*/ if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die('meh.'); /** * Helper to construct and handle syntax fragments. */ class helper_plugin_strata_syntax_RegexHelper { /** * Regular expression fragment table. This is used for interpolation of * syntax patterns, and should be without captures. Do not assume any * specific delimiter. */ var $regexFragments = array( 'variable' => '(?:\?[^\s:\(\)\[\]\{\}\<\>\|\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\?\="]+)', 'predicate' => '(?:[^:\(\)\[\]\{\}\<\>\|\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\?\="]+)', 'reflit' => '(?:\[\[[^]]*\]\])', 'type' => '(?:\[\s*[a-z0-9]+\s*(?:::[^\]]*)?\])', 'aggregate' => '(?:@\s*[a-z0-9]+(?:\([^\)]*\))?)', 'operator' => '(?:!=|>=|<=|>|<|=|!~>|!~|!\^~|!\$~|\^~|\$~|~>|~)', 'any' => '(?:.+?)' ); /** * Patterns used to extract information from captured fragments. These patterns * are used with '/' as delimiter, and should contain at least one capture group. */ var $regexCaptures = array( 'variable' => array('\?(.*)', array('name')), 'aggregate' => array('@\s*([a-z0-9]+)(?:\(([^\)]*)\))?', array('aggregate','hint')), 'type' => array('\[\s*([a-z0-9]+)\s*(?:::([^\]]*))?\]', array('type', 'hint')), 'reflit' => array('\[\[(.*)\]\]',array('reference')) ); /** * Grabs the syntax fragment. */ function __get($name) { if(array_key_exists($name, $this->regexFragments)) { return $this->regexFragments[$name]; } else { $trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); trigger_error("Undefined syntax fragment '$name' on {$trace[0]['file']}:{$trace[0]['line']}", E_USER_NOTICE); } } /** * Extracts information from a fragment, based on the type. */ function __call($name, $arguments) { if(array_key_exists($name, $this->regexCaptures)) { list($pattern, $names) = $this->regexCaptures[$name]; $result = preg_match("/^{$pattern}$/", $arguments[0], $match); if($result === 1) { array_shift($match); $shortest = min(count($names), count($match)); return new helper_plugin_strata_syntax_RegexHelperCapture(array_combine(array_slice($names,0,$shortest), array_slice($match, 0, $shortest))); } else { return null; } } else { $trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); trigger_error("Undefined syntax capture '$name' on {$trace[0]['file']}:{$trace[0]['line']}", E_USER_NOTICE); } } } /** * A single capture. Used as a return value for the RegexHelper's * capture methods. */ class helper_plugin_strata_syntax_RegexHelperCapture implements ArrayAccess { function __construct($values) { $this->values = $values; } function __get($name) { if(array_key_exists($name, $this->values)) { return $this->values[$name]; } else { return null; } } function offsetExists($offset) { // the index is valid iff: // it is an existing field name // it is a correct nummeric index (with 0 being the first name and count-1 the last) return isset($this->values[$offset]) || ($offset >= 0 && $offset < count($this->values)); } function offsetGet($offset) { // return the correct offset if (isset($this->values[$offset])) { return $this->values[$offset]; } else { // or try the numeric offsets if(is_numeric($offset) && $offset >= 0 && $offset < count($this->values)) { // translate numeric offset to key $keys = array_keys($this->values); return $this->values[$keys[intval($offset)]]; } else { // offset unknown, return without value return; } } } function offsetSet($offset, $value) { // noop $trace = debug_backtrace(); trigger_error("Syntax fragment fields are read-only on {$trace[0]['file']}:{$trace[0]['line']}", E_USER_NOTICE); } function offsetUnset($offset) { // noop $trace = debug_backtrace(); trigger_error("Syntax fragment fields are read-only on {$trace[0]['file']}:{$trace[0]['line']}", E_USER_NOTICE); } } /** * Helper plugin for common syntax parsing. */ class helper_plugin_strata_syntax extends DokuWiki_Plugin { public static $patterns; /** * Static initializer called directly after class declaration. * * This static method exists because we want to keep the static $patterns * and its initialization close together. */ static function initialize() { self::$patterns = new helper_plugin_strata_syntax_RegexHelper(); } /** * Constructor. */ function __construct() { $this->util =& plugin_load('helper', 'strata_util'); $this->error = ''; $this->regions = array(); } /** * Returns an object describing the pattern fragments. */ function getPatterns() { return self::$patterns; } /** * Determines whether a line can be ignored. */ function ignorableLine($line) { $line = utf8_trim($line); return $line == '' || utf8_substr($line,0,2) == '--'; } /** * Updates the given typemap with new information. * * @param typemap array a typemap * @param var string the name of the variable * @param type string the type of the variable * @param hint string the type hint of the variable */ function updateTypemap(&$typemap, $var, $type, $hint=null) { if(empty($typemap[$var]) && $type) { $typemap[$var] = array('type'=>$type,'hint'=>$hint); return true; } return false; } /** * Constructs a literal with the given text. */ function literal($val) { return array('type'=>'literal', 'text'=>$val); } /** * Constructs a variable with the given name. */ function variable($var) { if($var[0] == '?') $var = substr($var,1); return array('type'=>'variable', 'text'=>$var); } function _fail($message, $regions=array()) { msg($message,-1); if($this->isGroup($regions) || $this->isText($regions)) { $regions = array($regions); } $lines = array(); foreach($regions as $r) $lines[] = array('start'=>$r['start'], 'end'=>$r['end']); throw new strata_exception($message, $lines); } /** * Constructs a query from the give tree. * * @param root array the tree to transform * @param typemap array the type information collected so far * @param projection array the variables to project * @return a query structure */ function constructQuery(&$root, &$typemap, $projection) { $p = $this->getPatterns(); $result = array( 'type'=>'select', 'group'=>array(), 'projection'=>$projection, 'ordering'=>array(), 'grouping'=>false, 'considering'=>array() ); // extract sort groups $ordering = $this->extractGroups($root, 'sort'); // extract grouping groups $grouping = $this->extractGroups($root, 'group'); // extract additional projection groups $considering = $this->extractGroups($root, 'consider'); // transform actual group $where = $this->extractGroups($root, 'where'); $tree = null; if(count($where)==0) { $tree =& $root; } elseif(count($where)==1) { $tree =& $where[0]; if(count($root['cs'])) { $this->_fail($this->getLang('error_query_outofwhere'), $root['cs']); } } else { $this->_fail($this->getLang('error_query_singlewhere'), $where); } list($group, $scope) = $this->transformGroup($tree, $typemap); $result['group'] = $group; if(!$group) return false; // handle sort groups if(count($ordering)) { if(count($ordering) > 1) { $this->_fail($this->getLang('error_query_multisort'), $ordering); } // handle each line in the group foreach($ordering[0]['cs'] as $line) { if($this->isGroup($line)) { $this->_fail($this->getLang('error_query_sortblock'), $line); } if(preg_match("/^({$p->variable})\s*(?:\((asc|desc)(?:ending)?\))?$/S",utf8_trim($line['text']),$match)) { $var = $p->variable($match[1]); if(!in_array($var->name, $scope)) { $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_sortvar'),utf8_tohtml(hsc($var->name))), $line); } $result['ordering'][] = array('variable'=>$var->name, 'direction'=>($match[2]?:'asc')); } else { $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_sortline'), utf8_tohtml(hsc($line['text']))), $line); } } } //handle grouping if(count($grouping)) { if(count($grouping) > 1) { $this->_fail($this->getLang('error_query_multigrouping'), $grouping); } // we have a