* @author Emanuele * @contributor Thomas * @patched by Matthieu * (2009/11/10) - Patch correct bad behavior in "bymonth" function where comparison of months considered October (#10) to be lesser than February (#2) because of leading zeros suppression * (2010/01/05) - Still problems with date comparison -> solved by comparing integer representation of dates * - Missing double quotes in "histoContribByMonth" function * - Bad behavior of "toBeCounted" function when no namespace is excluded * (2010/01/29) - Bad behavior of "toBeCounted" function when no namespace is excluded (cont'd) * - In "getAllChanges" function, add "htmlspecialchars" on summary storage so that summaries with single quote inside don't trigger PHP error * @patched by Matthias Grimm * (2009/12/11) - Patch correct full name not correctly displayed on HoF with non-plain auth system, now all authentication systems are supported + code cleanup * @patched by Frank M.G. Joergense * (19/02/2010) - Method to list all events - Creates, Edits, Deletes and Reverts */ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); // Standard inclusions if(!class_exists('syntax_plugin_charter')){ if(!class_exists('pData')){ include(DOKU_PLUGIN.'wikistatistics/pChart/pData.class'); } if(!class_exists('pChart')){ include(DOKU_PLUGIN.'wikistatistics/pChart/pChart.class'); } } /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_wikistatistics extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { var $allChanges = array(); var $allPagesSizes = array(); var $localExcludedns = ''; var $localExcludedns_pattern = ''; var $localExcludedpg_pattern = ''; var $excludedNs = ''; var $excludedNsPattern = ''; var $excludedpg_pattern = ''; var $initOpt = ''; /** * return some info */ function getInfo(){ return array( 'author' => 'Emanuele, Thomas', 'email' => 'emanuele45@interfree.it', 'date' => '2010-01-24', 'name' => 'WikiStatistics', 'desc' => 'Display statistics about the Wiki and their users', 'url' => 'http://lacroa.altervista.org/dokucount/', ); } /** * What kind of syntax are we? */ function getType(){ return 'substition'; } /** * Paragraph Type * * Defines how this syntax is handled regarding paragraphs. This is important * for correct XHTML nesting. Should return one of the following: * * 'normal' - The plugin can be used inside paragraphs * 'block' - Open paragraphs need to be closed before plugin output * 'stack' - Special case. Plugin wraps other paragraphs. * * @see Doku_Handler_Block */ function getPType() { return 'normal'; } /** * Where to sort in? */ function getSort(){ return 210; } /** * Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('{{wikistatistics>.*?}}',$mode,'plugin_wikistatistics'); // <= current syntax } /** * Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler){ //convert $match into an array of parameters $match = trim($match, '{}'); $match = substr($match,strpos($match,'>')+1); $explodedMatch = explode(' ', $match); $params = array(); for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($explodedMatch); $i++) { $param = trim($explodedMatch[$i]); $key = substr($param,0,strpos($param,'=')); $value = substr($param,strpos($param,'=')+1); $params[$key] = $value; } return $params; } /** * Create output */ function render($mode, &$renderer, $data) { if($mode == 'xhtml') { $this->varinit($data); switch ($data['type']) { case 'topcontrib': //HoF case 'hof': $renderer->doc .= $this->getTopContrib(); break; case 'histocontrib': $renderer->doc .= $this->histoContrib(); break; case 'pages': //Total number of pages $renderer->doc .