* @author Gert * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Jerry G. Geiger * @author Slim Amamou * @author Tom Cafferty */ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../').'/'); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/parserutils.php'); require_once('DB.php'); require_once('simple_html_dom.php'); /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_sqlraw extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { var $databases = array(); var $display_inline = FALSE; var $vertical_position = FALSE; var $table_class = 'inline'; var $colCount = 0; /** * What kind of syntax are we? */ function getType(){ return 'substition'; } /** * Where to sort in? */ function getSort(){ return 555; } /** * Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern(']*>',$mode,'plugin_sqlraw'); } function postConnect() { $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('','plugin_sqlraw'); } /** * Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler){ switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : $link = $this->_propertyRaw('link',$match); $startMarker = $this->_propertyRaw('startMarker',$match); $tableNumber = $this->_propertyRaw('tableNumber',$match); $display = $this->_propertyRaw('display', $match); $position = $this->_propertyRaw('position', $match); $tableid = $this->_propertyRaw('id', $match); $class = $this->_propertyRaw('class', $match); $title = $this->_propertyRaw('title', $match); $source = $this->_propertyRaw('source', $match); $caption = $this->_propertyRaw('caption', $match); $fixTable = $this->_propertyRaw('fixTable', $match); return array('display' => $display, 'position' => $position, 'id' => $tableid, 'class' => $class, 'title' => $title, 'link' => $link, 'source' => $source, 'startMarker' => $startMarker, 'tableNumber' => $tableNumber, 'caption' => $caption, 'fixTable' => $fixTable); break; case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : $queries = explode(';', $match); if (trim(end($queries)) == "") { array_pop($queries); } return array('sql' => $queries); break; case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : $this->display_inline = FALSE; $this->vertical_position = FALSE; $this->table_class = 'inline'; $this->source = ''; $this->startMarker = ''; $this->tableNumber = 1; return array('display' => 'block', 'position' => 'horizontal', 'class' => 'inline', 'id' => ' ', 'source' => ' ', 'startMarker' => '', 'tableNumber' => 1); break; } return array(); } /** * Create output */ function render($mode, &$renderer, $data) { global $conf; global $db; $renderer->info['cache'] = false; if($mode == 'xhtml'){ // // Get input parameters and configuration data // if ($data['id'] != FALSE) $this->tableId = $data['id']; if ($data['source'] != FALSE) $this->source = $data['source']; if ($data['startMarker'] != FALSE) $this->startMarker = $data['startMarker']; if ($data['tableNumber'] != FALSE) $this->tableNumber = $data['tableNumber']; else $this->tableNumber = 1; if ($data['class'] != FALSE) $this->table_class = $data['class']; if ($data['title'] != FALSE) $this->title = $data['title']; if (isset($data['caption'])) $this->caption = $data['caption']; else $this->caption = 0; if (isset($data['fixTable'])) $this->fixTable = $data['fixTable']; else $this->fixTable = 0; if ($data['display'] == 'inline') { $this->display_inline = TRUE; } else if ($data['display'] == 'block') { $this->display_inline = FALSE; } if ($data['position'] == 'vertical') { $this->vertical_position = TRUE; } else if ($data['position'] == 'horizontal') { $this->vertical_position = FALSE; } $debugfile = $this->getConf('sqlraw_debugfilepath'); $tempdb = $this->getConf('sqlraw_tempdb'); if ($data['link'] != "") { // // First try to connect to the temporary database // $db =& DB::connect($tempdb); if (DB::isError($db)) { $error = $db->getMessage(); $renderer->doc .= '
The database error is '. $error .'
'; return TRUE; } else { // // Good, save that temporary database pointer // array_push($this->databases, $db); } // // Process the link to get the data // $this->datalink = $data['link']; $disallow = $this->getConf('sqlraw_mysqlDisallow'); $use = $this->getConf('sqlraw_mysqlReplace'); $restrictNames = $this->getConf('sqlraw_restrict_names'); $theResult = $this->_sqlRaw__handleLink($data['link'], &$renderer, $this->source, $this->startMarker, $this->tableNumber, $debugfile, $disallow, $use, $restrictNames, $this->caption, $this->fixTable); if ($theResult != "") { // // Good we have data, now retrieve the temporary database pointer and create a temporary table // $db =& array_pop($this->databases); if (!empty($db)) { $success = $this->_sqlRaw__create_temp_db ($db, $theResult['headers'], $theResult['rows'], $theResult['lengths'], &$renderer); array_push($this->databases, $db); } } // // Done for now // return true; } elseif (!empty($data['sql'])) { // // This pass thru we have already setup the temporary database table. // So now process the supplied MySQL query on the temporary database table. // $db =& array_pop($this->databases); if (!empty($db)) { $db->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); foreach ($data['sql'] as $query) { $result =& $db->getAll($query); if (DB::isError($result)) { $error = $result->getMessage(); $renderer->doc .= '
'. $error .'
