<?php /** * DokuWiki Plugin strata (Helper Component) * * @license GPL 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * @author Brend Wanders <b.wanders@utwente.nl> */ // must be run within Dokuwiki if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die('Meh.'); /** * The triples helper is responsible for querying. */ class helper_plugin_strata_triples extends DokuWiki_Plugin { public static $readable = 'data'; public static $writable = 'data'; function __construct() { $this->_initialize(); } function getMethods() { $result = array(); return $result; } /** * Expands tokens in the DSN. * * @param str string the string to process * @return a string with replaced tokens */ function _expandTokens($str) { global $conf; $tokens = array('@METADIR@'); $replacers = array($conf['metadir']); return str_replace($tokens,$replacers,$str); } /** * Initializes the triple helper. * * @param dsn string an optional alternative DSN * @return true if initialization succeeded, false otherwise */ function _initialize() { // load default DSN $dsn = $this->getConf('default_dsn'); $dsn = $this->_expandTokens($dsn); $this->_dsn = $dsn; // construct driver list($driver,$connection) = explode(':',$dsn,2); $driverFile = DOKU_PLUGIN."strata/driver/$driver.php"; if(!@file_exists($driverFile)) { msg(sprintf($this->getLang('error_triples_nodriver'), $driver), -1); return false; } require_once($driverFile); $driverClass = "plugin_strata_driver_$driver"; $this->_db = new $driverClass($this->getConf('debug')); // connect driver if(!$this->_db->connect($dsn)) { return false; } // initialize database if necessary if(!$this->_db->isInitialized()) { $this->_db->initializeDatabase(); } return true; } /** * Makes the an SQL expression case insensitive. * * @param a string the expression to process * @return a SQL expression */ function _ci($a) { return $this->_db->ci($a); } /** * Constructs a case insensitive string comparison in SQL. * * @param a string the left-hand side * @param b string the right-hand side * * @return a case insensitive SQL string comparison */ function _cic($a, $b) { return $this->_ci($a).' = '.$this->_ci($b); } /** * Begins a preview. */ function beginPreview() { $this->_db->beginTransaction(); } /** * Ends a preview. */ function endPreview() { $this->_db->rollback(); } /** * Removes all triples matching the given triple pattern. One or more parameters * can be left out to indicate 'any'. */ function removeTriples($subject=null, $predicate=null, $object=null, $graph=null) { // construct triple filter $filters = array('1 = 1'); foreach(array('subject','predicate','object','graph') as $param) { if($$param != null) { $filters[]=$this->_cic($param, '?'); $values[] = $$param; } } $sql = "DELETE FROM ".self::$writable." WHERE ". implode(" AND ", $filters); // prepare query $query = $this->_db->prepare($sql); if($query == false) return; // execute query $res = $query->execute($values); if($res === false) { $error = $query->errorInfo(); msg(sprintf($this->getLang('error_triples_remove'),hsc($error[2])),-1); } $query->closeCursor(); } /** * Fetches all triples matching the given triple pattern. Onr or more of * parameters can be left out to indicate 'any'. */ function fetchTriples($subject=null, $predicate=null, $object=null, $graph=null) { global $ID; // construct filter $filters = array('1 = 1'); foreach(array('subject','predicate','object','graph') as $param) { if($$param != null) { $filters[]=$this->_cic($param,'?'); $values[] = $$param; } } $scopeRestriction = ($this->getConf('scoped')? ' AND graph like "'.getNS($ID).'%"':"" ); /* if ($this->getConf('scoped')) { $NS = getNS($ID); if ($NS=="") { $scopeRestriction = "and graph not like '%:%'"; } else { $scopeRestriction = "and graph like".$NS.":%"; } } else { $scopeRestriction="" }; */ $sql = "SELECT subject, predicate, object, graph FROM ".self::$readable." WHERE ". implode(" AND ", $filters).