group, so we want grouping $result['grouping'] = array(); foreach($grouping[0]['cs'] as $line) { if($this->isGroup($line)) { $this->_fail($this->getLang('error_query_groupblock'), $line); } if(preg_match("/({$p->variable})$/",utf8_trim($line['text']),$match)) { $var = $p->variable($match[1]); if(!in_array($var->name, $scope)) { $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_groupvar'),utf8_tohtml(hsc($var->name))), $line); } $result['grouping'][] = $var->name; } else { $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_groupline'), utf8_tohtml(hsc($line['text']))), $line); } } } //handle considering if(count($considering)) { if(count($considering) > 1) { $this->_fail($this->getLang('error_query_multiconsidering'), $considering); } foreach($considering[0]['cs'] as $line) { if($this->isGroup($line)) { $this->_fail($this->getLang('error_query_considerblock'), $line); } if(preg_match("/^({$p->variable})$/",utf8_trim($line['text']),$match)) { $var = $p->variable($match[1]); if(!in_array($var->name, $scope)) { $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_considervar'),utf8_tohtml(hsc($var->name))), $line); } $result['considering'][] = $var->name; } else { $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_considerline'), utf8_tohtml(hsc($line['text']))), $line); } } } foreach($projection as $var) { if(!in_array($var, $scope)) { $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_selectvar'), utf8_tohtml(hsc($var)))); } } // return final query structure return array($result, $scope); } /** * Transforms a full query group. * * @param root array the tree to transform * @param typemap array the type information * @return the transformed group and a list of in-scope variables */ function transformGroup(&$root, &$typemap) { // extract patterns and split them in triples and filters $patterns = $this->extractText($root); // extract union groups $unions = $this->extractGroups($root, 'union'); // extract minus groups $minuses = $this->extractGroups($root,'minus'); // extract optional groups $optionals = $this->extractGroups($root,'optional'); // check for leftovers if(count($root['cs'])) { $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_group'),( isset($root['cs'][0]['tag']) ? sprintf($this->getLang('named_group'), utf8_tohtml(hsc($root['cs'][0]['tag']))) : $this->getLang('unnamed_group'))), $root['cs']); } // split patterns into triples and filters list($patterns, $filters, $scope) = $this->transformPatterns($patterns, $typemap); // convert each union into a pattern foreach($unions as $union) { list($u, $s) = $this->transformUnion($union, $typemap); $scope = array_merge($scope, $s); $patterns[] = $u; } if(count($patterns) == 0) { $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_grouppattern')), $root); } // chain all patterns with ANDs $result = array_shift($patterns); foreach($patterns as $pattern) { $result = array( 'type'=>'and', 'lhs'=>$result, 'rhs'=>$pattern ); } // apply all optionals if(count($optionals)) { foreach($optionals as $optional) { // convert eacfh optional list($optional, $s) = $this->transformGroup($optional, $typemap); $scope = array_merge($scope, $s); $result = array( 'type'=>'optional', 'lhs'=>$result, 'rhs'=>$optional ); } } // add all filters; these are a bit weird, as only a single FILTER is really supported // (we have defined multiple filters as being a conjunction) if(count($filters)) { foreach($filters as $f) { $line = $f['_line']; unset($f['_line']); if($f['lhs']['type'] == 'variable' && !in_array($f['lhs']['text'], $scope)) { $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_filterscope'),utf8_tohtml(hsc($f['lhs']['text']))), $line); } if($f['rhs']['type'] == 'variable' && !in_array($f['rhs']['text'], $scope)) { $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_filterscope'),utf8_tohtml(hsc($f['rhs']['text']))), $line); } } $result = array( 'type'=>'filter', 'lhs'=>$result, 'rhs'=>$filters ); } // apply all minuses if(count($minuses)) { foreach($minuses as $minus) { // convert each minus, and discard their scope list($minus, $s) = $this->transformGroup($minus, $typemap); $result = array( 'type'=>'minus', 'lhs'=>$result, 'rhs'=>$minus ); } } return array($result, $scope); } /** * Transforms a union group with multiple subgroups * * @param root array the union group to transform * @param typemap array the type information * @return the transformed group and a list of in-scope variables */ function transformUnion(&$root, &$typemap) { // fetch all child patterns $subs = $this->extractGroups($root,null); // do sanity checks if(count($root['cs'])) { $this->_fail($this->getLang('error_query_unionblocks'), $root['cs']); } if(count($subs) < 2) { $this->_fail($this->getLang('error_query_unionreq'), $root); } // transform the first group list($result,$scope) = $this->transformGroup(array_shift($subs), $typemap); // transform each subsequent group foreach($subs as $sub) { list($rhs, $s) = $this->transformGroup($sub, $typemap); $scope = array_merge($scope, $s); $result = array( 'type'=>'union', 'lhs'=>$result, 'rhs'=>$rhs ); } return array($result, $scope); } /** * Transforms a list of patterns into a list of triples and a * list of filters. * * @param lines array a list of lines to transform * @param typemap array the type information * @return a list of triples, a list of filters and a list of in-scope variables */ function transformPatterns(&$lines, &$typemap) { // we need this to resolve things global $ID; // we need patterns $p = $this->getPatterns(); // result holders $scope = array(); $triples = array(); $filters = array(); foreach($lines as $lineNode) { $line = trim($lineNode['text']); // [grammar] TRIPLEPATTERN := (VARIABLE|REFLIT) ' ' (VARIABLE|PREDICATE) TYPE? : ANY if(preg_match("/^({$p->variable}|{$p->reflit})\s+({$p->variable}|{$p->predicate})\s*({$p->type})?\s*:\s*({$p->any})$/S",$line,$match)) { list(, $subject, $predicate, $type, $object) = $match; $subject = utf8_trim($subject); if($subject[0] == '?') { $subject = $this->variable($subject); $scope[] = $subject['text']; $this->updateTypemap($typemap, $subject['text'], 'ref'); } else { global $ID; $subject = $p->reflit($subject)->reference; $subject = $this->util->loadType('ref')->normalize($subject,null); $subject = $this->literal($subject); } $predicate = utf8_trim($predicate); if($predicate[0] == '?') { $predicate = $this->variable($predicate); $scope[] = $predicate['text']; $this->updateTypemap($typemap, $predicate['text'], 'text'); } else { $predicate = $this->literal($this->util->normalizePredicate($predicate)); } $object = utf8_trim($object); if($object[0] == '?') { // match a proper type variable if(preg_match("/^({$p->variable})\s*({$p->type})?$/",$object,$captures)!=1) { $this->_fail($this->getLang('error_pattern_garbage'),$lineNode); } $var=$captures[1]??null; $vtype=$captures[2]??null; // create the object node $object = $this->variable($var); $scope[] = $object['text']; // try direct type first, implied type second $vtype = $p->type($vtype); $type = $p->type($type); if (isset ($type)) { $this->updateTypemap($typemap, $object['text'], $vtype->type, $vtype->hint); $this->updateTypemap($typemap, $object['text'], $type->type, $type->hint); } } else { // check for empty string token if($object == '[[]]') { $object=''; } if(!$type) { list($type, $hint) = $this->util->getDefaultType(); } else { $type = $p->type($type); $hint = $type->hint; $type = $type->type; } $type = $this->util->loadType($type); $object = $this->literal($type->normalize($object,$hint)); } $triples[] = array('type'=>'triple','subject'=>$subject, 'predicate'=>$predicate, 'object'=>$object); // [grammar] FILTER := VARIABLE TYPE? OPERATOR VARIABLE TYPE? } elseif(preg_match("/^({$p->variable})\s*({$p->type})?