. */ class ShadowProperties { private function __construct() { } static public function FromDefaults() { $properties = new ShadowProperties; $properties->active = false; return $properties; } static public function FromSettings($xDistance, $yDistance, Color $color, $alpha = 50, $blur = 0) { $properties = new ShadowProperties; $properties->active = true; $properties->xDistance = $xDistance; $properties->yDistance = $yDistance; $properties->color = $color; $properties->alpha = $alpha; $properties->blur = $blur; return $properties; } /** * Instantiate a new ShadowProperties with the same settings as * the one passed in. Essentially this is a clone method. * * @todo clone appears to be a reserved word in PHP, is there * actually any special clone functionality? I can't RTFM at the * moment as the internet connection is down. */ static public function Copy(ShadowProperties $other) { $copy = ShadowProperties::FromSettings( $other->xDistance, $other->yDistance, $other->color, $other->alpha, $other->blur ); $copy->active = $other->active; return $copy; } static public function NoShadow() { return self::FromDefaults(); } public function __toString() { return sprintf( "ShadowProperties<%d, %d, %d, %s, %d, %d>", $this->active, $this->xDistance, $this->yDistance, $this->color, $this->alpha, $this->blur ); } public $active; public $xDistance; public $yDistance; public $color; public $alpha; public $blur; }