$scopeRestriction; // prepare queyr $query = $this->_db->prepare($sql); if($query == false) return; // execute query $res = $query->execute($values); if($res === false) { $error = $query->errorInfo(); msg(sprintf($this->getLang('error_triples_fetch'),hsc($error[2])),-1); } // fetch results and return them $result = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $query->closeCursor(); return $result; } /** * Adds a single triple. * @param subject string * @param predicate string * @param object string * @param graph string * @return true of triple was added succesfully, false if not */ function addTriple($subject, $predicate, $object, $graph) { return $this->addTriples(array(array('subject'=>$subject, 'predicate'=>$predicate, 'object'=>$object)), $graph); } /** * Adds multiple triples. * @param triples array contains all triples as arrays with subject, predicate and object keys * @param graph string graph name * @return true if the triples were comitted, false otherwise */ function addTriples($triples, $graph) { // prepare insertion query $sql = "INSERT INTO ".self::$writable."(subject, predicate, object, graph) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"; $query = $this->_db->prepare($sql); if($query == false) return false; // put the batch in a transaction $this->_db->beginTransaction(); foreach($triples as $t) { // insert a single triple $values = array($t['subject'],$t['predicate'],$t['object'],$graph); $res = $query->execute($values); // handle errors if($res === false) { $error = $query->errorInfo(); msg(sprintf($this->getLang('error_triples_add'),hsc($error[2])),-1); $this->_db->rollBack(); return false; } $query->closeCursor(); } // commit and return return $this->_db->commit(); } /** * Executes the given abstract query tree as a query on the store. * * @param query array an abstract query tree * @return an iterator over the resulting rows */ function queryRelations($queryTree) { // create the SQL generator, and generate the SQL query $generator = new strata_sql_generator($this); list($sql, $literals, $projected, $grouped) = $generator->translate($queryTree); // prepare the query $query = $this->_db->prepare($sql); if($query === false) { return false; } // execute the query $res = $query->execute($literals); if($res === false) { $error = $query->errorInfo(); msg(sprintf($this->getLang('error_triples_query'),hsc($error[2])),-1); if($this->getConf('debug')) { msg(sprintf($this->getLang('debug_sql'),hsc($sql)),-1); msg(sprintf($this->getLang('debug_literals'), hsc(print_r($literals,1))),-1); } return false; } // wrap the results in an iterator, and return it if($queryTree['grouping'] === false) { return new strata_relations_iterator($query, $projected); } else { return new strata_aggregating_iterator($query, $projected, $grouped); } } /** * Executes the abstract query tree, and returns all properties of the matching subjects. * This method assumes that the root is a 'select' node. * * @param query array the abstract query tree * @return an iterator over the resources */ function queryResources($query) { // We transform the given query into a resource-centric query as follows: // Remember the single projected variable Vx. // Append two variables ?__p and ?__o to the projection // Add an extra triple pattern (Vx, ?__p, ?__o) // Append Vx to the ordering // The query is ready for execution. Result set can be transformed into a // resource-centric view by fetching all triples related to a single subject // (each subject is in a single continuous block, due to the ordering) // add extra tuple $query['group'] = array( 'type'=>'and', 'lhs'=>$query['group'], 'rhs'=>array( 'type'=>'triple', 'subject'=>array('type'=>'variable','text'=>$query['projection'][0]), 'predicate'=>array('type'=>'variable','text'=>'__predicate'), 'object'=>array('type'=>'variable','text'=>'__object') ) ); // fix projection list $query['projection'] = array( $query['projection'][0], '__predicate', '__object' ); // append tuple ordering $query['ordering'][] = array( 'variable'=>$query['projection'][0], 'direction'=>'asc' ); // remove grouping $query['grouping'] = false; // execute query $result = $this->queryRelations($query); if($result === false) { return false; } // invoke iterator that's going to aggregate the resulting relations return new strata_resource_iterator($result,$query['projection']); } } /** * SQL generator. */ class strata_sql_generator { /** * Stores all literal values keyed to their placeholder. */ private $literals = array(); /** * Stores all projected variables. */ private $projected = array(); /** * Stores all grouped variables. */ private $grouped = array(); /** * Constructor. */ function __construct($triples) { $this->_triples = $triples; $this->_db = $this->_triples->_db; } /** * Passes through localisation calls. */ function getLang($key) { return $this->_triples->getLang($key); } /** * Wrap SQL expression in case insensitivisation. */ function _ci($a) { return $this->_triples->_ci($a); } /** * Alias generator. */ private $_aliasCounter = 0; function _alias($prefix='a') { return $prefix.