\s*({$p->operator})\s*({$p->variable})\s*({$p->type})?$/S",$line, $match)) { list(,$lhs, $ltype, $operator, $rhs, $rtype) = $match; $lhs = $this->variable($lhs); $rhs = $this->variable($rhs); if($operator == '~>' || $operator == '!~>') $operator = str_replace('~>','^~',$operator); // do type information propagation $rtype = $p->type($rtype); $ltype = $p->type($ltype); if($ltype) { // left has a defined type, so update the map $this->updateTypemap($typemap, $lhs['text'], $ltype->type, $ltype->hint); // and propagate to right if possible if(!$rtype) { $this->updateTypemap($typemap, $rhs['text'], $ltype->type, $lhint->hint); } } if($rtype) { // right has a defined type, so update the map $this->updateTypemap($typemap, $rhs['text'], $rtype->type, $rtype->hint); // and propagate to left if possible if(!$ltype) { $this->updateTypemap($typemap, $lhs['text'], $rtype->type, $rtype->hint); } } $filters[] = array('type'=>'filter', 'lhs'=>$lhs, 'operator'=>$operator, 'rhs'=>$rhs, '_line'=>$lineNode); // [grammar] FILTER := VARIABLE TYPE? OPERATOR ANY } elseif(preg_match("/^({$p->variable})\s*({$p->type})?\s*({$p->operator})\s*({$p->any})$/S",$line, $match)) { // filter pattern list(, $lhs,$ltype,$operator,$rhs) = $match; $lhs = $this->variable($lhs); // update typemap if a type was defined list($type,$hint) = $p->type($ltype); if($type) { $this->updateTypemap($typemap, $lhs['text'],$type,$hint); } else { // use the already declared type if no type was defined if(!empty($typemap[$lhs['text']])) { extract($typemap[$lhs['text']]); } else { list($type, $hint) = $this->util->getDefaultType(); } } // check for empty string token if($rhs == '[[]]') { $rhs = ''; } // special case: the right hand side of the 'in' operator always normalizes with the 'text' type if($operator == '~>' || $operator == '!~>') { $operator = str_replace('~>','^~', $operator); $type = 'text'; unset($hint); } // normalize $type = $this->util->loadType($type); $rhs = $this->literal($type->normalize($rhs,$hint)); $filters[] = array('type'=>'filter','lhs'=>$lhs, 'operator'=>$operator, 'rhs'=>$rhs, '_line'=>$lineNode); // [grammar] FILTER := ANY OPERATOR VARIABLE TYPE? } elseif(preg_match("/^({$p->any})\s*({$p->operator})\s*({$p->variable})\s*({$p->type})?$/S",$line, $match)) { list(, $lhs,$operator,$rhs,$rtype) = $match; $rhs = $this->variable($rhs); // update typemap if a type was defined list($type, $hint) = $p->type($rtype); if($type) { $this->updateTypemap($typemap, $rhs['text'],$type,$hint); } else { // use the already declared type if no type was defined if(!empty($typemap[$rhs['text']])) { extract($typemap[$rhs['text']]); } else { list($type, $hint) = $this->util->getDefaultType(); } } // check for empty string token if($lhs == '[[]]') { $lhs = ''; } // special case: the left hand side of the 'in' operator always normalizes with the 'page' type if($operator == '~>' || $operator == '!~>') { $operator = str_replace('~>','^~', $operator); $type = 'page'; unset($hint); } // normalize $type = $this->util->loadType($type); $lhs = $this->literal($type->normalize($lhs,$hint)); $filters[] = array('type'=>'filter','lhs'=>$lhs, 'operator'=>$operator, 'rhs'=>$rhs, '_line'=>$lineNode); } else { // unknown lines are fail $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_pattern'),utf8_tohtml(hsc($line))), $lineNode); } } return array($triples, $filters, $scope); } function getFields(&$tree, &$typemap) { $fields = array(); // extract the projection information in 'long syntax' if available $fieldsGroups = $this->extractGroups($tree, 'fields'); // parse 'long syntax' if we don't have projection information yet if(count($fieldsGroups)) { if(count($fieldsGroups) > 1) { $this->_fail($this->getLang('error_query_fieldsgroups'), $fieldsGroups); } $fieldsLines = $this->extractText($fieldsGroups[0]); if(count($fieldsGroups[0]['cs'])) { $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_fieldsblock'),( isset($fieldsGroups[0]['cs'][0]['tag']) ? sprintf($this->getLang('named_group'),hsc($fieldsGroups[0]['cs'][0]['tag'])) : $this->getLang('unnamed_group'))), $fieldsGroups[0]['cs']); } $fields = $this->parseFieldsLong($fieldsLines, $typemap); if(!