= $this->countPages($this->initOpt['ns']); break; case 'users': //Total number of users $renderer->doc .= $this->countUsers(); break; case 'pagessizes': // $renderer->doc .= $this->pagesSizes();//TODO add $this->initOpt['ns'] break; case 'hofpagessizes': $renderer->doc .= $this->getTopPagesSizes();//TODO add $this->initOpt['ns'] break; case 'topedit': $renderer->doc .= $this->getTopChanged($this->initOpt['ns']); break; case 'lessedit': $renderer->doc .= $this->getTopChanged($this->initOpt['ns'],true); break; } unset($this->allChanges); return true; } return false; } /** * Hall of Fame */ function getTopContrib() { global $auth; // nb of rows to display // if missing, 10 will be taken as default value $nbOfRows = (isset($this->initOpt['nbOfRows']) && is_numeric($this->initOpt['nbOfRows'])) ? $this->initOpt['nbOfRows'] : 10; $ret = ' '; $this->getAllChanges(); $usersedits = array(); // loop through all changes to count number of edits by user foreach($this->allChanges as $singleChange) { if ($singleChange['user'] != "" && $this->toBeCounted($singleChange['id'])) { if($singleChange['type'] != "D" && $singleChange['type'] != "R" ) { $usersedits[$singleChange['user']]++; } } } // use full name or pseudo ? $useFullName = ($this->initOpt['namecol'] == 'fullname'); foreach($usersedits as $username => $nbofedits) { if($useFullName) { // get full user name from auth object $info = $auth->getUserData($username); $userDisplayName[$username] = (isset($info) && $info) ? hsc($info['name']) : hsc($username); } else { $userDisplayName[$username] = hsc($username); } } // Sort the data with volume descending, edition ascending // Add $data as the last parameter, to sort by the common key array_multisort($usersedits, SORT_DESC, $userDisplayName, SORT_ASC); foreach ($usersedits as $userid => $edits) { $evenodd = $i++ % 2 ? "hof_evenrow" : "hof_oddrow"; if ($nbOfRows == '-1' || $i <= $nbOfRows) {//$this->getConf('ws_topcontrib')+1 || $this->getConf('ws_topcontrib') == -1) { $ret .= ' '; } } $ret .= '
'.$this->getLang('ws_position').' '.$this->getLang('ws_name').' '.$this->getLang('ws_editnumb').'
'.$i.' '.$userDisplayName[$userid].' '.$edits.'
'; return $ret; } function filterChanges($by='user', $onlyif=false, $andnot=array('type' => 'D', 'type' => 'R')){ $filter = array(); // loop through all changes to count number of edits by user foreach($this->allChanges as $singleChange) { if ($singleChange[$by] != "" && $this->toBeCounted($singleChange['id'])) { $add = true; if(is_array($onlyif)){ foreach($onlyif as $key => $value){ if($singleChange[$key]==$value){ $add=true; break; } } } if(is_array($andnot)){ foreach($andnot as $key => $value){ if($singleChange[$key]==$value){ $add=false; break; } } } if($add) $filter[$singleChange[$by]]++; } } return $filter; } /** * Most changed pages */ function getTopChanged($ns='',$sort_asc=false) { global $conf; $this->getAllChanges('',0,0,$ns); $edits = $this->filterChanges('id'); arsort($edits); if($sort_asc) $edits=array_reverse($edits); // nb of rows to display // if missing, 10 will be taken as default value $nbOfRows = (isset($this->initOpt['nbOfRows']) && is_numeric($this->initOpt['nbOfRows'])) ? $this->initOpt['nbOfRows'] : 10; $ret = ' '; $i = 0; foreach($edits as $page => $pageedit) { $evenodd = $i++ % 2 ? 'hof_evenrow' : 'hof_oddrow'; if ($nbOfRows == '-1' || $i <= $nbOfRows) { $ret .= ' '; } } $ret .= '
'.$this->getLang('ws_hofpagesedits') . (!empty($ns) ? $this->getLang('ws_for_ns') . $ns : '') . '
'.$this->getLang('ws_position').' '.$this->getLang('ws_page').' '.$this->getLang('ws_editnumb').'
'.$i.' '.html_wikilink(':'.$page).' '.$pageedit.'