($this->_aliasCounter++); } /** * All used literals. */ private $_literalLookup = array(); private $_variableLookup = array(); /** * Name generator. Makes the distinction between literals * and variables, as they can have the same spelling (and * frequently do in simple queries). */ function _name($term) { if($term['type'] == 'variable') { // always try the cache if(empty($this->_variableLookup[$term['text']])) { $this->_variableLookup[$term['text']] = $this->_alias('v'); } return $this->_variableLookup[$term['text']]; } elseif($term['type'] == 'literal') { // always try the cache if(empty($this->_literalLookup[$term['text']])) { // use aliases to represent literals $this->_literalLookup[$term['text']] = $this->_alias('lit'); } // return literal name return $this->_literalLookup[$term['text']]; } } /** * Test whether two things are equal (i.e., equal variables, or equal literals) */ function _patternEquals($pa, $pb) { return $pa['type'] == $pb['type'] && $pa['text'] == $pb['text']; } /** * Generates a conditional for the given triple pattern. */ function _genCond($tp) { $conditions = array(); // the subject is a literal if($tp['subject']['type'] == 'literal') { $id = $this->_alias('qv'); $conditions[] = $this->_ci('subject').' = '.$this->_ci(':'.$id); $this->literals[$id] = $tp['subject']['text']; } // the predicate is a literal if($tp['predicate']['type'] == 'literal') { $id = $this->_alias('qv'); $conditions[] = $this->_ci('predicate').' = '.$this->_ci(':'.$id); $this->literals[$id] = $tp['predicate']['text']; } // the object is a literal if($tp['object']['type'] == 'literal') { $id = $this->_alias('qv'); $conditions[] = $this->_ci('object').' = '.$this->_ci(':'.$id); $this->literals[$id] = $tp['object']['text']; } // subject equals predicate if($this->_patternEquals($tp['subject'],$tp['predicate'])) { $conditions[] = $this->_ci('subject').' = '.$this->_ci('predicate'); } // subject equals object if($this->_patternEquals($tp['subject'],$tp['object'])) { $conditions[] = $this->_ci('subject').' = '.$this->_ci('object'); } // predicate equals object if($this->_patternEquals($tp['predicate'],$tp['object'])) { $conditions[] = $this->_ci('predicate').' = '.$this->_ci('object'); } if(count($conditions)!=0) { return implode(' AND ',$conditions); } else { return '1 = 1'; } } /** * Generates a projection for the given triple pattern. */ function _genPR($tp) { $list = array(); // always project the subject $list[] = 'subject AS '.$this->_name($tp['subject']); // project the predicate if it's different from the subject if(!$this->_patternEquals($tp['subject'], $tp['predicate'])) { $list[] = 'predicate AS '.$this->_name($tp['predicate']); } // project the object if it's different from the subject and different from the predicate if(!$this->_patternEquals($tp['subject'], $tp['object']) && !$this->_patternEquals($tp['predicate'],$tp['object'])) { $list[] = 'object AS '.$this->_name($tp['object']); } return implode(', ',$list); } /** * Translates a triple pattern into a graph pattern. */ function _trans_tp($tp) { global $ID; $terms = array(); // the subject is a variable if($tp['subject']['type'] == 'variable') { $terms[] = $this->_name($tp['subject']); } // the predicate is a variable if($tp['predicate']['type'] == 'variable') { $terms[] = $this->_name($tp['predicate']); } // the object is a variable if($tp['object']['type'] == 'variable') { $terms[] = $this->_name($tp['object']); } $scopeRestriction = ($this->_triples->getConf('scoped')? ' AND graph like "'.getNS($ID).'%"':"" ); return array( 'sql'=>'SELECT '.$this->_genPR($tp).' FROM '.helper_plugin_strata_triples::$readable.' WHERE '.$this->_genCond($tp).$scopeRestriction, 'terms'=>array_unique($terms) ); } /** * Translates a group operation on the two graph patterns. */ function _trans_group($gp1, $gp2, $join) { // determine the resulting terms $terms = array_unique(array_merge($gp1['terms'], $gp2['terms'])); // determine the overlapping terms (we need to coalesce these) $common = array_intersect($gp1['terms'], $gp2['terms']); // determine the non-overlapping terms (we can project them directly) $fields = array_diff($terms, $common); // handle overlapping terms by coalescing them into a single term if(count($common)>0) { $intersect = array(); foreach($common as $c) { $intersect[] = '('.$this->_ci('r1.'