"admin", "page" => helper_plugin_stale::PLUGIN_NAME ); const MENU_HTML_ELEMENT_ID = 'plugin_' . helper_plugin_stale::PLUGIN_NAME; public function getLinkAttributes($classprefix = 'menuitem ') { $linkAttributes = parent::getLinkAttributes($classprefix); /** * A class and not an id * because a menu item can be found twice on * a page (For instance if you want to display it in a layout at a * breakpoint and at another in another breakpoint */ $linkAttributes['class'] = self::MENU_HTML_ELEMENT_ID; return $linkAttributes; } public function getType() { return "admin"; } public function getTitle() { $stale = plugin_load('helper', helper_plugin_stale::PLUGIN_NAME); return $stale->getLang('menu'); } public function getLabel() { $stale = plugin_load('helper', helper_plugin_stale::PLUGIN_NAME); return $stale->getLang("menuItemLabel"); } public function getSvg() { /** @var helper_plugin_stale $stale */ $stale = plugin_load('helper', helper_plugin_stale::PLUGIN_NAME); return $stale->getIcon(); } }