'; $db->disconnect(); return TRUE; } elseif ($result == DB_OK or empty($result)) { // // Do nothing // } else { // // Display the result as a table // $temp = array_keys($result[0]); if ($this->tableId != ' ') { $id_string = 'id="'.$this->tableId.'" '; } else { $id_string = ''; } if (! $this->vertical_position) { // // Display vertical table // if ($this->display_inline) { $renderer->doc .= ''; } else { $renderer->doc .= '
'; } if ($this->title != '') $renderer->doc .= ''; $renderer->doc .= ''; foreach ($temp as $header) { $renderer->doc .= ''; } $renderer->doc .= "\n"; $count=1; foreach ($result as $row) { $renderer->doc .= ''; foreach ($row as $cell) { $renderer->doc .= ''; } $renderer->doc .= "\n"; if ($this->table_class != "sortable") $count++; } $renderer->doc .= '
'; $renderer->cdata($header); $renderer->doc .= '
'; $renderer->cdata($cell); $renderer->doc .= '
'; $this->_sqlRaw__drop_temp_db ($db, &$renderer); } else { // // Display horizontal table // foreach ($result as $row) { $renderer->doc .= ''; if ($this->title != '') $renderer->doc .= ''; foreach ($row as $name => $cell) { $renderer->doc .= ''; $renderer->doc .= ""; $renderer->doc .= ''; $renderer->doc .= "\n"; } $renderer->doc .= '
$name'; $renderer->cdata($cell); $renderer->doc .= '
'; $this->_sqlRaw__drop_temp_db ($db, &$renderer); } } } } } } return true; } return false; } // // Function: sqlRaw__handleLink // Purpose: Determine where the data will come from and process // Input: // $url - url to csv or table // $source - what is being processed a 'csvfile' or 'scrapeUrl' // $startMarker - a marker of text to start looking for the next table (optional) // $tableNumber - the number of the table to scrape on a page (eg 1,2,3...) (optional) // $dbfile - debug file to write the csv to when scraping a table // $disallow - Character(s) that will not be allowed for column headings // $use - Character(s) that will replace the corresponding disallowed characters // $restrictNames - Boolean denotes if disallow characters will be replaced (1=replace) // Returns: // $myResult - multidimensional array of table headings, rows of data, and size of each cell // false on error // function _sqlRaw__handleLink($url, &$renderer, $source, $startMarker, $tableNumber, $dbfile, $disallow, $use, $restrictNames, $caption, $fixTable){ global $ID; global $colCount; $delim = ','; $opt = array('content' => ''); if ($source == 'csvfile') { // // Process a csv file // if(strpos($url, 'http') !==false) { $http = new DokuHTTPClient(); $opt['content'] = $http->get($url); } else { // // load the file from a local dokuwiki namespace // $opt['file'] = cleanID($url); if(!strlen(getNS($opt['file']))) $opt['file'] = $INFO['namespace'].':'.$opt['file']; if (auth_quickaclcheck(getNS($opt['file']).':*') < AUTH_READ) { $renderer->cdata('Access denied to CSV data'); return true; } else { $file = mediaFN($opt['file']); $opt['content'] = io_readFile($file); // if not valid UTF-8 is given we assume ISO-8859-1 if(!utf8_check($opt['content'])) $opt['content'] = utf8_encode($opt['content']); } } // // if nothing there print error message and quit // if(!$opt['content']){ printf("Failed to fetch remote CSV data.\n"); return false; } $content =& $opt['content']; } elseif ($source == 'scrapeUrl') { // // Scrape a Table // $content =& $this->_scrapeTable(strtolower($url), $startMarker, $tableNumber, $dbfile, $disallow, $use, $restrictNames, $caption, $fixTable); if ($content == false) { msg("No data for the requested page of ".$url."\n",-1); return false; } } else { // // Neither is an error // msg("No valid source url provided.\n"); return false; } // // clear any trailing or leading empty lines from the data set // $content = preg_replace("/[\r\n]*$/","",$content); $content = preg_replace("/^\s*[\r\n]*/","",$content); if($content == "") { printf("No csv data found.