.$c).' = '.$this->_ci('r2.'.$c).' OR r1.'.$c.' IS NULL OR r2.'.$c.' IS NULL)'; $fields[]='COALESCE(r1.'.$c.', r2.'.$c.') AS '.$c; } $intersect = implode(' AND ',$intersect); } else { $intersect = '(1=1)'; } $fields = implode(', ',$fields); return array( 'sql'=>'SELECT DISTINCT '.$fields.' FROM ('.$gp1['sql'].') AS r1 '.$join.' ('.$gp2['sql'].') AS r2 ON '.$intersect, 'terms'=>$terms ); } /** * Translate an optional operation. */ function _trans_opt($query) { $gp1 = $this->_dispatch($query['lhs']); $gp2 = $this->_dispatch($query['rhs']); return $this->_trans_group($gp1, $gp2, 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'); } /** * Translate an and operation. */ function _trans_and($query) { $gp1 = $this->_dispatch($query['lhs']); $gp2 = $this->_dispatch($query['rhs']); return $this->_trans_group($gp1, $gp2, 'INNER JOIN'); } /** * Translate a filter operation. The filters are a conjunction of separate expressions. */ function _trans_filter($query) { $gp = $this->_dispatch($query['lhs']); $fs = $query['rhs']; $filters = array(); foreach($fs as $f) { // determine representation of left-hand side if($f['lhs']['type'] == 'variable') { $lhs = $this->_name($f['lhs']); } else { $id = $this->_alias('qv'); $lhs = ':'.$id; $this->literals[$id] = $f['lhs']['text']; } // determine representation of right-hand side if($f['rhs']['type'] == 'variable') { $rhs = $this->_name($f['rhs']); } else { $id = $this->_alias('qv'); $rhs = ':'.$id; $this->literals[$id] = $f['rhs']['text']; } // the escaping constants (head, tail and modifier) $eh= "REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE("; $et= ",'!','!!'),'_','!_'),'%','!%')"; $em= " ESCAPE '!'"; // handle different operators switch($f['operator']) { case '=': case '!=': $filters[] = '( ' . $this->_ci($lhs) . ' '.$f['operator'].' ' . $this->_ci($rhs). ' )'; break; case '>': case '<': case '>=': case '<=': $filters[] = '( ' . $this->_triples->_db->castToNumber($lhs) . ' ' . $f['operator'] . ' ' . $this->_triples->_db->castToNumber($rhs) . ' )'; break; case '~': $filters[] = '( ' . $this->_ci($lhs) . ' '.$this->_db->stringCompare().' '. $this->_ci('(\'%\' || ' .$eh.$rhs.$et. ' || \'%\')') .$em. ')'; break; case '!~': $filters[] = '( ' . $this->_ci($lhs) . ' NOT '.$this->_db->stringCompare().' '. $this->_ci('(\'%\' || ' . $eh.$rhs.$et. ' || \'%\')') .$em. ')'; break; case '^~': $filters[] = '( ' . $this->_ci($lhs) . ' '.$this->_db->stringCompare().' ' .$this->_ci('('. $eh.$rhs.$et . ' || \'%\')').$em. ')'; break; case '!^~': $filters[] = '( ' . $this->_ci($lhs) . ' NOT '.$this->_db->stringCompare().' ' .$this->_ci('('. $eh.$rhs.$et . ' || \'%\')').$em. ')'; break; case '$~': $filters[] = '( ' . $this->_ci($lhs) . ' '.$this->_db->stringCompare().' '.$this->_ci('(\'%\' || ' . $eh.$rhs.$et. ')') .$em. ')'; break; case '!$~': $filters[] = '( ' . $this->_ci($lhs) . ' NOT '.$this->_db->stringCompare().' '.$this->_ci('(\'%\' || ' . $eh.$rhs.$et. ')') .$em. ')'; break; default: } } $filters = implode(' AND ', $filters); return array( 'sql'=>'SELECT * FROM ('.$gp['sql'].') r WHERE '.$filters, 'terms'=>$gp['terms'] ); } /** * Translate minus operation. */ function _trans_minus($query) { $gp1 = $this->_dispatch($query['lhs']); $gp2 = $this->_dispatch($query['rhs']); // determine overlapping terms (we need to substitute these) $common = array_intersect($gp1['terms'], $gp2['terms']); // create conditional that 'substitutes' terms by requiring equality $terms = array(); foreach($common as $c) { $terms[] = '('.$this->_ci('r1.'.$c).' = '.$this->_ci('r2.'.$c).')'; } if(count($terms)>0) { $terms = implode(' AND ',$terms); } else { $terms = '1=1'; } return array( 'sql'=>'SELECT DISTINCT * FROM ('.$gp1['sql'].') r1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ('.$gp2['sql'].') r2 WHERE '.$terms.')', 'terms'=>$gp1['terms'] ); } /** * Translate union operation. */ function _trans_union($query) { // dispatch the child graph patterns $gp1 = $this->_dispatch($query['lhs']); $gp2 = $this->_dispatch($query['rhs']); // dispatch them again to get new literal binding aliases // (This is required by PDO, as no named variable may be used twice) $gp1x = $this->_dispatch($query['lhs']); $gp2x = $this->_dispatch($query['rhs']); // determine non-overlapping terms $ta = array_diff($gp1['terms'], $gp2['terms']); $tb = array_diff($gp2['terms'], $gp1['terms']); // determine overlapping terms $tc = array_intersect($gp1['terms'], $gp2['terms']); // determine final terms $terms = array_unique(array_merge($gp1['terms'], $gp2['terms'])); // construct selected term list $sa = array_merge($ta, $tb); $sb = array_merge($ta, $tb); // append common terms with renaming foreach($tc as $c) { $sa[] = 'r1.'