text'; $lang['error_triples_nodriver'] = 'Strata storage: no complementary driver for PDO driver %s.'; $lang['error_triples_remove'] = 'Strata storage: Failed to remove triples: %s'; $lang['error_triples_fetch'] = 'Strata storage: Failed to fetch triples: %s'; $lang['error_triples_add'] = 'Strata storage: Failed to add triples: %s'; $lang['error_triples_query'] = 'Strata storage: Failed to execute query: %s'; $lang['error_triples_node'] = 'Strata storage: Unknown abstract query tree node type \'%s\''; $lang['debug_sql'] = 'Debug SQL: %s'; $lang['debug_literals'] = 'Debug Literals:
'; $lang['driver_failed_detail'] = 'Strata storage: Failed to open data source \'%s\': %s'; $lang['driver_failed'] = 'Strata storage: Failed to open data source.'; $lang['driver_setup_start'] = 'Strata storage: Setting up %s database.'; $lang['driver_setup_statement'] = 'Strata storage: Executing \'%s\'.'; $lang['driver_setup_failed'] = 'Failed to set up database'; $lang['driver_setup_succes'] = 'Strata storage: Database set up successful!'; $lang['driver_remove_failed'] = 'Failed to remove database'; $lang['driver_prepare_failed'] = 'Strata storage: Failed to prepare query \'%s\': %s'; $lang['driver_query_failed'] = 'Strata storage: %s (with \'%s\'): %s'; $lang['driver_query_failed_default'] = 'Query failed'; $lang['unnamed_group'] = 'unnamed block'; $lang['named_group'] = '\'%s\' block'; $lang['error_entry_block'] = 'I don\'t know what to do with the %s in the \'%s\' data entry'; $lang['error_entry_line'] = 'I don\'t understand data entry line \'%s\''; $lang['error_pattern_garbage'] = 'I don\'t know what to do with the text after the object variable.'; $lang['error_query_bothfields'] = 'Query contains both fields block and normal selection'; $lang['error_query_fieldsgroups'] = 'I don\'t know how to handle a query containing multiple fields block.'; $lang['error_query_fieldsblock'] = 'I don\'t know what to do with the %s in the fields block.'; $lang['error_query_noselect'] = 'I don\'t know which fields to select.'; $lang['error_query_unknownselect'] = 'Query selects unknown field \'%s\'.'; $lang['error_query_outofwhere'] = 'I don\'t know what to do with things outside of the where block.'; $lang['error_query_singlewhere'] = 'A query should contain at most a single where block.'; $lang['error_query_multisort'] = 'I don\'t know what to do with multiple sort blocks.'; $lang['error_query_sortblock'] = 'I can\'t handle blocks in a sort block.'; $lang['error_query_sortvar'] = 'sort block uses out-of-scope variable \'%s\'.'; $lang['error_query_sortline'] = 'I can\'t handle line \'%s\' in the sort block.'; $lang['error_query_selectvar'] = 'selected variable \'%s\' is out-of-scope.'; $lang['error_query_group'] = 'Unexpected %s in query.'; $lang['error_query_unionblocks'] = 'Lines or named blocks inside a union block. I can only handle unnamed blocks inside a union block.'; $lang['error_query_unionreq'] = 'I need at least 2 unnamed blocks inside a union block.'; $lang['error_query_pattern'] = 'Unknown triple pattern or filter pattern \'%s\'.'; $lang['error_query_fieldsline'] = 'Weird line \'%s\' in fields block.'; $lang['error_syntax_braces'] = 'Unmatched braces in %s'; $lang['error_query_multigrouping'] = 'I don\'t know what to do with multiple group blocks.'; $lang['error_query_groupblock'] = 'I can\'t handle blocks in a group block.'; $lang['error_query_groupvar'] = 'group block uses out-of-scope variable \'%s\'.'; $lang['error_query_groupline'] = 'I can\'t handle line \'%s\' in the group blocks.'; $lang['error_query_groupeverything'] = 'I can\'t group everything if other variables are mentioned.'; $lang['error_query_multiconsidering'] = 'I don\'t know what to do with multiple consider blocks.'; $lang['error_query_considerblock'] = 'I can\'t handle considers in a consider block.'; $lang['error_query_considervar'] = 'consider block uses out-of-scope variable \'%s\'.'; $lang['error_query_considerline'] = 'I can\'t handle line \'%s\' in the consider block.'; $lang['error_query_grouppattern'] = 'I can\'t handle a block without at least one triple pattern or union block.'; $lang['error_query_filterscope'] = 'Filter uses out-of-scope variable \'%s\'.'; $lang['content_error_explanation'] = 'An error ocurred'; $lang['content_error_explanation__non_xhtml'] = 'An error ocurred (see online wikipage for details)'; $lang['data_entry_previous'] = '← Previous'; $lang['data_entry_next'] = 'Next →'; // UI group $lang['error_property_weirdgroupline'] = '%s block contains weird line \'%s\', use: property: value.'; $lang['error_property_unknowngroup'] = '%s block cannot handle column \'%s\'.'; $lang['error_property_unknownproperty'] = '%s block does not know property \'%s\', only %s are known.'; $lang['error_property_multi'] = '%s block accepts property \'%s\' only once.'; $lang['error_property_notmulti'] = '%s property \'%s\' expects at least %d values, but only one is given. Try using \'%s*: first value, second value\'.'; $lang['error_property_occur'] = '%s property \'%s\' expects %d values instead of the given %d.'; $lang['error_property_occurrange'] = '%s property \'%s\' expects %d to %d values instead of the given %d.'; $lang['error_property_invalidchoice'] = '%s property \'%s\' cannot have value \'%s\', it only accepts %s.'; $lang['error_property_patterndesc'] = '%s property \'%s\' cannot have value \'%s\', it only accepts %s.'; $lang['error_property_pattern'] = '%s property \'%s\' cannot have value \'%s\', it only accepts values matching %s.'; $lang['property_title_values'] = 'Possible values: %s'; $lang['property_title_synonyms'] = 'Synonyms: %s';