\n"); return false; } // // get each row // $rows = array(); $maxcol=0; $maxrow=0; while($content != "") { $thisrow = $this->_sqlRaw__csv_explode_row($content,$delim); if($maxcol < count($thisrow)) $maxcol = count($thisrow); array_push($rows, $thisrow); $maxrow++; } // // process headers and determine max field sizes // $row = 1; foreach($rows as $fields) { if ($row === 1) { $colCount=0; foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($restrictNames) $field = str_replace($disallow, $use, $field); $headers[] = strtolower(str_ireplace(' ', '_', $field)); $colCount++; } } else { foreach ($fields as $key=>$value) { if (!isset($max_field_lengths[$key])) $max_field_lengths[$key] = 0; if (strlen($value) > $max_field_lengths[$key]) $max_field_lengths[$key] = strlen($value); if ($max_field_lengths[$key] == 0) $max_field_lengths[$key] = 1; $field++; } } $row++; } // // Set up return data as multidimensional array of headers, data and sizes // $myResult['headers'] = $headers; $myResult['rows'] = $rows; $myResult['lengths'] = $max_field_lengths; return $myResult; } // // Function: scrapeTable // Purpose: Scrape a webpage to obtain only a specific table // Input: // $url - the web page as either a url or a dokuwiki page id // $startMarker - (optional) marker of text to start looking after for the table. // If null it will take the first table, // $tableNumber - (optional) the table number to scrape. // If null it will take the first table, // $dbfile - (optional) A filepath and filename to write the table to as csv. // If null the table is not saved to a file // $specialChars - Character(s) that will not be allowed for column headings // $specialReplace - Character(s) that will replace the corresponding specialChar for column headiings // $restrictNames - Boolean denotes if specialChars will be replaced (1=replace) // Returns: // $csv_data - a string of the table in csv format containing only headings and cell content // false - if a dokuwiki id was supplied and no data was obtained from that page // Notes // function _scrapeTable($url, $startMarker, $tableNumber, $dbfile, $specialChars, $specialReplace, $restrictNames, $caption, $fixTable) { require_once('test2.php'); global $colCount; $csv_data = ''; if(preg_match('/^(http|https)?:\/\//i',$url)){ $raw = file_get_contents($url); } else { $raw = $this->_pullInWikiPage($url); if ($raw == false) return false; } $newlines = array("\t","\n","\r","\x20\x20","\0","\x0B","
"); $spaceCodes = array(" "); $numberStuff = array(",","+"); $numbs = array(",",".","+","-","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"); $content = str_replace($newlines, "", $raw); $content = str_replace($spaceCodes, "_", ($content)); $content = preg_replace("/&#?[a-z0-9]+;/i","",$content); $debug = FALSE; if ($dbfile != '') { $debug = TRUE; $fp = fopen($dbfile, 'w'); } if ($startMarker != '') { // Start looking at the marker $start = strpos($content,$startMarker); $content = substr($content,$start); } $end = 0; for ($x = 1; $x <= $tableNumber; $x++) { // Pull out the table $start = strpos($content,'',$start) + 8; $table = ''; $table = substr($content,$start,$end-$start); } // Get column count and fix any missing s $table = $this->_fixTable($table); // Handle row/col spans and captions if ($fixTable == 1){ $mdTable = table2csv($table,'tom.csv',false, $caption); foreach ($mdTable as $key => $row) { //clean the data array_walk($mdTable[$key], "cleanCell"); if ($debug == TRUE) fputcsv($fp, $mdTable[$key]); $csv_data .= $this->_strputcsv($row, $colCount-1); } } else { // Simple table // Pull out the rows preg_match_all("||U",$table,$rows); $row_index=0; $numHeadings = 0; foreach ($rows[0] as $row){ $newCells = false; if ($row_index!