.$c.' AS '.$c; $sb[] = 'r3.'.$c.' AS '.$c; } $sa = implode(', ', $sa); $sb = implode(', ', $sb); return array( 'sql'=>'SELECT DISTINCT '.$sa.' FROM ('.$gp1['sql'].') r1 LEFT OUTER JOIN ('.$gp2['sql'].') r2 ON (1=0) UNION SELECT DISTINCT '.$sb.' FROM ('.$gp2x['sql'].') r3 LEFT OUTER JOIN ('.$gp1x['sql'].') r4 ON (1=0)', 'terms'=>$terms ); } /** * Translate projection and ordering. */ function _trans_select($query) { $gp = $this->_dispatch($query['group']); $vars = $query['projection']; $order = $query['ordering']; $group = $query['grouping']; $consider = $query['considering']; $terms = array(); $fields = array(); // if we get a don't group, put sentinel value in place if($group === false) $group = array(); // massage ordering to comply with grouping // we do this by combining ordering and sorting information as follows: // The new ordering is {i, Gc, Oc} where // i = (order intersect group) // Gc = (group diff order) // Oc = (order diff group) $order_vars = array(); $order_lookup = array(); foreach($order as $o) { $order_vars[] = $o['variable']; $order_lookup[$o['variable']] = $o; } // determine the three components $order_i = array_intersect($order_vars, $group); $group_c = array_diff($group, $order_vars); $order_c = array_diff($order_vars, $group); $order_n = array_merge($order_i, $group_c, $order_c); // construct new ordering array $neworder = array(); foreach($order_n as $ovar) { if(!empty($order_lookup[$ovar])) { $neworder[] = $order_lookup[$ovar]; } else { $neworder[] = array('variable'=>$ovar, 'direction'=>'asc'); } } // project extra fields that are required for the grouping foreach($group as $v) { // only project them if they're not projected somewhere else if(!in_array($v, $vars)) { $name = $this->_name(array('type'=>'variable', 'text'=>$v)); $fields[] = $name; // store grouping translation $this->grouped[$name] = $v; } } // determine exact projection foreach($vars as $v) { // determine projection translation $name = $this->_name(array('type'=>'variable','text'=>$v)); // fix projected variable into SQL $terms[] = $name; $fields[] = $name; // store projection translation $this->projected[$name] = $v; // store grouping translation if(in_array($v, $group)) { $this->grouped[$name] = $v; } } // add fields suggested for consideration foreach($consider as $v) { $name = $this->_name(array('type'=>'variable', 'text'=>$v)); $alias = $this->_alias('c'); $fields[] = "$name AS $alias"; } // assign ordering if required $ordering = array(); foreach($neworder as $o) { $name = $this->_name(array('type'=>'variable','text'=>$o['variable'])); $orderTerms = $this->_db->orderBy($name); foreach($orderTerms as $term) { $a = $this->_alias('o'); $fields[] = "$term AS $a"; $ordering[] = "$a ".($o['direction'] == 'asc'?'ASC':'DESC'); } } // construct select list $fields = implode(', ',$fields); // construct ordering if(count($ordering)>0) { $ordering = ' ORDER BY '.implode(', ',$ordering); } else { $ordering = ''; } return array( 'sql'=>'SELECT DISTINCT '.$fields.' FROM ('.$gp['sql'].') r'.$ordering, 'terms'=>$terms ); } function _dispatch($query) { switch($query['type']) { case 'select': return $this->_trans_select($query); case 'union': return $this->_trans_union($query); case 'minus': return $this->_trans_minus($query); case 'optional': return $this->_trans_opt($query); case 'filter': return $this->_trans_filter($query); case 'triple': return $this->_trans_tp($query); case 'and': return $this->_trans_and($query); default: msg(sprintf($this->getLang('error_triples_node'),hsc($query['type'])),-1); return array('sql'=>'<<INVALID QUERY NODE>>', 'terms'=>array()); } } /** * Translates an abstract query tree to SQL. */ function translate($query) { $q = $this->_dispatch($query); return array($q['sql'], $this->literals, $this->projected, $this->grouped); } } /** * This iterator is used to offer an interface over a * relations query result. */ class strata_relations_iterator implements Iterator { function __construct($pdostatement, $projection) { // backend iterator $this->data = $pdostatement; // state information $this->closed = false; $this->id = 0; // projection data $this->projection = $projection; // initialize the iterator $this->next(); } function current() { return $this->row; } function key() { return $this->id; } function next() { // fetch... $this->row = $this->data->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if($this->row) { $row = array(); // ...project... foreach($this->projection as $alias=>$field) { $row[$field] = $this->row[$alias] != null ? array($this->row[$alias]) : array(); } $this->row = $row; // ...and increment the id. $this->id++; } // Close the backend if we're out of rows. // (This should not be necessary if everyone closes // their iterator after use -- but experience dictates that // this is a good safety net) if(!