'; return $ret; } /**' * Edits charts */ function histoContrib() { switch ($this->initOpt['mode']) { case 'bymonth': return $this->histoContribByMonth(); break; case 'byyear': break; case 'monthbyday': $period = $this->initOpt['period']; if($period == '') { $dt = getdate(); $month = $dt['mon']; $year = $dt['year']; } else { $month = substr($period,0,strpos($period,"/")); $year = substr($period,strpos($period,"/")+1); } return $this->histoContribMonthByDay($year, $month); break; case 'lastmonthbyday': $dt = getdate(); $month = $dt['mon']; $year = $dt['year']; if($month == 1) { $month = 12; $year--; } else { $month--; } return $this->histoContribMonthByDay($year, $month); break; case 'lastyear': break; case 'allevents': return $this->histoContribByMonthAll(); break; } } /** * Method to list all events - Creates, Edits, Deletes and Reverts * author Frank M.G. Joergensen, frank(at)gajda(dot)dk */ function histoContribByMonthAll() { global $conf; $monthYear = array(); $this->getAllChanges(); foreach($this->allChanges as $changeEvent) { if ($changeEvent['user'] != "" && $this->toBeCounted($changeEvent['page'])) { $dateConv = date("Ym", $changeEvent['date']); if($changeEvent['type'] == "R") $monthYear[$dateConv]['R']++; if($changeEvent['type'] == "D") $monthYear[$dateConv]['D']++; if($changeEvent['type'] == "E") $monthYear[$dateConv]['E']++; if($changeEvent['type'] == "C") $monthYear[$dateConv]['C']++; } } ksort($monthYear); $ret = ' '; if(count($monthYear)){ $i = 0; foreach($monthYear as $key => $value){ if(is_array($value)){ $evenodd = $i++ % 2 ? 'hof_evenrow' : 'hof_oddrow'; $ret .= ' '; } } $ret .= '
'.$this->getLang('ws_dateYm').' '.$this->getLang('ws_created').' '.$this->getLang('ws_edited').' '.$this->getLang('ws_deleted').' '.$this->getLang('ws_reverted').'
'; $ret .= $key; $ret .= ' '; $ret .= $value['C']; $ret .= ' '; $ret .= $value['E']; $ret .= ' '; $ret .= $value['D']; $ret .= ' '; $ret .= $value['R']; $ret .= '
'; } return $ret; } /**' * Bar graph of the number of contrib by day * for the month $month of the year $year */ function histoContribMonthByDay($year, $month) { global $conf; $month = intval($month); $date_value = array(); $this->getAllChanges(); foreach($this->allChanges as $singleChange) { if ($singleChange['user'] != "" && $this->toBeCounted($singleChange['page'])) { if($singleChange['type'] != "D" && $singleChange['type'] != "R" ) { if(date("n/Y", $singleChange['date']) == $month."/".$year) { $date_value[date("j", $singleChange['date'])]++; } } } } // getting last day of the current month $monthTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); $lastDayOfMonth = date("t", $monthTime); // Dataset definition $dataSet = new pData; $tabDays = array(); $tabVals = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $lastDayOfMonth; $i++) { $tabDays[$i] = $i; $tabVals[$i] = $date_value[$i]; } $dataSet->AddPoint($tabVals, "Serie1"); $dataSet->AddPoint($tabDays, "Serie2"); $dataSet->AddSerie("Serie1"); $dataSet->SetAbsciseLabelSerie("Serie2"); // Graph width $width = $this->initOpt['width']; if($width == '') { $width = 700; } // Graph height $height = $this->initOpt['height']; if($height == '') { $height = 230; } $heightForAngle = 0; $absLabelAngle = $this->initOpt['absLabelAngle']; if($absLabelAngle > 0 && $absLabelAngle <= 90) { $heightForAngle = $absLabelAngle/10; } else { $absLabelAngle = 0; } // Initialize the graph $chart = new pChart($width,$height+$heightForAngle); $chart->setGraphArea($this->initOpt['spleft'],$this->initOpt['sptop'],$width-20,$height-30); // load colour palette from currently active template if exists. // Otherwise fall back to default colour palette if (@file_exists(DOKU_TPLINC.'palette.txt')) $chart->loadColorPalette(DOKU_TPLINC.'palette.txt'); else $chart->loadColorPalette(DOKU_PLUGIN.'wikistatistics/palette.txt'); $chart->setFontProperties(DOKU_PLUGIN.'wikistatistics/Fonts/tahoma.ttf',10); $chart->drawFilledRoundedRectangle(7,7,$width-7,$height-7+$heightForAngle,5,240,240,240); $chart->drawRoundedRectangle(5,5,$width-5,$height-5+$heightForAngle,5,230,230,230); $chart->drawGraphArea(252,252,252); // definition of drawScale method : drawScale($Data,$DataDescription,$ScaleMode,$R,$G,$B,$DrawTicks=TRUE,$Angle=0,$Decimals=1,$WithMargin=FALSE,$SkipLabels=1,$RightScale=FALSE) $chart->drawScale($dataSet->GetData(),$dataSet->GetDataDescription(),SCALE_NORMAL,150,150,150,TRUE,$absLabelAngle,2,TRUE); $chart->drawGrid(4,TRUE,230,230,230,255); // Draw the bar graph $chart->drawBarGraph($dataSet->GetData(),$dataSet->GetDataDescription(),TRUE); // Finish the graph $chart->setFontProperties(DOKU_PLUGIN.'wikistatistics/Fonts/tahoma.ttf',10); $chart->drawTitle(0,0,$this->getLang('ws_histocontribmonthbydaytitle').' '.date('F', $monthTime).' '.date('Y', $monthTime),50,50,50,$width,35); if (!is_dir($conf['mediadir'].'/wikistatistics')) { io_mkdir_p($conf['mediadir'].'/wikistatistics'); //Using dokuwiki framework } $chart->Render($conf['mediadir']."/wikistatistics/histocontrib_{$month}_{$year}.png"); $url = ml("wikistatistics:histocontrib_{$month}_{$year}.png"); //Using dokuwiki framework $ret .= ' ' . $this->getLang('ws_histocontribmonthbydaytitle').' '.date('F', $monthTime).' '.date('Y', $monthTime) . ''; return $ret; } /**' * Bar graph of the number of contrib by month */ function histoContribByMonth() { global $conf; $date_value = array(); $dateMin = ''; $this->getAllChanges(); foreach($this->allChanges as $singleChange) { if ($singleChange['user'] != "" && $this->toBeCounted($singleChange['page'])) { if($singleChange['type'] != "D" && $singleChange['type'] != "R" ) { $dateContrib = date("m/Y", $singleChange['date']); $date_value[$dateContrib]++; if($dateMin == '' || $singleChange['date'] < $dateMin) { $dateMin = $singleChange['date']; } } } } $dateMin = date("m/Y",$dateMin); // getting current month : end of the graph $monthNow = date("m/Y"); // Dataset definition $dataSet = new pData; $tabMonths = array(); $tabVals = array(); $previousMonth = ''; $currentMonth = $dateMin; $i = 0; $out = false; // since the month of the first contrib to now... while($previousMonth == '' || $previousMonth != $monthNow) { $tabMonths[$i] = $currentMonth; $tabVals[$i] = $date_value[$currentMonth]; $previousMonth = $currentMonth; // calculate next month $m = substr($currentMonth,0,strpos($currentMonth,"/")); $y = substr($currentMonth,strpos($currentMonth,"/")+1); if($m == 12) { $m = 1; $y++; } else { $m++; } $currentMonth = ($m < 10 ? '0' : '').$m.'/'.$y; $i++; } $dataSet->AddPoint($tabVals, 'Serie1'); $dataSet->AddPoint($tabMonths, 'Serie2'); $dataSet->AddSerie('Serie1'); $dataSet->SetAbsciseLabelSerie('Serie2'); // Graph width $width = $this->initOpt['width']; if($width == '') { $width = 700; } // Graph height $height = $this->initOpt['height']; if($height == '') { $height = 230; } $heightForAngle = 0; $absLabelAngle = $this->initOpt['absLabelAngle']; if($absLabelAngle > 0 && $absLabelAngle <= 90) { $heightForAngle = $absLabelAngle/2; } else { $absLabelAngle = 0; } // Initialize the graph $chart = new pChart($width,$height+$heightForAngle); $chart->setGraphArea($this->initOpt['spleft'],$this->initOpt['sptop'],$width-20,$height-30); // load colour palette from currently active template if exists. // Otherwise fall back to default colour palette if (@file_exists(DOKU_TPLINC.'palette.txt')) $chart->loadColorPalette(DOKU_TPLINC.'palette.txt'); else $chart->loadColorPalette(DOKU_PLUGIN.'wikistatistics/palette.txt'); $chart->setFontProperties(DOKU_PLUGIN.'wikistatistics/Fonts/tahoma.ttf',10); $chart->drawFilledRoundedRectangle(7,7,$width-7,$height-7+$heightForAngle,5,240,240,240); $chart->drawRoundedRectangle(5,5,$width-5,$height-5+$heightForAngle,5,230,230,230); $chart->drawGraphArea(252,252,252); $chart->drawScale($dataSet->GetData(),$dataSet->GetDataDescription(),SCALE_NORMAL,150,150,150,TRUE,$absLabelAngle,2,TRUE); $chart->drawGrid(4,TRUE,230,230,230,255); // Draw the bar graph $chart->drawBarGraph($dataSet->GetData(),$dataSet->GetDataDescription(),TRUE); // Finish the graph $chart->setFontProperties(DOKU_PLUGIN.'wikistatistics/Fonts/tahoma.ttf',10); $chart->drawTitle(0,0,$this->getLang('ws_histocontribbymonthtitle'),50,50,50,$width,35); if (!is_dir($conf['mediadir'] . '/wikistatistics')) { io_mkdir_p($conf['mediadir'] . '/wikistatistics'); //Using dokuwiki framework } $chart->Render($conf['mediadir'].'/wikistatistics/histocontrib_bymonth.png'); $url = ml('wikistatistics:histocontrib_bymonth.png'); //Using dokuwiki framework $ret .= ' ' . $this->getLang('ws_histocontribbymonthtitle') . ''; return $ret; } /** * Count the pages in the namespace $ns */ function countPages($ns='') { global $conf; // root directory of all pages $rootPath = $conf['datadir']; $path = ''; // go to namespace directory if specified if($ns != '') { $nsArray = split(":",$ns); foreach ($nsArray as $namespace) { $path .= "/".$namespace; } } return $this->_pages_xhtml_r($path, $rootPath); } /**' * Recursive method to count the number of pages under $path */ function _pages_xhtml_r($path, $rootPath) { $nbPages = 0; $nsPath = str_replace('/',':',$path); if($path == '' || $this->toBeCounted($nsPath)) { if (is_dir($rootPath.$path)) { if($pdir = opendir($rootPath.$path)) { while ($file = readdir($pdir)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $filePath = $path."/".$file; if (is_file($rootPath.$filePath)) { $filens = substr($filePath, 0, strrpos($filePath , '.txt')); $filens = str_replace('/',':',$filens); if($this->toBeCounted($filens)) { $nbPages++; } } else { $nbPages += $this->_pages_xhtml_r($filePath, $rootPath); } } } closedir($pdir); } } } return $nbPages; } /**' * Check if the namespace $ns has to be excluded or not */ function toBeCounted($ns) { //namespace $ns = (preg_match("/^:/",$ns)) ? substr($ns,1) : $ns; $nstocheck = ""; $ns_split = split(":",$ns); foreach($ns_split as $nspart){ if($nstocheck != "") { $nstocheck .= ":"; } $nstocheck .= $nspart; if (!is_null($this->excludedNs) && in_array($nstocheck,$this->excludedNs)) { return false; } } if(@preg_match($this->excludedNsPattern,$ns)){ return false; } return true; } function cw_array_count($a) { if(!is_array($a)) return $a; foreach($a as $key=>$value) $totale += $this->cw_array_count($value); return $totale; } /**' * Count the users */ function countUsers() { global $auth; $nbUsers = 0; if($this->initOpt['filter'] == 'active') { // only active users (those who contributed at least once) $users = array(); $this->getAllChanges(); foreach($this->allChanges as $singleChange) { $user = $singleChange['user']; if ($user != "" && !in_array($user, $users)) { $users[] = $user; } } $nbUsers = sizeof($users); } else { // all users // if the auth module implements the getUserCount function, use it ! // it's not the case for ldap auth for example. if($auth->canDo('getUserCount')) { $nbUsers = $auth->getUserCount(array()); } } return $nbUsers; } function getAllChanges($directory='',$first=0,$num=0,$ns='',$flags=0) { global $conf; $cache_file = $conf['mediadir'].'