* Requirments 1. Sphinx Search (www.sphinxsearch.com) 2. SQLite (Plus the PHP SQLite extension. It is enabled by default as of PHP 5.) * Installation 1. Download latest sphinxsearch plugin package and unpack it into lib/plugins direcotory of your DokuWiki installation. 2. Run Sphinx Search indexer to index your DokuWiki data for the first time. Note: you have to run it from lib/plugins/sphinxsearch directory. e.g.: $cd {Your_DokuWiki_Path}/lib/plugins/sphinxsearch $indexer -c sphinx.conf dk_main 3. After indexer completes it's job, run searchd, e.g.: $searchd -c sphinx.conf By default searchd port is 3313, so make sure this port is free (if you have sphinx on other port, see #6). 4. Change the {Your_DokuWiki_Path}/tpl/default/main.php - locate the "tpl_searchform()" php function and replace it with "action_plugin_sphinxsearch::searchform()". 5. To have your search results up-to-date, setup cronjob to periodically re-index your DokuWiki files, e.g.: 1 10 * * * root {Your_DokuWiki_Path}/lib/plugin/sphinxsearch/indexer.php 6. You can fine-tune the search behavior by editing the configuration file conf/default.php * Troubleshooting 1. PHP allocate memory problem. This is solved by increasing PHP memory limit - you can use one of the following ways: a) through php.ini memory_limit = 1024M b) through php script ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M'); c) through .htaccess file php_value memory_limit "1024M"