=0 || $caption==0) { if ($restrictNames && ($row_index==0)) // // clean the headings // $row = str_replace($specialChars, $specialReplace, $row); if (strpos($row,'|U",$row,$cells); $newCells = true; } else // // pull out the cells and count the number of them // if ( $numHeadings == 0) { $numHeadings = preg_match_all("||U",$row,$cells); $newCells = true; } if (($row_index == 0) || ($row_index == 1 && $caption==1)) // // the 1st row gives the number of columns // $numCols = $numHeadings; $numCols = $colCount; // // store the cells by [row][cell] after you clean it // if ($newCells === true) { $cell_index=0; foreach ($cells[0] as $cell) { $test = strip_tags(trim(str_replace($numbs, "", $cell))); if (strlen($test)==0) // // if all number remove extraneous characters ('+', ',') // $cell = str_replace($numberStuff, '', $cell); // // strip html and php tags // (Test for table error of too many cells) if ($cell_index < $numHeadings) { $mycells[$row_index][$cell_index] = trim(strip_tags($cell)); ++$cell_index; } } } if ($mycells[$row_index] != '') { if ($debug == TRUE) fputcsv($fp, $mycells[$row_index]); $csv_data .= $this->_strputcsv($mycells[$row_index], $numCols-1); } } // // repeat for each row // ++$row_index; } if ($debug == TRUE) fclose($fp); } $csv_data = strip_tags($csv_data); $csv_data = ltrim($csv_data, " ,"); return $csv_data; } // // The rest are helper functions // // // Function: fixTable // Purpose: Correct errors in table if possible // Input: // $tableIn - input table // Returns: // $tableIn - fixed table // function _fixTable ($tableIn) { global $colCount; $tempColCount = 0; $colCount = 0; // Add missing s $length = strlen ($tableIn); $pos = 0; while($pos <= $length-1) { $tdPosOpen = stripos($tableIn, '',$tdPosOpen+4); $tdPosOpenNext = stripos($tableIn, '', $tdPosOpenNext-1, 0); $length += 5; } $pos = $tdPosClose+5; } } // Get the column count // we have to iterate through the rows and pull out the max found $html = str_get_html(trim($tableIn)); foreach ($html->find('tr') as $element) { $tempColCount = 0; foreach ($element->find('th') as $cell) { $tempColCount++; } if ($tempColCount > $colCount) $colCount = $tempColCount; } return $tableIn; } // // Function: pullInWikiPage // Purpose: Read a dokuwiki page // Input: // $dokuPageId - the dokuwiki page id // Returns: // $html - the rendered html for the page // function _pullInWikiPage ($dokuPageId) { $file = wikiFN($dokuPageId); $data = io_readWikiPage($file, $dokuPageId, $rev=false); $html = p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions($data),$info); return $html; } // // Function: propertyRaw // Purpose: search a string for the parameter value // Input: // $prop - the parameter name // $xml - the string to search // Returns: // $match - the matched parameter value // false - on no match found // Notes // It will attempt the search looking for single or double quotes // surrounding the parameter value // function _propertyRaw($prop, $xml) { $pattern = $prop ."='([^']*)'"; if (ereg($pattern, $xml, $matches)) return $matches[1]; $pattern = $prop .'="([^"]*)"'; if (ereg($pattern, $xml, $matches)) return $matches[1]; return FALSE; } // // Function: strputcsv // Purpose: converts array elements into a csv string // Input: // $fields - array of elements // $numheadings - number of column headings // $delimiter - (optional) the delimiter to use. Defaults to a comma. // $enclosure - (optional) the enclosure character to use. Defaults to a double quote. // Returns: // $csvline - the csv string // function _strputcsv($fields = array(), $numheadings, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"') { $i = 0; $csvline = ''; $escape_char = '\\'; $field_cnt = count($fields)-1; $enc_is_quote = in_array($enclosure, array('"',"'")); reset($fields); foreach( $fields AS $field ) { /* enclose a field that contains a delimiter, an enclosure character, or a newline */ if( is_string($field) && ( strpos($field, $delimiter)!==false || strpos($field, $enclosure)!==false || strpos($field, $escape_char)!==false || strpos($field, "\n")!==false || strpos($field, "\r")!==false || strpos($field, "\t")!==false || strpos($field, ' ')!==false ) ) { $field_len = strlen($field); $escaped = 0; $csvline .= $enclosure; for( $ch = 0; $ch < $field_len; $ch++ ) { if( $field[$ch] == $escape_char && $field[$ch+1] == $enclosure && $enc_is_quote ) { continue; }elseif( $field[$ch] == $escape_char ) { $escaped = 1; }elseif( !