logMethodCall(__METHOD__, func_get_args()); } function drawFilledRectangle(Point $corner1, Point $corner2, Color $color, ShadowProperties $shadowProperties, $drawBorder = false, $alpha = 100, $lineWidth = 1, $lineDotSize = 0) { $this->logMethodCall(__METHOD__, func_get_args()); } function drawRoundedRectangle(Point $corner1, Point $corner2, $radius, Color $color, $lineWidth, $lineDotSize, ShadowProperties $shadowProperties) { $this->logMethodCall(__METHOD__, func_get_args()); } function drawFilledRoundedRectangle(Point $point1, Point $point2, $radius, Color $color, $lineWidth, $lineDotSize, ShadowProperties $shadowProperties) { $this->logMethodCall(__METHOD__, func_get_args()); } function drawLine(Point $point1, Point $point2, Color $color, $lineWidth, $lineDotSize, ShadowProperties $shadowProperties, Point $boundingBoxMin = null, Point $boundingBoxMax = null) { $this->logMethodCall(__METHOD__, func_get_args()); } function drawDottedLine(Point $point1, Point $point2, $dotSize, $lineWidth, Color $color, ShadowProperties $shadowProperties, Point $boundingBoxMin = null, Point $boundingBoxMax = null) { $this->logMethodCall(__METHOD__, func_get_args()); } function drawAntialiasPixel(Point $point, Color $color, ShadowProperties $shadowProperties, $alpha = 100) { $this->logMethodCall(__METHOD__, func_get_args()); } function drawText($fontSize, $angle, Point $point, Color $color, $fontName, $text, ShadowProperties $shadowProperties) { $this->logMethodCall(__METHOD__, func_get_args()); } /** * @todo The function's called drawCircle(), but you can make it * draw an ellipse by passing in different values for width and * height. This should be changed. */ function drawCircle(Point $center, $height, Color $color, ShadowProperties $shadowProperties, $width = null) { $this->logMethodCall(__METHOD__, func_get_args()); } function drawFilledCircle(Point $center, $height, Color $color, ShadowProperties $shadowProperties, $width = null) { $this->logMethodCall(__METHOD__, func_get_args()); } function drawFilledPolygon(array $points, $numPoints, Color $color, $alpha = 100) { $this->logMethodCall(__METHOD__, func_get_args()); } function setAntialiasQuality($newQuality) { $this->logMethodCall(__METHOD__, func_get_args()); } private function logMethodCall($methodName, $args) { $formattedArgs = array(); foreach ($args as $arg) { if (is_array($arg)) { $formattedArgs[] = 'array<' . implode(', ', $arg) . '>'; } else { $formattedArgs[] = $arg; } } $this->actionLog .= $methodName.'('.implode(', ', $formattedArgs).")\n"; } public function getActionLog() { return $this->actionLog; } private $actionLog = ''; }