/wikistatistics/cache_changes' . ($ns!='' ? '_' . str_replace(':','_',$ns) : '') . '.php'; if(!empty($ns)){ $directory=str_replace('//','/',dirname($conf['changelog']) . '/' . str_replace(':','/',$ns)); } if(!$this->getConf('ws_cacheresults')){ @unlink($cache_file); $this->lastUpdate = 0; } if (!is_dir($conf['mediadir'].'/wikistatistics')) { io_mkdir_p($conf['mediadir'].'/wikistatistics'); //Using dokuwiki framework } if(@file_exists($cache_file)){ include($cache_file); } if(time() > $this->lastUpdate + $this->getConf('ws_cacheexpire')){ @unlink($cache_file); unset($this->allChanges); $i=0; $this->parseChanges($directory,$first,$num,$ns,$flags); $fp = @fopen( $cache_file, 'w' ); @fwrite( $fp, 'lastUpdate = ' . time() . ';'); foreach ($this->allChanges as $change){ @fwrite( $fp, ' $this->allChanges['.$i.'] = array( \'date\' => ' . $change['date'] . ', \'ip\' => \'' . $change['ip'] . '\', \'type\' => \'' . $change['type'] . '\', \'id\' => \'' . $change['id'] . '\', \'user\' => \'' . $change['user'] . '\', \'sum\' => \'' . htmlspecialchars($change['sum'],ENT_QUOTES) . '\', \'extra\' => \'' . $change['extra'] . '\', );'); $i++; } @fclose( $fp ); include($cache_file); } } function parseChanges($directory='',$first=0,$num=0,$ns='',$flags=0) { global $conf; $metapath = $conf['metadir']; $count = 0; if(empty($directory)) { $directory=dirname($conf['changelog']); } //Counting files variable initialization $count=0; /* * open the directory and take an instance of it to handle var */ if ($handle = opendir($directory)) { $sub = substr($directory,strpos($directory,$metapath)+strlen($metapath)+1); $sub = str_replace('/',':',$sub); if($this->toBeCounted($sub,'ns')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (is_file($directory."/".$file)) { // Determining extensions of files $file_ext = substr($file, strrpos($file, ".")+1); if($file_ext == 'changes' && $file != '_dokuwiki.changes') { $lines = @file("$directory/$file"); for($i = count($lines)-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $rec = parseChangelogLine($lines[$i]); if($rec !== false) { if(--$first >= 0) continue; // skip first entries $this->allChanges[] = $rec; $count++; // break when we have enough entries if(!$num==0) { if($count >= $num) { break; } } } } } } else if (is_dir("$directory/$file")) { $this->parseChanges("$directory/$file"); } } } } closedir($handle); } } function pagesSizes($ns = '') { global $conf; // root directory of all pages $rootPath = $conf['datadir']; $path = ''; // go to namespace directory if specified if($ns != '') { $nsArray = split(':',$ns); foreach ($nsArray as $namespace) { $path .= '/'.$namespace; } } // Max level $depthLevel = $this->initOpt['depthlevel']; if($depthLevel == '') { $depthLevel = 0; } $pagesSizes = $this->getAllPagesSizes($path, $rootPath, $depthLevel); $nss = array(); $sizes = array(); foreach($pagesSizes as $ns => $size) { $nss[] = $ns." (".$size.")"; $sizes[] = $size; } // Graph width $width = $this->initOpt['width']; if($width == '') { $width = 530; } // Graph height $height = $this->initOpt['height']; if($height == '') { $height = 200; } $legendX = $width-min(220, round($width/3)); $graphX = round($legendX/2); $graphY = round($height/2); $graphR = round(($graphX<$graphY)?