$escaped && $field[$ch] == $enclosure ) { $csvline .= $enclosure; }else{ $escaped = 0; } $csvline .= $field[$ch]; } $csvline .= $enclosure; } else { $csvline .= $field; } if( $i++ != $field_cnt ) { $csvline .= $delimiter; } } if ($field_cnt < $numheadings) { for ($i=$field_cnt+1; $i<=$numheadings; $i++) { $csvline .= $delimiter; } } $csvline .= "\n"; return $csvline; } // // Function: sqlRaw__csv_explode_row // Purpose: Explode CSV string, consuming it as we go // History: // Dokuwiki CSV Plugin function csv_explode_row // Author: // Steven Danz // Andreas Gohr // Jerry G. Geiger // Input: // $database - database identifier // Returns: // $out - an array of the csv string elements // Notes: // Careful, there could be both embedded newlines, commas and quotes // One thing to remember is that a row must end with a newline // RFC 4180 claims that a CSV is allowed to have a cell enclosed in "" // that embeds a newline. Convert those newlines to \\ (trying to keep // to the DokuWiki syntax) which we will key off of later in render() // as an embedded newline. function _sqlRaw__csv_explode_row(&$str, $delim = ',', $qual = "\"") { $len = strlen($str); $inside = false; $word = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $next = $i+1; if ($str[$i]==$delim && !$inside) { $out[] = $word; $word = ''; } elseif ($str[$i] == $qual && (!$inside || $next == $len || $str[$next] == $delim || $str[$next] == "\r" || $str[$next] == "\n")) { $inside = !$inside; } elseif ($str[$i] == $qual && $next != $len && $str[$next] == $qual) { $word .= $str[$i]; $i++; } elseif ($str[$i] == "\n") { if ($inside) { $word .= '\\\\'; } else { $str = substr($str, $next); $out[] = $word; return $out; } } else { $word .= $str[$i]; } } $str = substr($str, $next); $out[] = $word; return $out; } // // Function: sqlRaw__drop_temp_db // Purpose: Drop a temporary database table // Input: // $database - database identifier // Returns: // true on success // false on error // function _sqlRaw__drop_temp_db($database, &$renderer) { $table = 'temptable'; $query = 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS '.$table; $result =& $database->query ($query); if (DB::isError ($result)) { $renderer->doc .= '
DROP TABLE failed for query: '. $query .'the error: '. $result->getMessage() .'
'; $db->disconnect(); return false; } return true; } // // Function: sqlRaw__create_temp_db // Purpose: Create a temporary database table // Input: // $database - database identifier // $headers - array of column headings // $rows - array of data records // $max_field_lengths - array of maximum field sizes // Returns: // true on success // false on error // function _sqlRaw__create_temp_db($database, $headers, $rows, $max_field_lengths, &$renderer) { global $colCount; global $db; $badChars = array(".", ":", "-","/"); $table = 'temptable'; // Create the table $query = 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE '.$table . ' ('; foreach ($headers as $key=>$header) { if ($header != "") $query .= str_replace($badChars,'_',trim($header)).' VARCHAR('.$max_field_lengths[$key].'), '; } $query = rtrim($query,', '); $query .= ') DEFAULT CHARACTER SET \'utf8\''; $result =& $database->query ($query); if (DB::isError ($result)) { $renderer->doc .= '
CREATE TABLE failed for query: '. $query .'the error: '. $result->getMessage() .'
'; return false; } // Insert the records $row = 1; foreach($rows as $fields) { if ($row !== 1) { if ($this->caption==0 || ($this->caption==1 && $row > 2)) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` VALUES('; $col_index=0; foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($col_index < $colCount) { $sql .= '\''.$database->escapeSimple($field).'\', '; $col_index++ ; } } $sql = rtrim($sql, ', '); $sql .= ');'; $result =& $database->query ($sql); if (DB::isError ($result)) { $renderer->doc .= '
INSERT INTO TABLE failed for query: '. $sql .'the error: '. $result->getMessage() .'
'; $db->disconnect(); return false; } } } $row++; } return true; } }