$this->valid()) { $this->closeCursor(); } } function rewind() { // noop } function valid() { return $this->row != null; } /** * Closes this result set. */ function closeCursor() { if(!$this->closed) { $this->data->closeCursor(); $this->closed = true; } } } /** * This iterator is used to offer an interface over a * resources query result. */ class strata_resource_iterator implements Iterator { function __construct($relations, $projection) { // backend iterator (ordered by tuple) $this->data = $relations; // state information $this->closed = false; $this->valid = true; $this->item = null; $this->subject = null; // projection data list($this->__subject, $this->__predicate, $this->__object) = $projection; // initialize the iterator $this->next(); } function current() { return $this->item; } function key() { return $this->subject; } function next() { if(!$this->data->valid()) { $this->valid = false; return; } // the current relation $peekRow = $this->data->current(); // construct a new subject $this->item = array(); $this->subject = $peekRow[$this->__subject][0]; // continue aggregating data as long as the subject doesn't change and // there is data available while($this->data->valid() && $peekRow[$this->__subject][0] == $this->subject) { $p = $peekRow[$this->__predicate][0]; $o = $peekRow[$this->__object][0]; if(!isset($this->item[$p])) $this->item[$p] = array(); $this->item[$p][] = $o; $this->data->next(); $peekRow = $this->data->current(); } return $this->item; } function rewind() { // noop } function valid() { return $this->valid; } /** * Closes this result set. */ function closeCursor() { if(!$this->closed) { $this->data->closeCursor(); $this->closed = true; } } } /** * This iterator aggregates the results of the underlying * iterator for the given grouping key. */ class strata_aggregating_iterator implements Iterator { function __construct($pdostatement, $projection, $grouped) { // backend iterator (ordered by tuple) $this->data = $pdostatement; // state information $this->closed = false; $this->valid = true; $this->item = null; $this->subject = 0; $this->groupKey = $grouped; $this->projection = $projection; // initialize the iterator $this->peekRow = $this->data->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->next(); } function current() { return $this->item; } function key() { return $this->subject; } private function extractKey($row) { $result = array(); foreach($this->groupKey as $alias=>$field) { $result[$field] = $row[$alias]; } return $result; } private function keyCheck($a, $b) { return $a === $b; } function next() { if($this->peekRow == null) { $this->valid = false; return; } // the current relation $key = $this->extractKey($this->peekRow); // construct a new subject $this->subject++; $this->item = array(); // continue aggregating data as long as the subject doesn't change and // there is data available while($this->peekRow != null && $this->keyCheck($key,$this->extractKey($this->peekRow))) { foreach($this->projection as $alias=>$field) { if(in_array($field, $this->groupKey)) { // it is a key field, grab it directly from the key $this->item[$field] = $key[$field]!=null ? array($key[$field]) : array(); } else { // lazy create the field's bucket if(empty($this->item[$field])) { $this->item[$field] = array(); } // push the item into the bucket if we have an item if($this->peekRow[$alias] != null) { $this->item[$field][] = $this->peekRow[$alias]; } } } $this->peekRow = $this->data->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } if($this->peekRow == null) { $this->closeCursor(); } return $this->item; } function rewind() { // noop } function valid() { return $this->valid; } /** * Closes this result set. */ function closeCursor() { if(!$this->closed) { $this->data->closeCursor(); $this->closed = true; } } }