$graphX:min($graphX,$graphY*1.6))-50; // Dataset definition $DataSet = new pData; $DataSet->AddPoint($sizes,'sizes'); $DataSet->AddPoint($nss,'namespaces'); $DataSet->AddAllSeries(); $DataSet->SetAbsciseLabelSerie('namespaces'); // Initialise the graph $chart = new pChart($width,$height); $chart->drawFilledRoundedRectangle(7,7,$width-7,$height-7,5,240,240,240); $chart->drawRoundedRectangle(5,5,$width-5,$height-5,5,230,230,230); // load colour palette from currently active template if exists. // Otherwise fall back to default colour palette if (@file_exists(DOKU_TPLINC.'palette.txt')) $chart->loadColorPalette(DOKU_TPLINC.'palette.txt'); else $chart->loadColorPalette(DOKU_PLUGIN.'wikistatistics/palette.txt'); // Draw the pie chart $chart->setFontProperties(DOKU_PLUGIN.'wikistatistics/Fonts/tahoma.ttf',10); // drawPieGraph($Data,$DataDescription,$XPos,$YPos,$Radius=100,$DrawLabels=PIE_NOLABEL,$EnhanceColors=TRUE,$Skew=60,$SpliceHeight=20,$SpliceDistance=0,$Decimals=0) $chart->drawPieGraph($DataSet->GetData(),$DataSet->GetDataDescription(),$graphX,$graphY,$graphR,PIE_PERCENTAGE,TRUE,50,20,5); $chart->drawPieLegend($legendX,15,$DataSet->GetData(),$DataSet->GetDataDescription(),250,250,250); $chart->Render($conf['mediadir'].'/wikistatistics/pagessizes.png'); $url = ml('wikistatistics:pagessizes.png'); //Using dokuwiki framework $ret = ' ' . $this->getLang('ws_pagesize') . ''; return $ret; } /** * Calculate the size of all pages */ function getAllPagesSizes($path, $rootPath, $depthLevel) { $pagesSizes = array(); $nsPath = str_replace('/',':',$path); if($path == '' || $this->toBeCounted($nsPath)) { if (is_dir($rootPath.$path)) { if($pdir = opendir($rootPath.$path)) { while ($file = readdir($pdir)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $filePath = "$path/$file"; if (is_file($rootPath.$filePath)) { $filens = substr($filePath, 0, strrpos($filePath , '.txt')); $filens = str_replace('/',':',$filens); if(substr($filens, 0, 1) == ':') { $filens = substr($filens, 1); } if($this->toBeCounted($filens)) { if($depthLevel > 0) { $nsArray = split(':', $filens); $filens = ''; for($i=0; $i 0) { $filens .= ':'; } $filens .= $nsArray[$i]; } } $pagesSizes[$filens] = filesize($rootPath.$filePath); } } else { foreach($this->getAllPagesSizes($filePath, $rootPath, $depthLevel) as $ns => $size) { $pagesSizes[$ns] += $size; } } } } closedir($pdir); } } } return $pagesSizes; } function getTopPagesSizes($path = '') { global $conf; // root directory of all pages $rootPath = $conf['datadir']; // nb of rows to display // if missing, 10 will be taken as default value $nbOfRows = (isset($this->initOpt['nbOfRows']) && is_numeric($this->initOpt['nbOfRows'])) ? $this->initOpt['nbOfRows'] : 10; $pagesSizes = $this->getAllPagesSizes($path, $rootPath, 0); arsort($pagesSizes); $ret = ' '; $i = 0; foreach($pagesSizes as $page => $pagesize) { $evenodd = $i++ % 2 ? 'hof_evenrow' : 'hof_oddrow'; if ($nbOfRows == '-1' || $i <= $nbOfRows) { $ret .= ' '; } } $ret .= '
'.$this->getLang('ws_position').' '.$this->getLang('ws_page').' '.$this->getLang('ws_size').'
'.$i.' '.html_wikilink(':'.$page).' '.$pagesize.'
'; return $ret; } /* * * Variable's initialization * */ function varinit($params) { $this->allChanges = array(); //Reset the counter $this->initOpt=$params; // param ws_excludedns $excludedNs = split(",",$this->getConf('ws_excludedns')); foreach ($excludedNs as $key => $value) { if (is_null($value) || $value=="") { unset($excludedNs[$key]); } } $this->excludedNs = (count($excludedNs)>0) ? $excludedNs : null; // param ws_excludedns_pattern $excludedns_pattern = split(",",$this->getConf('ws_excludedns_pattern')); $this->excludedNsPattern = '/'; for($i=0;$iexcludedNsPattern .= $excludedns_pattern[$i].'|'; } $this->excludedNsPattern = substr($this->excludedNsPattern, 0, -1).'/'; if($this->excludedNsPattern=='/'){$this->excludedNsPattern='';} $this->initOpt['spleft'] = isset($this->initOpt['spleft']) ? $this->initOpt['spleft'] : '40'; $this->initOpt['sptop'] = isset($this->initOpt['sptop']) ? $this->initOpt['sptop'] : '30'; } }