']['fixTitle'] = true; } } return true; } return false; } }