$fields) return array(); } return $fields; } /** * Parses a projection group in 'long syntax'. */ function parseFieldsLong($lines, &$typemap) { $p = $this->getPatterns(); $result = array(); foreach($lines as $lineNode) { $line = trim($lineNode['text']); // FIELDLONG := VARIABLE AGGREGATE? TYPE? (':' ANY)? if(preg_match("/^({$p->variable})\s*({$p->aggregate})?\s*({$p->type})?(?:\s*(:)\s*({$p->any})?\s*)?$/S",$line, $match)) { list(, $var, $vaggregate, $vtype, $nocaphint, $caption) = $match; $variable = $p->variable($var)->name; if(!$nocaphint || (!$nocaphint && !$caption)) $caption = ucfirst($variable); list($type,$hint) = $p->type($vtype); list($agg,$agghint) = $p->aggregate($vaggregate); $this->updateTypemap($typemap, $variable, $type, $hint); $result[] = array('variable'=>$variable,'caption'=>$caption, 'aggregate'=>$agg, 'aggregateHint'=>$agghint, 'type'=>$type, 'hint'=>$hint); } else { $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_fieldsline'),utf8_tohtml(hsc($line))), $lineNode); } } return $result; } /** * Parses a projection group in 'short syntax'. */ function parseFieldsShort($line, &$typemap) { $p = $this->getPatterns(); $result = array(); // FIELDSHORT := VARIABLE AGGREGATE? TYPE? CAPTION? if(preg_match_all("/\s*({$p->variable})\s*({$p->aggregate})?\s*({$p->type})?\s*(?:(\")([^\"]*)\")?/",$line,$match, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach($match as $m) { $var=$m[1]??null; $vaggregate=$m[2]??null; $vtype=$m[3]??null; $caption_indicator=$m[4]??null; $caption=$m[5]??null; $variable = $p->variable($var)->name; list($type, $hint) = $p->type($vtype); list($agg, $agghint) = $p->aggregate($vaggregate); if(!$caption_indicator) $caption = ucfirst($variable); $this->updateTypemap($typemap, $variable, $type, $hint); $result[] = array('variable'=>$variable,'caption'=>$caption, 'aggregate'=>$agg, 'aggregateHint'=>$agghint, 'type'=>$type, 'hint'=>$hint); } } return $result; } /** * Returns the regex pattern used by the 'short syntax' for projection. This methods can * be used to get a dokuwiki-lexer-safe regex to embed into your own syntax pattern. * * @param captions boolean Whether the pattern should include caption matching (defaults to true) */ function fieldsShortPattern($captions = true) { $p = $this->getPatterns(); return "(?:\s*{$p->variable}\s*{$p->aggregate}?\s*{$p->type}?".($captions?'\s*(?:"[^"]*")?':'').")"; } /** * Constructs a tagged tree from the given list of lines. * * @return a tagged tree */ function constructTree($lines, $what) { $root = array( 'tag'=>'', 'cs'=>array(), 'start'=>1, 'end'=>1 ); $stack = array(); $stack[] =& $root; $top = count($stack)-1; $lineCount = 0; foreach($lines as $line) { $lineCount++; if($this->ignorableLine($line)) continue; if(preg_match('/^([^\{]*) *{$/',utf8_trim($line),$match)) { list(, $tag) = $match; $tag = utf8_trim($tag); $stack[$top]['cs'][] = array( 'tag'=>$tag?:null, 'cs'=>array(), 'start'=>$lineCount, 'end'=>0 ); $stack[] =& $stack[$top]['cs'][count($stack[$top]['cs'])-1]; $top = count($stack)-1; } elseif(preg_match('/^}$/',utf8_trim($line))) { $stack[$top]['end'] = $lineCount; array_pop($stack); $top = count($stack)-1; } else { $stack[$top]['cs'][] = array( 'text'=>$line, 'start'=>$lineCount, 'end'=>$lineCount ); } } if(count($stack) != 1 || $stack[0] != $root) { msg(sprintf($this->getLang('error_syntax_braces'),$what),-1); } $root['end'] = $lineCount; return $root; } /** * Renders a debug display of the syntax. * * @param lines array the lines that form the syntax * @param region array the region to highlight * @return a string with markup */ function debugTree($lines, $regions) { $result = ''; $lineCount = 0; $count = 0; foreach($lines as $line) { $lineCount++; foreach($regions as $region) { if($lineCount == $region['start']) { if($count == 0) $result .= '
' . hsc($n) . '
}, array_keys($properties), $properties));
$this->emitError($region, 'error_property_unknownproperty', hsc($group), hsc($variable), $propertyList);
} else if (isset($propertyValues[$variable])) {
// Property is specified more than once: show error
$this->emitError($region, 'error_property_multi', hsc($group), hsc($variable));
} else {
$p = $properties[$variable];
$minOccur = isset($p['minOccur']) ? $p['minOccur'] : 1;
$maxOccur = isset($p['maxOccur']) ? $p['maxOccur'] : $minOccur;
if ($isMulti) {
$values = array_map('utf8_trim', explode(',', $value));
} else if ($minOccur == 1 || $minOccur == $maxOccur) {
// Repeat the given value as often as we expect it
$values = array_fill(0, $minOccur, $value);
} else {
// A single value was given, but multiple were expected
$this->emitError($region, 'error_property_notmulti', hsc($group), hsc($variable), $minOccur);
if (count($values) < $minOccur || count($values) > $maxOccur) {
// Number of values given differs from expected number
if ($minOccur == $maxOccur) {
$this->emitError($region, 'error_property_occur', hsc($group), hsc($variable), $minOccur, count($values));
} else {
$this->emitError($region, 'error_property_occurrange', hsc($group), hsc($variable), $minOccur, $maxOccur, count($values));
} else if (isset($p['choices'])) { // Check whether the given property values are valid choices
// Create a mapping from choice to normalized value of the choice
$choices = array();
$choicesInfo = array(); // For nice error messages
foreach ($p['choices'] as $nc => $c) {
if (is_array($c)) {
$choices = array_merge($choices, array_fill_keys($c, $nc));
$title = sprintf($this->getLang('property_title_synonyms'), implode(', ', $c));
$choicesInfo[] = '\'' . hsc($c[0]) . '
} else {
$choices[$c] = $c;
$choicesInfo[] = '\'' . hsc($c) . '
if (!isset($choices['']) && isset($p['default'])) {
$choices[''] = $choices[$p['default']];
$incorrect = array_diff($values, array_keys($choices)); // Find all values that are not a valid choice
if (count($incorrect) > 0) {
foreach (array_unique($incorrect) as $v) {
$this->emitError($region, 'error_property_invalidchoice', hsc($group), hsc($variable), hsc($v), implode(', ', $choicesInfo));
} else {
$propertyValues[$variable] = array_map(function($v) use ($choices) { return $choices[$v]; }, $values);
} else if (isset($p['pattern'])) { // Check whether the given property values match the pattern
$incorrect = array_filter($values, function($v) use ($p) { return !preg_match($p['pattern'], $v); });
if (count($incorrect) > 0) {
foreach (array_unique($incorrect) as $v) {
if (isset($p['pattern_desc'])) {
$this->emitError($region, 'error_property_patterndesc', hsc($group), hsc($variable), hsc($v), $p['pattern_desc']);
} else {
$this->emitError($region, 'error_property_pattern', hsc($group), hsc($variable), hsc($v), hsc($p['pattern']));
} else {
$propertyValues[$variable] = $values;
} else { // Property value has no requirements
$propertyValues[$variable] = $values;
* Generates a html error message, ensuring that all utf8 in arguments is escaped correctly.
* The generated messages might be accumulated until showErrors is called.
* @param region The region at which the error occurs.
* @param msg_id The id of the message in the language file.
function emitError($region, $msg_id) {
$args = func_get_args();
$args = array_map('strval', $args); // convert everything to strings first
$args = array_map('utf8_tohtml', $args); // Escape args
$msg = vsprintf($this->getLang($msg_id), $args);
msg($msg, -1);
$this->error .= "